Late Night Tales Of The Capital

Chapter 150 - I'm Your Boss

Chapter 150 - I'm Your Boss

Chapter 150 I’m Your Boss
This very night, Qian Shuhua held Red Bean back and drank throughout the night.

Ye Que could no longer remember how much they actually drank, but he knew that they had made many trips bringing down empty jars of apricot flower wine and replacing them with full ones. Eventually, when both ladies were sufficiently high, they began talking about everything and anything. Qian Shuhua told Red Bean about many disgraceful things that happened to her when she was young, and Red Bean told about a certain nation at the South Sea, where many pink flowers would blossom on the sea bed in spring.

Qian Shuxiao sat on the rooftop and told Ye Que truthfully about the incidents and changes experienced by the Divine Sect Seminary during his absence. He also gave Ye Que a small grey booklet in which he had recorded a few secret plans he had made for the sect.

He had purchased hundreds of properties under the name of the Divine Sect in the capital, nine cities and 16 prefectures.

213 official disciples of the sect were now roaming the world, after mastering the cultivation technique created by Ye Que.

The Divine Sect already had tens of thousands of registered students, and thousands of them could already sense the channeling of Nature’s Laws and had stepped on the path of cultivation.

A sudden change was happening to the civilians of Luoyang.

After keeping Ye Que updated, Qian Shuxiao entered the royal palace during the night.

The post of Palace Attendant was promised by the Crown Prince for the Qian family’s third generation heir. To ensure that the Crown Prince could successfully be coronated, the Qian family had poured everything in, nearly spending half of their assets.

At the very same night, Ye Que summoned Chu Dongnan, who remained behind in the seminary, to an isolated room after sending Qian Shuxiao away. Both of them chatted in the room for two whole hours, after which, Chu Dongnan left Luoyang in the night and traveled north.

After leaving Luoyang, Chu Dongnan’s aura grew extremely strange. The Divine Book technique that he learned seemed to have completely vanished overnight and was unexpectedly replaced by another form of energy. It was extremely weird and profound.

It grew bright gradually.

The two ladies on the roof had not came down during this time. They should have fallen asleep on the roof, or perhaps they were drunk.

The emerging sun appeared a little white underneath, and people began walking across Yong’an Street toward the Divine Sect Seminary. At first, there were only a few scattered people, but as the skies grew brighter, more people arrived. In the short span of an hour, the entire exterior area of the seminary was full of people. The queue snaked all the way to the Bridge of Long Life, and there were at least a few thousand people in the queue.

When the first ray of sunlight fell on the roof of the seminary, all of its doors opened. Dozens of doors belonging to shops which stretched for hundreds of meters on both sides of Yong’an Street opened, but there was nobody behind them.

Even though the Divine Sect Seminary had amazed everyone, this magical scene was still a little surprising for the onlookers.

When Qian Shuxiao was around, he took charge of instructing the disciples of the seminary in the method of cultivation every morning, and he demonstrated a few basic breathing techniques. Sometimes, he would teach them sets of comparably simple boxing and sword techniques. Now that he had gone to the royal palace, naturally Ye Que was the one who would take his place.

Come to think of it, Ye Que was the leader of the Divine Sect Seminary.

Even though he was a very irresponsible one.

Dressed completely in white, Ye Que stood on the demonstration platform on the first storey and looked downward with an energetic gaze.

He took in a deep breath before saying, “I’m Ye Que. Many of you may not recognize me, but it’s fine. Soon, all of you will get to know me, and from today onward, all demonstrations in the seminary will be in charge by me.”

“Perhaps, all of you will say, who am I? What right does an immature brat have to instruct us? What right do you have?” Ye Que said calmly. “It’s very normal to think like that. If I were you, I would also have the same thoughts, and perhaps, they would be even more intense than yours.”

“However, I can tell you very confidently that I have the right. This is because the Divine Sect techniques that all of you have been practicing were created by me. If you want to ask me who am I? I can only reply that here, in the Divine Sect Seminary…”


Ye Que pointed to himself.

“I’m your boss, and the sect leader of the Divine Sect Seminary.”

His words stirred up a huge wave of emotions. Nearly all of the people who had come so early to the seminary to train were loyal students, and naturally they were very clear on the matters of the seminary. When Ye Que left Luoyang, he had only appeared in the seminary only once before, on its opening day. Then, there were only a handful of attendees, and even less heard about his demonstration. Most of those who came later after hearing about the seminary’s reputation only saw Qian Shuxiao, however.

No matter whether it was the teaching of techniques or lecturing on cultivation, Qian Shuxiao took complete charge of them. Sometimes, the more senior disciples like Chu Dongnan would assist him, but no one ever saw Ye Que appear.

Even though Qian Shuxiao had been calling himself as the First Elder of the seminary, he was the Sect Leader and the boss in everyone’s minds.

Now, someone had suddenly appeared and stood before everyone, claiming that he was the leader of the Divine Sect Seminary and their boss. Most importantly, he was still a youth, a youth who still could not grow a beard!

It was hard to convince everyone of this status.

A fantasy.

No one spoke, and no one replied. Most of the people who had arrived were from the bottom class of Luoyang’s civilian population. It was free to train in the seminary. Firstly, it did not collect any fees, secondly, it did not force them to kill or commit crimes, and lastly, it did not restrict their personal freedoms.

What did they have to be unsatisfied about?

However, the distrust in their eyes was unconcealable.

Naturally, Ye Que had observed this, but he did not explain himself. There was no need to; one had to show one’s own ability to become a boss, no matter the moment.

He channeled the Divine Energy Gold Python in his spiritual sea and let the aura of his Divine Book Technique envelop the entire area. The people did not have to speak and could immediately sense just by spiritual connection alone that the youth on the platform did not change in the least bit, but his aura had undergone a drastic transformation.

“The laws of Nature emphasize going with the flow of things. Water flows East and rowing with the tide will help you save energy. Going against the flow will cause you to retreat instead of advance…”

The trip to the Imperial Mausoleum had increased Ye Que’s level greatly and gave him a deeper understanding of the Divine Book. Naturally, he had more insight into the Divine Book Technique he created originally, and he had already begun to continue refining it.

The Divine Book that Ye Que was learning demanded a lot of its practitioners’ talent and even more of his or her powers of comprehension. If Ye Que did not possess the combined potential of two lifetimes, he would probably not even have gained a fundamental understanding of the book. Furthermore, there was only one copy of it that existed in this world, and no one knew if future advancement of the technique depended on the assistance of the Divine Book.

As such, the techniques that Ye Que himself practiced were not suitable for these disciples.

Ye Que and Qian Shuxiao’s original intention was to design a set of cultivation method for Divine Sect Seminary students that was the simplest, practical and comprehensive. Also, Ye Que himself had begun to practice it himself, and it now looked like the effects were rather good. At the very least, no one underwent energy deviation when learning the technique that he created.

“Just now, I explained the entry level cultivation technique to everyone. I’ll name it as the ‘First Stage of the Divine Sect’.” Since it was a set of cultivation technique that he spent much effort to create, naturally he had to give it a name. Previously, he had not done so because he was in a hurry to reach the Imperial Mausoleum. It just happened that he had time on his hands last night and decided on the name of “First Stage of the Divine Sect” with Qian Shuxiao.

The “First Stage of the Divine Sect” was meant for entry level use and could help ordinary people reach the Pre-celestial Realm. It could be considered as a top level secret manual if released to Jianghu. The goal of ordinary Rank Nine martial artists was to reach this realm, and as such, during this period of time, even the disciples of martial arts sects, aside from ordinary civilians, came forth to learn it after hearing about its reputation. To them, it was the first time they had heard of such a method of teaching, which completely did not ask for anything in return.

This was a great deal that had just fallen into their lap.

Both Ye Que and Qian Shuxiao did not restrict them from coming. Since they had claimed that everyone could learn their methods, and had an equal chance to change their fate, naturally, they would not treat anyone differently.

Of course, the fame of the Divine Sect had just recently been spread among civilians, and did not cause a stir in the Cultivation World. Which cultivation sect did not have an entry level technique that allowed its disciples to reach Pre-celestial Realm?

Who cared?

However, the only difference was that the First Stage of the Divine Sect was not concerned about the practitioner’s aptitude. As long as one spent the effort to comprehend it and trained hard, at the very least, one would be able to sense the existence of Nature’s Spiritual Force. The only difference was how much one could sense.

In the short span of an hour, the First Realm of the Divine Sect gradually arrived with Ye Que’s lecture.

Those that who had difficulties in understanding and comprehension were suddenly enlightened.josei

Everyone present began to change their view of Ye Que somewhat; they were beginning to revere him. He was teaching them the same “First Stage of the Divine Sect” technique, yet there was such a great difference when Ye Que spoke about it. The difference was vast.

“Looks like this youth could really be the creator of the technique. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to lecture about it in such great detail.”

“He can speak about it really well. Before, I had certain parts about the technique that I couldn’t understand, but now I understand perfectly well.”

“He is a Master. Otherwise, why would he dare claim to be our boss? No one would do that without some actual skill.”

Ye Que’s expression remained completely unchanged as he listened to the soft discussions happening below. He continued to behave calmly. “Today’s lesson will end here. We’ll continue tomorrow, and if anyone still has any doubts, you can stay back later for a personal explanation.”

Ye Que gave an official disciple who was standing below the platform a signal after speaking. “The purpose of learning this technique is to strengthen one’s body, but Cultivators have a responsibility to rid the world of demons and devils. It’s not our intention for anyone of you to only be able to cultivate your skills, but be incapable of using them in reality. As such, from now on, the seminary will teach you how to fight.”

“Today, we’ll begin with saber technique.”

“I call it ‘The Three Basic Sabers’.”

“First Mountain Splitting Saber.”

“Second Water Splitting Saber.”

“Third Heaven Splitting Saber.”

Ye Que lifted his hand and made a gentle hooking motion as he spoke. A saber flew into his hand, and he generated the force capable of splitting a mountain in two with one stroke. A great force was condensed on the blade of the saber, and he moved it very slowly so that everyone could see its movements clearly. The goal of his stroke was extremely intense, however. After completing his stroke, he shifted the blade and made a horizontal slash. The energy from his saber transformed into an arc, and it split a stream of water in two. Before the stroke was finished, he had already leaped into the air. The third stroke was a slashing motion strong enough to split the heavens into two.

The Three Entry Level Saber Strokes originated from the Nine Entry Level Sword Strokes of Qingqiu Sword Sect. Ye Que had refined and condensed them, and they seemed simple, but one would have to put in great effort to master them. It was his first assignment for these students, and also a test of their character.

After his demonstration, the surrounding turned completely silent.

However, a flurry of noisy footsteps suddenly came from behind the doors. Dozens of soldiers dressed in military official’s garb pushed the crowd aside and walked into the seminary.

“Who’s Ye Que?”

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