Late Night Tales Of The Capital

Chapter 155 - A Victorious War

Chapter 155 - A Victorious War

Chapter 155 A Victorious War
Serenity Palace, the imperial palace of Tang State.

Li Chunzhi sat upright on the wooden bench with Huang Shan standing beside him. The servants inside the hall had been excused.

“Your Majesty, it’s indeed a wise idea to have our citizens learn cultivation but a faraway well can’t cure our current thirst. You Prefecture has declared itself a state without permission and created mountains of dead bodies everywhere. The Cultivation World is under attack and experiences a constant internal turmoil. The Immemorial Copper Gates have been opened, smoke signals have risen throughout the four thousand kilometers of the west border, and six states have declared war against us. We should prepare and plan ahead of time or our Tang State will fall to a state of peril,” Huang Shan said in a deeply worried voice and a solemn expression.

“Then do you have a plan in mind?” Li Chunzhi asked.

“The incident in the You Prefecture is a known fact. Moreover, the prefecture is relying on the Devil Seeds for defensive support. Our court can’t send reinforcements to aid the orthodox sects in quelling their internal unrest; we can only hope for them to deal with this themselves. Not only are we unable to dispatch our troops, but we need them to put an end to their internal disorder as soon as possible and join us in the north to resist the devils’ invasion. I’m certain that You Prefecture isn’t the devils’ ultimate goal.”

Huang Shan glanced at Li Chunzhi and found that the latter was listening attentively to him. He continued, “The opening of the Immemorial Copper Gates means that large volumes of demon troops will show up soon. But we’ve heard no news yet. We should investigate and pay close attention to this. However, what’s paramount is the invasion of the six states.”

“This is a conflict brewing right under our noses. Besides Liang State, all the states along the west border are attacking us. We should send reinforcements immediately to prevent a breach in our border,” Huang Shan said, his voice sonorous yet powerful.

Li Chunzhi contemplated this briefly. “Defense alone won’t solve our problems. It’ll only pile up the pressure.”

Huang Shan lowered his head. “Marriage alliances, then. We can choose to deal with the six states through marriage alliances.”

Li Chunzhi’s brows furrowed. “You want a Princess of the Tang State to lower herself and marry into the six barbarian states of the west?”

Huang Shan kept his head lowered. In a quiet voice, he said, “Many ways have been employed to avert wars since ancient times. Marriage alliances are surely the gentlest approach. In a political marriage, the concept of marrying beneath oneself doesn’t exist. The ladies of our Tang State are reasonable. They’ll surely understand your dilemma.”



“We’re talking about the six barbarian states of the west. How many Princesses does Imperial Father have? How many daughters do I have? Am I supposed to marry Jianqi off?” Li Chunzhi’s voice slowly turned icy. “Since when have Tang State become so cowardly as to surrender before the war?”

“Your Majesty, now isn’t the time to let emotions affect your decision. We’re surrounded by enemies by all sides,” Huang Shan said earnestly. “Marriage alliances aren’t an embarrassment. It’s just a political marriage, a common foreign policy. Which Emperor of the Tang State hadn’t arranged for a marriage alliance?”

Li Chunzhi didn’t reply. His expression was terribly cold.

A long time passed.

Li Chunzhi said serenely, “Foreign policy is built on the military force as a foundation. If we seek out a marriage alliance before even going to war, we’ll only empower our enemy to be more unbridled. Even if we’ll deal with the six barbarian states of the west with marriage alliances, what about the Devil Race in You Prefecture? The Demon Race waiting behind the Immemorial Copper Gates? Do we also seek out marriage alliances with them?”

“Even if we’re willing to, will the devils and demons? Will our princesses agree?”

“If we retreat one-sidedly, we’ll only draw the contempt of our enemy and permit them to do even worse.”

Huang Shan was alarmed after hearing Li Chunzhi’s words. “Your Majesty, do you mean to…?”

Li Chunzhi abruptly clapped on the wooden bench. His gaze turned cruel and vicious. “We’ll fight a victorious war.”

“We must first fight a victorious war.”

“We’ll slaughter the first of the six barbarian states of the west that infringes on our border. We must destroy them and strike fear into the smaller sects in the periphery. We must show them that whoever dares to invade Tang State will be plunged into hell.”

“Tang State is a country built on our martial prowess. Naturally, we’ll use our military force to reinforce our authority. There’s no other way.”

A fire began raging in Huang Shan’s heart as he listened to Li Chunzhi’s rousing words. This was the Emperor that he served. This was the disposition that an Emperor should have!

A true Emperor would be able to remain calm no matter how grave the circumstances were and find the most upright approach.josei

A true Emperor would be able to lead his citizens through the fog.

“Western Xia is the first country to infringe on our border. Kelieruo led 30,000 Tangut soldiers across the Mouth of Wolves of the Wind.” Huang Shan wasn’t a Chief Councillor of the Grand Council for nothing. Nearly every bit of information in the country would ultimately end up at his desk. His task involved sorting out the most crucial information in the shortest time possible and reporting it to the Emperor at any time.

“Very well. Then let’s begin with Tanguts. I don’t want even one person escape the Mouth of Wolves of the Wind. Since they’ve sent 30,000 of their men here, I want them to pay the price in blood.” Li Chunzhi instantly determined the crux of the plan. “I don’t need any captives from Western Xia. We’ll bury these 30,000 soldiers as a showcase of our power.”

He then contemplated for a brief moment before adding, “Inform all our resident soldiers and prepare all of them for war. Gather all soldiers from the capital, the nine cities and sixteen prefectures and prepare them to fight at any time. The six prefectures in the southeast will pay for the funds and provisions for the troops. Jiangzhe County will gather the donations. I have a feeling that Western Xia is just the beginning. We must make sufficient preparations for the worst-case scenario.”

“What about your enthronement ceremony?” Huang Shan suddenly asked. This was the most crucial problem for Li Chunzhi.

“I don’t have time to worry about impractical stuff like that now.” Li Chunzhi frowned. “We can just announce it at the sacrificial ceremony for the fallen soldiers. Desperate times call for desperate measures. What’s paramount is the affairs of the nation.”

The negotiation continued in the Serenity Palace.

Unexpectedly, a mist began to slowly envelop the palace. It was early evening and yet the sky was beginning to darken.

When one looked up, one would see layers upon layers of cumulus clouds converging. It was as if a storm was fermenting inside the skydome.

Of course, Li Jianqi had no idea that her country was being besieged from all sides. Her thoughts were occupied with finding rare playthings in the imperial palace. Having been brought to the temple as an infant, she had never been here before. It wasn’t until her father prevailed over all of his siblings to become the heir of the Emperor that an illegitimate daughter like her could openly step inside the palace.

Of course, no one would ever question her again no matter where she chose to go.

They neither dared nor needed to.

She could go wherever she wanted, be it the throne room, the main halls, or anywhere she could think of.

“Ye Que, don’t be courteous with me. Just tell me if you’re interested in anything in this massive palace. I’ll give it to you,” Li Jianqi said valiantly while flailing her hands.

“Shouldn’t it be your father giving it to me?” Ye Que retorted casually.

“It’s the same! But I’m the key here. You won’t be able to come here without me,” Li Jianqi said in dissatisfaction. “But that’s not important. You need to grasp the main point.”


“We must find the treasures as soon as possible!”

“I’ll have you know that this palace is truly massive. If we don’t hurry up and continue at this slow pace, we won’t even finish touring the palace the next morning. My father said that his promise only lasts today. We must make haste!” Li Jianqi looked like she was on a treasure hunt.

“These things belong to your family, don’t they? What does it matter when do you take them?” Ye Que asked doubtfully.

“What do you mean, belong to my family? These belong to the palace.” Li Jianqi gave him a look that said you-really-don’t-know-anything. She pointed to herself and said, “I’m at most a Princess in the future. These things would never end up in my hands no matter what. If I don’t make good use of this rare opportunity to grab someone, wouldn’t that make me an idiot?”

Li Jianqi licked her lips as she spoke. “Whatever the case, we must get at least ten or so Spirit Swords. You don’t know this, do you? Ever since I absorbed the Great Ancestor’s Battle Soul, I feel starved every day. It’s been so long since I last ate a treasure on the level of a Spirit Sword.”

“Can swords be eaten?”

Ye Que said awkwardly, “You can’t keep eating swords. That’s… uh…”

He thought for a long time before saying, “Unhealthy.”


Li Jianqi reacted as if she had heard a joke. “You know nothing! I’ll be truly unhealthy if I don’t eat swords!”

“Save the nonsense. Hurry and come with me.”

Without waiting for an explanation from Ye Que, Li Jianqi dragged him along on an adventure around the palace.

They went from the Serenity Palace to the throne room, where Li Jianqi carefully searched the palace. She also sat on the Dragon Throne but fortunately for her, no one else saw her. Then, they left for the Eternal Peace Hall, the imperial kitchen, and Hall of Elixirs.

She searched as she went. Aside from several pills with a little spirit energy in them, there wasn’t anything that a cultivator would pay attention to. Most of them were treasures of the mundane world.

“This shouldn’t be happening!”

Li Jianqi mumbled to herself as she walked. “This is the palace! Why can’t we find even one Spirit Sword? Isn’t the so-called Divine Capital? Isn’t this most mysterious, monied, and authoritative place in the world?”

“Did they hide the items?” An idea popped inside Li Jianqi’s mind. “Father can’t be that miserly, can he? He won’t go back on his word with just a petty tactic right?”

“I don’t think so. Father doesn’t look like he cares for mundane objects.”

“Ye Que, don’t just look. Find something. Tell me if you see anything that you like.”

“This is our only chance, you know.”

Li Jianqi was beginning to feel discouraged.

Naturally, Ye Que wouldn’t entertain the same thoughts as Li Jianqi. He didn’t have the mood either. This was just a palace of the Human World, not the Hall of Immortals in the Celestial World. What good things could they find here? Gold and money? Never mind Li Jianqi, not even Ye Que was interested in those.

Neither of them was short of money now. The concept of poverty was completely foreign to Li Jianqi while Ye Que had Qian Shuxiao backing him. The Qian family had riches that rivaled an entire nation. What would they need money for?

Ye Que even yawned and stretched his back muscles. He exhaled and looked up at the sky. “Jianqi, it’s getting late. Why don’t we do this another time?”

Li Jianqi gave him a strange look. “Aren’t you looking anymore? Who knows, you may find treasures if you look harder.”

“You make it sound so easy. Treasures come to you by fate. If you’re not fated, you won’t even notice it even if it’s right under your nose. If you’re fated, you’ll meet it even if you’re five thousand kilometers apart,” Ye Que said sagely.

“Forget it. Even if you want it, I won’t give it to you anymore.” Li Jianqi pouted. Unexpectedly, she was a little upset.

Ye Que shook his head in silence and then headed straight for the palace doors. He hadn’t taken a few steps before he returned to her. “How do I get out of here?”

Li Jianqi stared at him. “Find your own way out!”

She was trying to make things difficult for Ye Que, but little did she expect that Ye Que’s expression shifted drastically the moment she spoke. With a bewildered expression, he turned around and walked toward a palace hall. It was a building with grey tiles and a red roof. The faint fragrance of incense was wafting from the massive censer in front of the hall.

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