Law of Space and Time

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Finger of Destruction

Erwin had naturally heard what Aglea had just said, but there was nothing he could do about this sudden turn of events. Just like Lana and Onean, he was no match for Aglea, so he could only submit to her will.

Looks like I can only rely on myself here, Erwin thought to himself. I expended some magic power during the matches today, but I should have no problem against a little girl like her.

Yuho was watching from the second floor, and at this point, he had naturally also realized that someone was trying to assassinate Erwin. Thus, he immediately leaped down from the second floor so he could rush to Erwin's aid.

However, Aglea sent Renjay's dagger, which had fallen onto the floor, flying directly toward him with a flick of her finger.

While Yuho's body was still falling through the air, the dagger smashed through his shin bone before nailing his entire body upside-down against the decorative floral basket behind the counter. As a result, Yuho was made to resemble a piece of wall decoration, and he immediately let loose a bloodcurdling howl.

Faya screamed as she heard Yuho's agonized howl, and she quickly ran down from the second floor.

Poor Yuho had only just recovered from the wound sustained from Renjay's arrow, and now, his leg was completely broken.

However, Erwin didn't have the spare capacity to look out for Yuho. He raised his hand and conjured up a miniature light shield on his palm before reaching out toward the oncoming blades.

As soon as he clashed with Yunan, he immediately came to the alarming realization that he had underestimated her.

The power coming from her two blades was proving to be quite difficult for him to handle.

Yunan's eyes also widened in surprise, seemingly shocked by the fact that her blades had been stopped cold in their tracks by the flimsy-looking light shield.

She couldn't even tell where all of the power she had imbued into her attack had gone.

Yunan didn't dwell on the fact that her attack had been thwarted as she abruptly swiveled around before lashing out at Erwin's throat.

Erwin didn't dare to engage in close-quarters combat with her any further, and opened up some distance between them with his space split technique before flicking his fingers through the air in rapid succession, unleashing a barrage of instant-release spells.

The hall of the hotel wasn't very large, and the barrage of instant-release spells was like a fireworks display, forcing everyone to shield their eyes.

Even though Yunan was sufficiently fast and agile to evade many of the spells, she was still struck a few times, and the places where she had been struck were all quite... interesting.josei

A series of small holes were torn into the tight material covering her chest and legs, following which these small holes joined together to form collective large holes, thereby completely exposing the skin in those sensitive regions.

Given Erwin's past history, even if he were to tell the other women present that he hadn't done this on purpose, none of them would've believed him anyway.

Unfortunately, the revealed skin on Yunan's body wasn't smooth or delicate. Instead, it was riddled with countless scars of different lengths and sizes, striking the beholder with a sense of pity and revulsion. It was clear that Renjay was a strong advocate of tough love in his training.

Despite the rather embarrassing state that she was in, Yunan remained completely unfazed, and her expression didn't change in the slightest.

She dusted off the charred ashes on her body, then lunged forward before leaping up into the air, arriving directly above Erwin in the blink of an eye.

"Heavenly Moonheart!" she yelled as she plunged down from the heavens in freefall.

"Oh, what an impressive technique!" Even Aglea couldn't help but praise this killing technique.

If Renjay had been present to hear this, he would've definitely been moved to the point of tears.

Erwin had been present when Renjay had used this move on Onean in their duel, so he had already witnessed it once before and knew what to expect.

He looked up at the pair of daggers falling toward him, and it seemed that they possed the power to slice this entire world open.

Every single one of the 13 Godkiller Techniques struck the light shield with devastating power, while Erwin looked on with bloodshot eyes from inside the light shield with his hair dancing wildly all around him, looking much like a frenzied lion.

Onean and Lana exchanged a glance, and both of them could see their own concern mirrored in one another's eyes. Never did they think that this little girl would be able to push Erwin this far.

"You two better not try any funny business," Aglea said as she instantly arrived behind the two of them, then wound her arms around their waists.

Onean and Lana were shocked to discover that in this instant, they were unable to sense any elemental matter in the surrounding area. As a result, despite the fact that they were both powerful magicians, they were both rendered completely powerless.

Lana turned around to stare at Aglea with a stunned expression. She always felt like Aglea had become far more powerful ever since she recovered her memories. She couldn't understand how Aglea had seemingly isolated them from the rest of the world in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Lana and Onean were enveloped within a cloud of faint azure mist that rendered them completely powerless, and they could only look on with concerned expressions as Erwin was forced to fend for himself.

As for Theresa, she had already slumped back onto a chair, and sweat was sliding down her forehead profusely. However, no matter how hard she tried, she was unable to undo the restrictions that Aglea had placed upon her body. At this moment, she was like a ball of stagnant and inanimate elemental matter.

Meanwhile, Erwin was standing within his light shield, feeling the violent energy surge throughout his body. It had been a very long time since he had experienced this feeling of being pushed near the brink of death, and he was even beginning to miss this feeling a little. He couldn't help but think back to his battle against Talan on the beach of the Joffen Sea, where he had only managed to cheat death by a hair's breadth.

Outside the light shield, the light gradually began to dim, and in that instant, it was as if the entire world had fallen silent.

All of the matter energy that was crushing him from all directions had gathered at his fingertip.

For the first time in the battle, a hint of panic surfaced in Yunan's eyes.

"Finger of Destruction," Erwin said in a cold and alien voice, and his eyes were completely devoid of emotion.

Onean's heart jolted slightly upon seeing this. She had seen this version of Erwin before, back on that night when he had unleashed his two new moons for the first time. Just like on that occasion, he was so unfamiliar and eerie, almost as if he had come from another world.

Even though Lana was missing most of her memories, she instinctively felt like she had seen this expression on Erwin's face before, and for some reason, her heart began to throb with pain and sympathy for him.

As for Aglea, she was watching the unfolding situation with complex emotions in her eyes, and she was even more looking forward to facing Erwin in battle now.

However, she wasn't planning to just allow Erwin to take Yunan's life.

Thus, she also raised a finger, sending a burst of sword energy in the form of a blue python hurtling directly toward Erwin's Finger of Destruction.

This was the very same attack that she had used to unleash that giant blue serpent into the heavens above Finklan.

However, Erwin's attack proved to be slightly faster in the end. Even though most of the chaotic light unleashed by his finger was devoured by the blue python, a small ray of it still managed to pierce through Yunan's stomach.

Thankfully, most of the energy imbued within the Finger of Destruction had been whittled away by Aglea's sword energy, so even though this was still a very severe wound, it wasn't enough to take Yunan's life.

Erwin turned around to aim a vicious glare at Aglea, then suddenly returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

As for Aglea, she wasn't even looking at him. Instead, she was examining her own finger with a rather perplexed expression. In the past, she had always taken pleasure in killing, so why was it that she had suddenly developed the bad habit of saving people?

Yunan clasped a hand over the wound on her belly, then struggled to her feet with tightly gritted teeth. At this point, her lips were already completely drained of color.

She was holding onto both of her blades with one hand, leaving a trail of blood behind her as she trudged arduously toward the entrance of the hotel, and Aglea couldn't help but be impressed by her resilience.

"You're not going to thank me for saving your life before you leave?" Aglea asked with a faint smile.

"You didn't save me out of the kindness of your heart. Instead, you must have some type of self-serving objective, so why should I thank you?" Yunan asked in a calm voice.

"Ha, you're an interesting little girl," Aglea chuckled. "I only saved you because the last attack you unleashed reminded me of someone I know. Who is Renjay to you?"

Yunan wasn't expecting this masked woman to be an acquaintance of her master's, and she faltered slightly before replying, "He was my master, but he's already dead now, and they were the ones who killed him."

Yunan said as she gestured toward Erwin and Onean.

"So you want to kill him in order to avenge your father?" Aglea asked.

Yunan shook her head in response. "My master didn't ask me to avenge him, he only told me to kill that man. He told me that I won't be able to live if I don't kill him. My master has never been wrong, and I don't want to die, so I have no choice but to kill him."

Aglea didn't know any of the circumstances involved, but after hearing this reply, she became even more intrigued and amused by Yunan. She seemed a little simple-minded, perhaps even stupid, but then again, most people who achieved truly great things in magic and martial arts did appear a little stupid.

The younger generation is far more interesting than it was 20 years ago, Aglea remarked internally as she watched Yunan limp away under the light of the dying sun.

What was supposed to have been a relaxing meal had been completely ruined by this abrupt assassination attempt.

The manager of the hotel had seen Erwin returning with a large group of people, and he saw this as a great opportunity to get more money out of Erwin's pocket. However, he was just about to ask Erwin which dishes he wanted to order when the assassination attempt was staged, and he was so frightened that he was hiding in the kitchen and didn't dare to come out.

As for Yuho, ill fortune seemed to follow him everywhere he went. His leg wasn't going to make a complete recovery without at least a year of recuperation. At this point, he had already been helped down from the wall, and Faya was in the process of treating his wounds with a grim look on her face.

Right at this moment, Erwin suddenly yelled toward the kitchen in a loud voice, "How long are you going to keep hiding back there for?"

The women in the room were quite startled by his sudden outburst.

A short while later, the manager came rushing out of the kitchen with a fawning smile. "How can I help you, Mr. Erwin?"

"Can't you see I have guests to entertain? Bring on your best dishes and wine," Erwin said with a roll of his eyes.

The manager immediately nodded in response before rushing away.

"You seem a little angry, young man," Aglea said with an amused expression. "Are you embarrassed that you were pushed so far by a little girl?"

"I don't like it when my women are threatened with death," Erwin said as he turned to Aglea with a cold expression.

Aglea was completely unbothered by this, and she smiled as she said, "I understand your desire to uphold your pride in front of these women, but just because you can bark loud doesn't mean you can bite hard, do you understand?"

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