Law of Space and Time

Chapter 55

Chapter 55: Eastward Tide

Right as the two women reached a consensus, an outcome also arose from the clash between Erwin and the assassin.

"Clown mask!" the assassin yelled, and two daggers in his hands swept through the air in a pair of arcs, which joined together to form an image that resembled a clown mask wearing a gruesome, exaggerated smile.

Erwin's Finger of Destruction was able to force the assassin back by over 100 feet, but in the end, the chaotic beam of light was dispelled by the eerie clown mask.

The assassin was panting heavily as blood began to trick down from the corner of his lips. "Time and space magic truly is formidable, but unfortunately for you, you still haven't mastered it yet."

Right as Erwin was about to charge at the assassin again, Onean and Lana arrived by his side.

"Leave this guy to us, you have to oversee the rest of the battlefield," Lana said.

"Leave him to you two?" Erwin turned to Onean and Lana with a surprised expression. Never did he think that the two of them would join forces someday.

"Hurry up! We don't have any time to waste," Onean urged in an indifferent voice.

"Alright, alright." Erwin shook his head in a resigned manner upon hearing this.

He then departed using his space split technique, following which Lana turned to Theresa as she instructed, "Make sure to look after him."

Theresa nodded in response with a serious expression.

"You think the outcome will be different just because you two are joining forces? What a joke!" the assassin scoffed with a disdainful sneer as he watched the approaching Lana and Onean.

"The only joke here is you, a pathetic man who can only move half his face," Onean countered in a cold voice.

"I hope you can keep up that sharp tongue of yours even after I stomp you into the ground," the assassin said in a sinister voice.

Onean was not interested in wasting any more time, and she yelled, "Boundless Purgatory!"

An enormous amount of magic power erupted out of the tip of her staff before instantly enveloping the assassin from all directions.

All of a sudden, the sky was completely covered by gray mist, and the assassin was naturally caught within it as well.

Onean and Lana then exchanged a glance, following which the latter immediately charged into the vast expanse of gray mist.

The assassin was instantly struck by the feeling that something was wrong. Inside the gray mist, he was unable to absorb any matter energy.

Having been by Erwin's side for so long, even though Onean had never made an effort to study time and space magic, she was able to pick up some aspects of that branch of magic over time.

The mist in the air was similar to the isolated space that Erwin was capable of creating, which was completely devoid of matter and energy. The difference was that this gray mist was unable to completely erase all matter and energy within it, so there were still trace amounts left lingering in the area. However, for a martial artist as powerful as the assassin, these trace amounts of matter energy were completely insufficient to support his needs.

On top of that, Onean had noticed that the two daggers being wielded by the assassin were extremely reliant on absorbing matter energy, which meant that in a space like this, those two daggers would be reduced to nothing more than a pair of normal weapons.

Even so, a martial artist of the assassin's caliber would've still been able to escape from this space under normal circumstances, but Lana wasn't going to let him get away so easily.

Of course, Lana was also deprived of matter energy in this space, so she could only engage the assassin in close-quarters combat, which was certainly not ideal, but it was already far better than how things had been previously, where the two of them had been completely dominated by a pair of daggers.

In this Boundless Purgatory, Lana and the assassin were like a pair of novice martial artists, fighting using the simplest of techniques.

The assassin was very rational and objective, and he knew that fighting in this space placed him at a severe disadvantage, so he was trying desperately to get out.

However, Lana was doing her best to stop him, making him unable to escape.

What was quite surprising to the assassin was that Lana was very skilled in hand-to-hand combat, despite the fact that she was a magician.

Even against a master martial artist like the assassin, Lana was able to defend herself adequately, and it wasn't even an exaggeration to say that the two were evenly matched.

It was quite an intriguing sight to see a magician and an assassin fighting on par with one another, with Lana wielding her staff while the assassin used his twin daggers.

Considering the fact that Lana had been sparring with the likes of Aiden and Jeff from a young age, it was no wonder that she was so skilled in martial techniques.

Meanwhile, Onean was watching the fierce battle taking place within the mist while sweating profusely.

Maintaining a space like this required an enormous amount of magic power expenditure.

This Boundless Purgatory was far larger than the space that Erwin was capable of creating, so it was no wonder that it required so much magic power to support.


While Lana and the assassin were facing off in battle, the showdown between Aglea and Sword God Buu up above the clouds was beginning to wind down.

Their battle had already raged on for over 100 exchanges, but neither one had managed to kill the other.josei

Aglea's attacks were like a flowing river, continuous and relentless, but Sword God Buu just so happened to be like the breeze that blew over the river, finding a perfect balance of attack and defense that kept Aglea at bay.

Even though his attacks were as light and gentle as a breeze, he was able to nullify Aglea's boundless power and stand completely resolute and unmoved.

In his eyes, all of the sword techniques of this world were the same, with the only difference being the power behind the attacks.

Even though it could be said that Aglea stood at the pinnacle of this world when it came to the utilization of power, she was unable to gain any advantage over Sword God Buu.

However, Sword God Buu was already an old man, and after enduring such a ferocious and drawn-out battle, his complexion had paled even further, and he looked like he had aged another 10 years throughout the course of the battle.

However, his aura was still as stable as ever, and the battle intent in his eyes had only become fiercer and brighter.

In contrast, Aglea's seemingly living and breathing suit of azure armor had paled significantly in color, and many sword gashes had been inflicted upon it. Green liquid was trickling down from the corners of her lips, and beneath her silver mask was a frustrated and furious face.

There was no one in this world that could force her to concede.

As long as she could still draw breath and the Windage sword in her hand still remained, she had the courage to fight against heaven and earth.

She wiped the "blood" from her lips as she declared, "Fantastic! It's been many years since I've felt this good."

"Indeed, I can't remember the last time I've felt so alive," Sword God Buu replied with a faint smile.

Perry had been watching the battle between Aglea and Sword God Buu this entire time, and at this moment, he was staring at Aglea in a dazed manner.

His outstretched fingertips were trembling, and to him, she felt completely out of reach.

However, even if all of the world's stars were required to fill the gulf between them, he was prepared to move heaven and earth to reach her.

Right as Aglea was about to commence her next round of attacks, she erupted into a violent coughing fit.

As she was coughing, a hand began to gently stroke her back.

An incredulous look appeared in Aglea's eyes as she felt this soothing hand. She had no idea why Perry had suddenly appeared behind her at a time like this, nor why he was looking at her with such a gentle and sympathetic expression.

Could it be that he remembered something? Aglea thought to herself.

"I don't know who I am, but I think you do," Perry said as he looked into Aglea's eyes. "Can you tell me?"

Perry had completely shaken off his fearful and docile persona, and he had already wound his skeletal arms around Aglea's waist, seemingly completely unafraid of the possibility that Aglea could reduce him to a cloud of bone dust with a single attack.

Sword God Buu didn't seem to be bothered in the slightest by the fact that their battle was being interrupted, and he cast his an intrigued gaze toward the small and frail figure behind Aglea. He felt like there was something familiar about him.

"Piss off!" Aglea turned her face to the side.

Perry paid no heed to her hostile attitude as he removed her silver mask and gazed carefully upon her face. "I feel like we've known each other for a very long time. This face of yours feels very familiar to me."

"I'm not going to return your memories to you no matter what you say," Aglea said as she turned to him with a vicious glare.

"It doesn't matter," Perry said with a faint smile, but his smile was concealed beneath his mask, so no one was able to see it. "Sometimes, it's a good thing to be able to forget the past, wouldn't you agree? If you really wanted me to forget everything, then why did you intentionally leave a small gap in my memories? Were you hoping that I would remember something someday?"

"I had no such intentions, stop deluding yourself," Aglea denied in a cold voice as she slapped Perry's skeletal hands away.

"I feel like I've seen that Eastward Tide that you just used. I feel like... it used to be my sword technique," Perry said in a confused voice.

"Quit flattering yourself, we came up with the technique toge..." Aglea caught herself before she could finish her sentence, but it was already too late.

Many years ago, on the shore of the Aitini Sea, there was a pair of lovers who were basking in each other's company while discussing the way of the sword. As their discussion continued, they began to spar with one another, putting their thoughts into practice, and the Eastward Tide that Aglea had just used was the technique that they had developed from their sparring all those years ago.

Back then, the two of them had strolled along the beach hand in hand, and it seemed that their beach stroll would never come to an end.

These past memories were beginning to seep out of the crevice deep in Perry's memories scene by scene.

He stared blankly at the woman before him, and even though he still couldn't remember her name, he knew that the woman who had strolled along the beach with him all those years ago was none other than her.

Despite Aglea's cold and hostile facade, her heartstrings had been violently tugged on at Perry's mention of Eastward Tide.

She wasn't a cold and unfeeling monster, it was just that she was only willing to show her romantic and emotional side to the man that she loved.

However, in the real world, far more stories ended in tragedy and heartbreak than they did in fairy tales.

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