Lazily Yours.

Chapter 539

Chapter 539: Reading Him Like a Book

Kong City, Xu Country.

"It was a success!"

Aden yawned when he heard the voice of his assistant. "Yeah… yeah… inform mother about it." He removed his coat and immediately went towards his office. Now that he successfully created the first robot that could directly repair human genes, he could laze around for a few months.

He immediately converted his chair into a bed and closed his eyes. He needed sleep; he craved one.

"So, you sleep ten hours in the night and still sleep during the day. Brother, are you a pig or something?"

"A Koala."


"Pigs don't sleep a lot. My lifetime goal is to sleep like a koala."

Aya frowned and opened her phone to search for Koalas. "You want to sleep eighteen to twenty-two hours every day!?"

"You are so clueless. Who doesn't want to relax like that?"

"You— "

"I just completed a series of experiments. I am so tired, I could barely move."

"Brother… you just started the experiment two hours ago."josei


"It only took you two hours to work and you are already this tired. Should I tell mother that something is wrong with your body? Maybe it has something to do with your endurance."

Just as expected, Aden's expression changed. "Why are you here?" Finally, Aden opened his eyes and glared at his sister. "Oh? You brought food? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Almost immediately, Aden's face lit up like a child who just saw his favorite candy. He sat up and gestured his sister towards the L-shaped couch inside his office. "Heh, is that my favorite?"

"Yeah, I made it."

"Oh. Then what do you want this time?"

"Are you leaving after this project?"



"A mountain can't have four tigers."

Aya pursed her lips. By four tigers, Aden meant their father, mother, him, and Aya. This was something that Aden always say. Their family is too great, they can't stay next to each other. Of course, this was only Aden's excuse. The actual reason this man didn't want to stay here is that… he feared their mother's capability to read him like a book.

"Everyone knew you are smarter than me. If you become the next— "

Aya didn't continue her words when Aden gave her a knowing look. In fact, she knew her brother was doing this for her. Right now, Aya worked in the Shen Group. She had been training for a management position. However, everyone knew that Aden, along with their mother, was actually the core of the company.

Shen Group started their pharmaceutical chains when Aden decided to make some medicine that could combat their mother's poison. Since then, the company has produced some astonishing feats in the world of medicine. And everything is thanks to her brother's brain.

Because of this, most shareholders wanted Aden to take over the company. However, just like their brilliant mother, Aden didn't want to work behind a desk. He wanted to roam around, sleep, and eat.

"I don't do well with management." Aden started eating the spicy friend chicken that Aya made. This recipe was made with various types of pepper. From marinating it to cooking. The spicier, the better. "If I became the CEO… many people would die."

Aya nodded while picking up one of the chicken legs. "I heard you succeeded?"

"Yep. I am smart, after all."

"Too arrogant."

"Just all about facts here."

Aya rolled her eyes.

"Man, you looked stressed." Aden chuckled. "If you are having a hard time handling those people. Just tell me. I could kill them, make it look like an accident, or just make them disappear. We could let the world know they run away or something."

"What are you talking about?"

"Killing is better than talking. Definitely easier too."

"You — Psycho."

"Add handsome," Aden said. "A handsome psycho."

Aya just stared at her brother, speechless. While everyone knew Aden is smart, there is a minor problem. He grew up surrounded by robots and was raised by their mother. While their mother was loving, insanely brilliant, and caring, she didn't really think too much about anything outside of her family. In short, their mother was only warm to them but extremely ruthless to other people. And Aden… inherited this trait.

Aden Archy Shen doesn't really think too much about anyone outside of their family.

Memories of their childhood appeared in her head. When she was three, she realized her brother was extremely smart. However, having a genius with a brother is good but sometimes, she worries too much about this man.

"Just tell them… if they don't want to submit to you. I will make my company that will rival Shen Group."

"Yeah… because you are willing to sacrifice yourself for that."

"Hey, I am still making you the CEO."

"Haha… whatever."

"Look, if they resist and still question father's decision to make you the next head, then just put some pressure on them. Aiyo… why don't you let me take care of this matter? I can— "

"Nope. No, thank you. I will take care of everything."

"But look at your face. You look older than me."


"Your skin is a bit dry. That's because of stress."


"Anyway, even father and mother agreed that managing the company isn't suited for me. Damn, I would never work with those people."

"It's fine. I can handle it. Those old folks can complain all they want. They already knew that I am skilled enough for the position, but their misogynistic thoughts were stopping them from acting like a rational human being."

"See? That's the problem. Ugh… people are weird."

"Really. No need to worry. Plus, mother is with me."

"And that is the exact reason why you should let me act first," Aden uttered. "What do you think would happen if mother does something? Aish… you should be thankful she is too lazy to do anything for now. But if she knew they were giving you a hard time… she would surely make those people suffer. Meaning, the stocks are going to be affected! Meaning, my profits are going to take a hit! So before she does something crazy, let me take care of those people, alright?"

"You are all talk!" Aya said. Of course, their father would never let them do anything about this matter. "If you are so brave then... why not asked father about it?"

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