Lazily Yours.

Chapter 560

Chapter 560: Human Head

"Be honest with me! Why would they send us heads of people from the Gang?" Old Man Quigly roared, his loud voice echoed inside his office. He glared at his son and grandchildren. "What? Are you deaf? Didn't you hear my question?"

"Father… this… we don't really know why someone would spread rumors about us. I don't understand why this happened." Soren uttered, his voice low. "I don't— "

"Soren Quigly, did you really think I am a fool?"

"Ah? Father… I would never…"

"Then tell me the truth! Why did they send us two heads! TWO HEADS! Why would someone do that?"

"I really don't know, father. We don't have any connections to the gang. I don't know why they would suddenly do this!"

"Then did you find out who did it?"

"A group of unknown people who could delete all the CCTV's in that area." Soren Quigly's eldest son from his first wife, Claude Quigly, said. "There was a fight yesterday around two. However, all the CCTVs in that area were disabled. This includes the CCTV's of restaurants around that place."

"In this age and day, someone must have taken some videos of the fight."

"Grandfather, people are scared to take videos because they didn't want the gangs to come after them."

Old Man Quigly turned silent. His hand tightened around his cane. Who would dare offend his family like this? "Are you sure that you didn't offend someone powerful? You — why do you look so pale?"

"Ah?" Lyle trembled when she met her grandfather's eyes. "I — I don't know what you are talking about, grandfather."

"So you offended someone."

"I didn't."

"Don't lie to me, little girl. I can smell lies from your voice! Soren is honest… I want an honest answer from you. What did your daughter do?"

"Father… it's just some fights amongst children. There is no need to worry about this."

"Fights among children? You call your daughter a little child? Ha…" The old man felt a headache brewed inside his head. "Your daughter is already in her twenties and yet you still treat her like a child. No wonder she became like this."

"Father… please don't blame Lyle this time."

"Don't blame her? Soren… it seems that you still don't understand why I am so upset?"

"Please enlighten me, father. Isn't this just some unknown people? Why do you need to waste your anger on some dead people?"

"Stupid! If I have another son, I would have personally strangled you for that stupid answer!"

"Father— "

"Shut up! I can smell the thick smell of alcohol and women from you! You are disgusting!"

"Father— "

"Let me explain so that your stupid brain could understand." The old man slowly went back to his seat, trying to calm down his nerves. If this would continue, he would surely die from too much anger. And the old man knew that he didn't have the luxury to die now. No. Not when he couldn't find any decent successor of his Quigly Family!

"Did you know what kind of people that gang is? They are dirty, lowly creatures who plunder, rape women, and abuse children. They are dirty, vile and they deserve to die. However! Until now, they are still alive! They are alive and well."

"Not only this! They are also enjoying the luxury of the money that they robbed from their victims. So… why do you think this is happening?"

After a long pause, Soren answered. "Because someone important is supporting them."

"And this someone important is not us!" Old Man Quigly uttered. "And I don't want people to think that it is us!"

"Father you— "

"Because of the rumor, people are thinking that we are supporting such lowly creatures!"

"Then we can just make it clear to everyone that we aren't!" Soren said. He felt that he really had a brilliant idea this time. This is really simple. Isn't it easy to just clarify that they don't support gangs like these?

"Stupid! Ah… stupid! Aside from women, your brain is empty!"

"Father… don't be like this, ah."

"Soren… you already heard your son. The CCTV's were wiped out, leaving no traces of the fight, no traces of the people who were involved."

"Yes. So…"

"Don't you see it? Whoever it is that you offended, has some skilled people behind them! If they could do that, then… they could also release some fake videos that would pin us down! Do you understand what I mean?"

"Grandfather!" Before her father could answer, Lyle got up and suddenly kneeled in front of her grandfather. "It was my fault. It's my fault. I just wanted to scare Miss Sutton. I wanted her to be traumatized and leave the country. So I paid those gangs to fight and accidentally hurt her in the process!"

"Sutton… Are you talking about the late Prime minister's daughter?"

"Yes, grandfather. You don't know this but… she and I have a few problems. And… she embarrassed me in front of so many people so I thought that… I would teach her a lesson."josei

"You — You wanted to beat up someone to teach them a lesson?"

"That — that is the only way that I could think of grandfather. I didn't want to make it look like it was planned in advance. If the gangs stopped their car at night, it would have been too obvious that this is premeditated. So I told them to make it look like they didn't plan it in advance. I just wanted to make it look like an accident."

"So you created a sloppy plan."

"Yes— "

"I can't hear you!"

"Yes, grandfather! I'm sorry!"

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because… we got into trouble because of me."

"Hah… it seems that you are just the same as your father! You — everyone in this family is really stupid!"

"Then… grandfather…"

"Tell me about your plan."

Slowly, Lyle told her grandfather everything. From the fact that she saw Gabi the other night, and that she felt really embarrassed about how the waiter refused in an entry in front of those people. To what happened at the party and when she applied to become her secretary. Of course, she didn't include the fact that she was doing this because of Alfons. After all, she didn't want her father and grandfather to blame Alfons.

To her, Alfons is just an innocent, kind soul who needed her support. There is no need to drag him into this matter. She also told her grandfather that Gabi doesn't go out a lot so when she heard that Gabi went out and visited some boutique, she immediately called the leader of the gang and told them about it.

"And you didn't even wonder if it was a trap?" her grandfather asked.

"I didn't after all… there is no way that she would know about it."

"What a foolish girl." Old Man Quigly clicked his tongue. "So… someone who had her clothes tailored for her would just suddenly go out in a boutique that is located in an area ruled by gangs just to buy dresses. Does that really make sense to you!?'

"I… I didn't know. At that time… I didn't understand it too. However, she is a useless woman who just reads a book all day. I thought she might have been bored and explored the city."


Lyle flinched when her grandfather slammed his hand on the table. "You stupid mongrel! How dare you act like this? Soren? Why didn't you teach your daughter about the basics? Huh? You — how could you not use your brains? Isn't it obvious!? She knew from the start that you wanted to harm her, so she went out with her bodyguards to create a trap for you!"

"That woman… " Lyle could only grit her teeth in anger. That woman is really cunning and evil. She was the reason why her Alfons is suffering! "I needed to get rid of her!"

"Hah… look at your angry self. You are so angry, you didn't even think of her retaliation!"

"Ah? What does father mean by that? Do you really think that a little girl like that Sutton woman would have the guts to harm our Lyle?"

"Stupid Soren. She dared to send me a head, a human head! Did you think she didn't have the guts to expose this to the media?"

"But… if she does that, then…"

"She isn't going to use some simple means." The old man sighed. This is giving him a headache. He was already a man in his seventies. What he needed the most is a vacation. A place to relax and enjoy the rest of his life. However, he couldn't leave this family because they were just… stupid!

All of them were stupid!

If he leaves, what would happen to the Quigly family? He glared at his son and granddaughter. It was already morning, eight hours after they received the head. He waited and waited for the two to approach him first and tell him about this. Alas, he was the one who had to call them and break a few of his glasses to make them confess.





"Chairman, I am so sorry for interrupting the family meeting." Their butler walked inside the study. "But… you really needed to see this."

The butler turn the TV on and almost immediately the atmosphere inside the room turned heavier.

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