Lazily Yours.

Chapter 582

Chapter 582: Archy's Son

Gabi didn't have a good night's sleep.

The large panda eyes that she was sporting were enough proof of that. She let out a sharp sighed. Honestly, she didn't want to kill Lyle. But now that she thought about Aden's words, he was partly right. If she wouldn't end her enemies, they would surely come back and haunt her.

Still, Lyle's death surprised her. Last night, Aden didn't say that he was the one who killed Lyle, but judging from his words and expression, it was obvious that he did it.

But the question is… why?

Was it just because Lyle tried to kill her?

So… why would he care that much?

"Miss… here are the newspapers for today. Different languages."

"Kasper… I want to build a club."


"Find a building three stories," Gabi added. Right now, she needed to increase her influence in the city. However, she isn't planning to expose herself immediately. "Six months should be enough for the contractions of this club."

"Miss… isn't this too rash? I believe we need to make market research about this new business venture."

"No need. I know the perfect spot for businesses like this. I will give you a list of the places that I want you to check for me. Do it discreetly. Just make sure that the building has three floors."


"Good… now let's go for that fitting. Ah…. And the Shen Security. They will come today to check the security. Make sure to inform Spencer about it." Speaking of Shen Security. It actually looked like Aden knew someone in that company. She couldn't believe that Aden was able to order them around and even told them some specifics about the type of security that he wanted Gabi to have.

Honestly, this made her confused about Aden's identity. It actually looked like he was a very well-connected person. Was it possible that it was all because of Archy? No, it didn't look like that when he was talking to someone over the phone.

Aden sounded too confident. There was no hint of hesitation in his voice. He was also quick to decide about stuff. Was it because he was really close to Archy? Wait… Archy… Aden… A? Was it possible that they were father and son?

Hmmm… now that she thought about it. This does make a lot of sense. Aden has the authority because he was Archy's son!

Gabi decided to stop thinking about that man and just focus on her lunch with Earl. Today, they were scheduled to have lunch together then check the clothes that Gabi wanted to wear for the Gala. Of course, Earl would be there since he would be trying out the suit that Gabi ordered for him.

After taking a long relaxing bath, Gabi immediately went to one of the upscale restaurants in the next city.

"I didn't expect that you would be so early." Gabi sat opposite her cousin.

"I just arrived." He frowned. "What's with that look?"

"Well… you look like you needed to take a nap. Are you alright?" Gabi asked while taking a look at the menu. "You look tired.

"That's because I am tired," Earl uttered. "It's tiring."

"What is?"


"Oh…" Was it tiring? Gabi felt lucky that she wasn't able to experience an actual relationship in the past.

"You won't be able to relate, you are single."

"Aren't you single for years too?" Gabi snorted. "I would rather stay single than have the stress that you are experiencing now."


"Still… this is making me curious. How was she?"josei

"She moved in with us."

"In the Ren Mansion?"

"What? No! She moved with mom and dad. Mom insisted that she live in that house and since I live in the mansion, I have no problems with her moving with my parents. I stayed up late, helping her set up her room."


"Is that the only thing that you are going to say?"

"What am I supposed to say?" she asked, confused. Her cousin was smiling at her — something that made her smile as well. At least, he wasn't too affected by the sudden change in his status.

"Well… maybe say that I am so nice? That I am the ideal husband?"

"Hmmm… now that I thought about it. I don't think you are the ideal type"

"…" For a few seconds, he stared at her, surprised. Clearly, he never expected her to say something like that.

"Why?" he asked.

"Let's see… I think you are too nice for me."


Gabi laughed at his confused expression.

"Being nice is not always good."

He blinked and blinked again. Seeing this, she continued. "It's tiring."

"You mean… being nice?" This time, Earl laughed and shook his head. "Looks like…"

"Hm? Miss Gabi?"

The two of them stopped talking and looked at the woman who approached them. A smile appeared on Gabi's face. "Miss Clarisse." The woman stood next to their table and gave her a sweet smile.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here," Gabi added when Clarisse started side-eyeing her cousin. "I thought you went back home."

"Oh… I live in this city now."


"Yes, my friends and I decided to rent a house for all of us."

"Friends?" Gabi looked at the man and woman standing behind Clarisse. Both of them were tall and beautiful.

"Let me introduce them… This is Sasha and Ranty. Both of them were influencers, too. We decided to stay together to create some content."

"Oh… that sounds fun."

"By the way… Miss Gabi, is this your boyfriend? As expected, you two looked good together."

Before Earl could say anything, Gabi already nodded. "I agree. Both of us look good. Thank you."

A flash of surprise appeared in Clarisse's eyes. It was quick, but definitely enough for Gabi to know that Clarisse already knew that Earl wasn't her boyfriend. "I thought your boyfriend is a bit familiar… perhaps… is he, Mr. Earl Ren?" Sasha asked. "The one from the Ren Family?"

"Oh, my… Ren Family?" Clarisse widened her eyes. "But… Miss Gabi is also from the Ren Family, no?"

"Yes, both of us are from the Ren Family." Earl chimed in. "Is there something wrong?"

"Ah? No. It's just that…" Clarisse looked at Earl than to Gabi, hoping to get a small reaction from them. To their surprise, Gabi and Earl just stared at them as if… they seriously didn't know what was going on.

"Hm? Miss Clarisse, you look uncomfortable." Gabi smiled. "Are you ill?" Gabi just realized that she was awkward with all other types of conversation. However, this awkwardness would change if she was in front of someone that she didn't like. How amusing!

"No… Anyway… we are going to our table. It's nice seeing you, Miss Gabi." With that, Clarisse left with her friends.

"What was that?" Earl asked, chuckling. "That woman… how come she is still here?"

"No idea." Alfons was a smart man. He must have warned them beforehand that staying here might cause some problems. However, judging from Clarisse's attitude the last time that Gabi saw her, it was pretty obvious what kind of woman she was. The allure of the city life must have gotten into her.

"She knew that you were my cousin, and yet she still dared to make a statement like that. How shameless." Earl added. "This is why I don't like most women like that. Ah… this reminds me… did you find out something?"

Slowly, their conversation shifted towards Earl's fiance. Gabi informed her cousin that she wasn't able to find any dirt from that woman yet. However, she promised that she would do her best to find out the truth soon.

"But… what is she is telling the truth?" Earl asked.

"Then… it's all good. As long as you are happy, I would definitely support you." She knew that her cousin isn't dumb. If he notice something, he would never agree to marry a woman just because his parents want him to. "But I am curious… what do you think of her?"

"Hmmm… About that… I can't say. I just met her about three times."

"So you were staying in your office the whole time that she was here?" Gabi heard his fiance had been here for a few weeks.

"Yes. I was busy."

"…" This man is hopeless. "Are you planning to do something special for her soon?"

"Hm? Like dinner?"

"No, dummy… like propose to her. With a ring or something?"

"Propose? But we are already engaged, right?"

Gabi face-palmed. Their conversation was halted when the waiter took their order.

"As a man, you should still do something about this engagement." Gabi continued as Earl started slicing her steak.

"I honestly don't think we need it," Earl said. Suddenly, his gaze turned sharp. "She insisted on marrying someone she never met just to honor a promise. She should know what she was getting into."

It was the kind of gaze that made Gabi shiver. However, Earl quickly adjusted his expression. He smiled at her. "But since you suggested, I should do it. Do you want to help me pick some rings?"

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