Lazily Yours.

Chapter 599

Chapter 599: The Letter

Gabi raised an eyebrow.

"Ah… sorry… Let me introduce myself. I am called Kincaid. I graduated last year. This pretty woman is Alison and this one is Donna. What's your name?"

"Leo," Gabi said. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too. We are in charge of the weapons department. We already saw everyone during lunchtime and you were the only one who didn't join them… so…" Alison, the woman with bob hair, smiled at her. "We assumed you were cooking the food from the room."josei

"Oh…" Gabi couldn't help but wonder why these people approached her. She couldn't sense anything dangerous from them. Even their tone was a little friendly. Still, she decided not to lower her guard.

From where she was standing, Gabi could sense a few more people coming their way. They should be about fifty meters away from her. Because of this, she wanted to end this conversation soon. She honestly didn't want to meet with someone. At least not before the training started.

"I'm sorry… are you going to see the chief?" The woman named Donna asked. "If you are, then… let's just go together," Donna smiled at her.

"Alright…" Gabi nodded. The only reason why she would be on this floor is because of the canteen and to see the chief. Gabi slowly extended her senses. She could smell some delicious food to her right. That should be the place where the canteen is located.

Before going inside the chief's office, Gabi couldn't help but turn her head back. She could hear the people who were walking towards them earlier. They were a bit far from her, but their words were pretty clear to her ears. They were talking about challenging the first ranker. They are talking about crippling her as punishment for cheating.

But how did she cheat?

Gabi was confused.

It seems that her decision not to join the others for lunch was the right thing to do. Still, she couldn't help but wonder who started the news that she cheated on the exams. Whoever it was, Gabi couldn't help but call that person stupid. Did they really think that this place is a place that accepts cheating?

If Gabi wasn't wrong, the examinations checked someone's adaptability, not just intelligence!

"Chief Ma…"

"Chief Ma…"

"Chief Ma…"

Ma Ping nodded at the three newest staff before his gaze landed at Gabi. "Leo… why are you here?"

"Mr. Ma… I want to talk to you in private."

Seeing the resolute expression in Gabi's eyes, Ma Ping smiled. Was she here to quit? By now, everyone should be familiar with the rules. Everyone should know the brutal way inside this training camp. It was normal for someone like Gabi who grew up in the streets to feel scared.

"The three of you… wait for me to call you outside."

"Yes. Chief."

Kincaid gave Gabi a friendly wave before he left the room with the other women.

"Speak…" Ma Ping said.

"Sir… I want to call someone." Before Ma Ping could speak, she added, "I am willing to pay with my points."

"Oh?" A different glint appeared in Ma Ping's eyes. From the files, this girl had no friends or family. Moreover, they don't really allow anyone to call any outsiders because they didn't want them to track the exact location of the camp. After all, this underground facility isn't really under that building that they used when they entered the place.

This camp is really secretive. "According to the protocol… you cannot call anyone from the outside. These are the rules."

'Just as expected," Gabi said inwardly. "Then… can I write a letter to someone?"

"You can." This isn't the first time that some people would try to talk to him about these matters. First, they would ask if they could call someone, then if he refuse, they would immediately ask to write a letter. Usually, these letters were goodbye letters to friends and lovers. This always happens once they realized the brutality inside this camp. "Two points." Ma Ping held two of his fingers.

"I understand."

"Good." Ma Ping immediately opened his drawer and gave her a paper and pen as well as an envelope for the letter. Then he waited for her to write her letter. To his surprise, Gabi finished writing the letter in about a minute.

He couldn't help but frown. Wasn't this a goodbye letter to a lover? Usually, these things would take them an hour and a few pages of paper! But her letter only took her a minute to write?

He started to wonder who the letter is for.

Soon, Gabi handed him the envelope with the address on top.

Seeing the name of the familiar jewelry store, Ma Ping stared at Gabi. "Bobo Jewelry Store?" What caught his attention was the name along with it. Aden.

What the hell?

Why was she sending a letter to the boss's son?

"Ah… yes… "Gabi nodded. She was confident that Aden was smart enough to know the meaning behind the letter.

"Bobo Jewelry Store?" Ma Ping repeated his question. As the person who helped the young master establish his base in Du Empire, he was pretty familiar with this store. "Alright… I will send your letter to this address."

"Thank you." Relief flashed through her. Then she smiled and bid him her goodbye.

Actually, Gabi's letter only has a few words on it. It wasn't really a proper letter, but a string of greetings that she wrote for Aden. She was confident that if someone would examine the letter, they wouldn't see anything wrong with it!

However, her letter only made Aden confused. He squinted at the clear handwriting before he frown.

[Hello Aden,] It says.

[How have you been?]

[I am fine. Thank you.]

[I miss you]

[I wish to see you soon.]


[Your Maverick]

Uhhh…. What kind of letter is this?

He stared at the letter and read its contents repeatedly. Then his eyes widened as he jolted up. She can heal herself?


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