Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

236 Chapter 236

236 Chapter 236

Chapter 236- Departure* (Part 3)

"I am back," Acht said with a sigh as he basically threw himself on the sofa with a long sigh of exasperation. His mood was so bad that he barely could keep himself calm and fairly relaxed. His mind kept racing the whole day about whether he actually did it or not. Not only did it make him feel like a cheater but it also broke one of his codes.

He felt that his loyalty to Dia was destroyed in one single night. For all of these years, he kept himself away from anything that could make Dia hate him or even leave him. He did get tempted countless times before but he never succumbed nor did he let himself do it either.

As he sat there, silently reminiscing about the past, a small sound reached his ear. At first, he thought that it was merely the sofa screeching or maybe the wind blowing outside. However, when he listened to the sound again, he instinctively looked up.

"Huh?" He uttered.josei

There, on the ceiling, where the three women that had been with him since yesterday.

"Now!" Leislet shouted and released herself, falling directly on Acht. The other two followed suit and jumped down.


Acht felt his body getting squished as three bodies weighed down on him. He released his face and said with an angry tone.

"What the hell is this?"

The girls didn't reply and instead pinned him down even harder. He tried to resist but they simply overwhelmed him with their teamwork.

"We got him," Leislet said with a small, triumphant smile.

"What the fuck?! Release me now." He resisted but without any result.

"Oh, how naive of you, dear Acht? kekekeke" Leislet chuckled as she looked at him from the top with a weirdly aroused look. She was clearly enjoying her time very much. She found the fact that she was standing above the prideful Acht so entertaining.

'Damn, this is so hot… Wait, I have to focus on our plan.' She thought as she shook her head and smiled even more widely.

'Or… A little bit won't harm anyone.' In the end, her lust beat her and changed her mind.

Then, she bent down and touched Acht's cheek as he looked at her angrily.

"Mia, Scarlett, and you, Leislet. Can I have an explanation of what you guys are trying to do? I am barely keeping my composure here." He said with a low voice.

Leislet rubbed his cheek and replied in an affectionate tone.

"We all have been thinking about yesterday for the whole day and we wanted valid proof that we actually did the deed. You know… Riding St George, boarding the beef bus, bak-"

"I get it! You don't have to give many phrases to the same goddamn thing." Acht couldn't know whether to laugh or cry at her stupid words and merely tried to keep his stern look.

"Ehem, anyway. After thinking about it we came up with a very good plan to actually see whether we did it with you or not."

After that, Leislet rummaged through her pockets and pulled out a weird device that he had never seen before. Without him even asking, Leislet explained enthusiastically as she tried to hide her excitement for what was about to happen.

"This device is an 'Organ functioning scanner'. It is used mostly in hospitals to check whether a person's organ is working or not. But, one of its many functions is that it can also see if an organ worked in the past 24 hours or not."

Acht's face didn't take even a moment to grow a huge frown as what Leislet wanted to do started weighing down on him.

"Oi, don't tell me…" He muttered.

"Hehehe, as always… My dear Acht is very smart and quick to get the hint. We are going to strip you naked from head to toe to see if your sexual organs worked last night."

"We don't really need to stri-" Mia suddenly muttered before stopping when she felt a nudge from her side by Scarlett. She immediately understood and nodded her head.

Luckily, Acht didn't hear that since he was totally focusing on Leislet and her ridiculous plan.

"Release me now, Leislet. You think stripping me and then checking every part of my body is a good idea?"

Leislet shook her head.

"Obviously not, it's not a good idea. It's the best idea!" She shouted excitedly. Her breathing became erratic and her face was flushed red. Even her eyes were drowned in lust as she eyed every part of Acht's body like a hungry wolf.

'She totally lost her mind.' He thought as he tried to resist a little bit more.

Scarlett was already very strong from the start and Mia had already awakened and leveled up for the past 2 months relentlessly. She was not someone to be scoffed at.

It was a losing fight through and through.

"Hold him tight, you two. I am going to start stripping him." Leislet said as she licked her red lips.

Acht didn't panic and instead tried to keep a calm state of mind instead. Then, he tried to find a way to make them free him by their own will.

'What can make them lose focus for a moment.' He thought for a moment before an idea popped almost instantly.

Acht smirked secretly.

"Mia… Can I say something to you?"

Mia flinched slightly when she heard the gentle voice of Acht. She tried to move her head to look at him but ended up looking like a rusty machine trying to move.

When their eyes met, she felt herself fall into a dream world… A dream world she never wants to escape. His eyes were calm, gentle, and incredibly mesmerizing. She had seen those eyes only once and since then she longed for them for a long time. Seeing them in front of her now made her feel as if her whole world became even more beautiful than before.

"Mia… I really want to say something to you… Could you get closer so I can whisper to you? Please, Mia." He kept repeating her name a lot since she liked it a lot when he said her name many times.

Scarlett and Leislet saw this and immediately tried to wake her up.

"Oi, don't listen to him. He is trying to make you release him." Leislet warned her.

However, all Mia could hear were mumbles and incomprehensible words. She had totally been hypnotized.


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