Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

238 Chapter 238

238 Chapter 238

Chapter 238- Departure (Part 5)

*Drop* *Drop* *Drop*

Suddenly, tears started dropping down Leislet's cheeks as she stared wide-eyed at Acht as if he was some kind of alien from another world. Her cheeks got immediately stained with teardrops.

Then, as if she had lost it, she started crying loudly as she closed her eyes and looked down at the ground. Acht didn't expect such a reaction from her after the prank he did. He knew that she will be shocked but never thought that she would actually start crying like a baby out of nowhere.

He walked over toward her and bent down to check on her.

'Did I overdo it?' He thought to himself.

"I am sorry… Hick… Acht. I will never do it again, ever. So, please forgive me… WAHHH!!" She muttered between her cries. Her cheeks were now as red as a tomato.

"Why are you crying? It did upset me a little but as I said I already know you three way too well to even try and get angry." He asked confusedly.

"Because… Because you said such beautiful words and did something we will never forget. How can I not cry from happiness?" She replied.

Then, she looked up and jumped on Acht, hugging him tightly. Her arms crossed around his neck and her cheek touched his cheek, rubbing it on him gently.

"I love you way too much." She said with a small giggle.

The other two looked at the two and in a historic scene started crying too before they jumped on Acht, covering him completely. They sought his warmth like a moth searching for light. Their faces had this blissful look that couldn't be hidden no matter how much they could try.

Acht looked at them with a slightly surprised look but didn't say anything. For some reason, he was unwilling to let them go now. So, without thinking much about that, he closed his eyes and let them hug him for as long as they wanted.


Two weeks later.

"Did you get everything?" Acht asked the three girls as he picked up a huge suitcase and threw it in his spatial ring before dusting his hands. He was the only one in the living room.

As for the other, Mia was in her house getting ready and saying her goodbyes to her father. They needed some time alone before she left with them. After much persuasion, Leislet pulled her links and gave her an opportunity to take an entrance test.

Students who got letters of recommendation won't need that because they were considered very highly talented individuals that are way above any tests.

'Sali will most likely be crying like a baby now.' Acht thought as he sat down on the couch looking at the ceiling.

"It's time, huh? I never thought that 5 years will pass this quickly. Good things never stay forever." He muttered with a nostalgic look on his face.

Memories from the past 5 years came back rushing toward him. From the moment he stepped inside this village, he had so much fun and also was able to buildup many great relationships with everyone in the village. He felt himself change slowly as time passed. He was able to open his heart slightly and allow some people inside.

It was a stark contrast to his old self but he didn't care. People change and he was a human after all, not a machine.

"I am ready," Scarlett said as she got out of her room. it was only used to change clothes and she spent most of her time sleeping on Acht's bed.

"Goo-" Acht went silent when he saw her clothes.

She wore a simple red dress that reached her knees and a small flour was tucked in her hair. This simple style was able to accentuate her amazing beauty. She was absolutely outstanding.

"You look good."

Scarlett smiled widely at his simple compliment.

"Thank you…"

Then, she sat down on the couch and went silent looking around the house with a complicated gaze. He could see that Scarlett was having the same thoughts he had.

"I will miss this place a lot." She muttered.

"Me too."

Then, for the next 5 minutes, no one spoke as they reminisced about their times here. It was a very memorable moment after all.

As they were like that, Leislet finally came out.

She wore a pair of jeans and a shirt that she tucked inside her trousers. They all wanted to wear such clothes because the journey will be long and wearing fancy clothes will only make it even harder to travel.

"Tadahh… How do I look, Acht~" She said happily.

"It's very cute." He said without giving much thought. He was still not back to his usual self.

Leislet caught that atmosphere quickly and said.josei

"You feel nostalgic, huh?"

The two nodded dazedly. Leislet sighed under her breath and added.

"I also felt like that yesterday. I couldn't sleep at all. I felt really sad. But…"

"Why the sad faces? We can always come back here whenever we want. It's our home after all. Right?"

Acht smiled and nodded his head before standing up.

"You are right. We should leave now. A lot of things needed to be done and we can't just waste our lives here before we actually secure the future."

They must not forget that the world was still not at peace. Invaders came here and almost ended the world so the possibility of that happening again is very probable. There were also many other threats lurking in the background waiting for the perfect opportunity to come out and wreak havoc. All of that was put on hold because of this long vacation and now it was time to get back to business.

The two girls nodded and walked after him. The door of the house closed and along with it, a new phase of their lives opened. As for what it had in store for them, only fate will tell.

[Volume End.]


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