Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

242 Chapter 242

242 Chapter 242

Chapter 242- Kuudere Returns! (Part 2)

"I… understand…" Tania said as she wiped the tears from her face and smiled slightly. Even though her face didn't show much emotion even when she is happy or sad, that smile alone was even more beautiful than a garden full of roses.

Acht nodded his head and turned around to look at the others. But, his face immediately frowned when he sensed the pressure coming from them. The three women had the same grim look that screamed 'run away'. Acht could only cough and speak to calm them down.

"You should leave firs-"

"No." The three of them said at the same time as if they were the same person. It was genuinely scary how in synch they could be if they want to.

Tania also eyed the three of them with the same cold face that she had usually. Her eyes didn't show much but her mind was racing around. Especially when she saw Mia.

'Who… is that? Another thief!! Kill!!' She thought to herself and unleashed a little bit of her aura. However, that was more than enough to make Acht turn around with a shocked look.

"Tania… you." He muttered.

Her aura was so heavy and strong that it made him question whether it was actually coming from Tania or not. He knew that she did get stronger but not to this extent.

'I guess 5 years can make anything possible.' He thought.josei

"Excuse me, your highness… Who is that boy?" One of the guards came closer and whispered in Tania's ear warily.

"Acht… My…" Tania tried to introduce Acht but ended up hesitating on what she should say. She could've said he was her friend but he was way more important to her than a mere friend. A lover? Not quite that. So, she could only fall into deep thought.

Her troubled expression was extremely adorable as she murmured to herself some incoherent words. Then, as if she found the right word she smiled and continued.

"Future… husband."

Silence. Absolute silence that could make the sound of a needle dropping on the ground be heard. The words she said took a few seconds for everyone to process them.



Everyone exploded into coughs, Acht especially felt as if his lungs spat all of the air inside in one single moment.

"Y-Y-Your highness, what are you saying?!" The guard asked agitatedly.

"Acht is my future husband…" She said as she tilted her head with a confused look. She genuinely didn't know how absurd her claims were.

"Tania… Ehem… You know what you are saying right?"

"Tania knows!!" She exclaimed as she puffed her cheeks.

"I am going to kill her!!" Leislet shouted as she ran toward Tania with a maddened look. Her aura fully unleashed like a raging storm.

"Wait!" Acht immediately grabbed her and held her body tightly so that she can't move.

"Let me go! I am going to teach her a lesson!" She said.

"Stop it! Nothing good will come out of this fight! Do you want to start a war!" He tried to calm her down and talk reasonably.

"No! How dare she say that?"

Tania looked at Leislet with a cold look. She didn't like how Leislet was talking to her.

"Try… me…"

"That's it… This bitch is dead!"

Leislet increased her pulling force and tried to break open from Acht's tight hold. However, Acht grabbed her even harder to not let her escape.

Leislet was a very strong person so keeping her on hold was no easy task at all. He had to use gravity manipulation to make it harder for her to move.

"Come on, Leislet. Calm the fuck down or I will smack you." He warned and threw her on the ground. Then, he grabbed her chin and looked her deep in the eyes.

'This is the only way she could calm down.' He thought.


It seemed that his plan worked since Leislet blushed slightly when she saw his face getting closer and closer. She can't handle Acht being that close to her.

However, he just looked at her silently with his blue eyes.

"O-Ok, stop. I am calm now." She finally gave up and stood up.

"Listen, princess. Acht isn't your future husband or anything like that." She said.

"He is!"

"He is not!"

"He is!"

"I said he is not!"



The two kept going back and forth like two cats that were about to fight. Acht could only sigh and look at Mia and Scarlett.

"Let's go. We are going to be late."

The two nodded silently and followed him. They somehow were able to keep their composure when Tania said that. It was hard but they pulled it off which is worthy of praise.

"Wait for me!"

"Me… too."

The guards looked at their lady with a complicated gaze. Then, they pulled out the phone and called her father, the king.

Almost instantly, a man answered the phone with an urgent look.

"Did something happen to my sweet daughter?!"

"Y-Your majesty…"

"Speak quickly you fucking idiot!"

"A-A boy named Acht took her with him."

"What?! Acht is alive?!" The man almost spat out his drink from shock. He couldn't believe that the boy his daughter tried to find for years and years was still alive. Seeing her so depressed did pain him so much that he did everything he could to make her get up and move on. Hell, he even introduced many capable young men for her but they all ended up getting beaten up to a pulp before getting kicked out roughly.

"Y-Yes… Is he really someone we can trust? Should we deal with him?" The guard asked.

"Yes! Leave them be. Besides, he could probably kill both of you while asleep so you might as well forget about trying to get on his bad side. It's for the sake of preserving your lives." The king said in the most serious tone.

A shiver ran down their spines when they heard those words and made them gulp down a mouthful of saliva. The king was never someone to joke about such things so the thought that they could be killed with a simple thought made them erase any bad intentions from their heads.

"Keep an eye out for any suspicious thing going around. Acht will deal with the rest. Now, let me finish my drink."

Then, he hung up the phone and sighed under his breath.

"You finally came back, boy." He said with a small smile.


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