Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

247 Chapter 247

247 Chapter 247

Chapter 247- Never Touch What Is Important To me. (Part 2)

The young boy opened the trash can and started rummaging through it eagerly. His hollow eyes and frail body made him look even more pitiful and desperate… Desperate to find something to eat after 3 or more days of hunger.

"Watch as he tries to find some shit to eat and fill his stomach. Amazing! Goes to show the lives of these interesting creatures." The shadow commented with a mocking tone.josei

Acht watched his old self doing that with an apathetic look. He already knew that the shadowy figure was trying to play on his nerves and make him angry then everything will become easier.

The footage suddenly halted and the shadowy figure appeared again near Acht's younger self. Then, it grabbed the boy's face and squeezed his cheeks roughly before moving his face to show it to the real Acht.

"Look at this worthless fucker. This you, you fucking trash. This is where you belong and where you should go. All of this glory is not for you, Acht. Know your fucking place."

Acht shrugged his shoulders and said casually.

"Oh, really? Never thought of that. Guess I will still savour some of that glory for a while just to piss you off."

"Grr!" The shadow clenched its teeth in frustration. Then, it clicked its fingers and the scene changed again.

This time, they were inside a dim room where only a man and a small girl could be seen. The girl was clearly distressed and very scared. As for the man, the lustful smile on his face was more than enough to describe what he wanted to do and what he was thinking off.

"Here, we have the other shitty girl with our protagonist. This was her opportunity to gain some money after pleasing a rich man. However…"

The girl grabbed a lamp from the table and smashed it on his head before escaping the room with tears on her face.

"Not only is she an idiot, but also prideful enough to think that her body was worth something. Hahahahahha!"

'Dia…' Acht thought to himself as he looked at her running away. He could see the pain in her eyes as she tried to wipe the tears from her face.

"Let's move o-"

Before the shadow could say anything, Acht lifted his hand up slowly. His eyes were calm, eerily calm that it made him look like a machine of some sort.

"Gravity domain…" He muttered under his breath.

The whole place was then engulfed in a blue cage made out of energy.

The shadow knew that this was no good news so it tried to leave that domain before Acht could do anything.


"You aren't running. I've had enough." Acht said as he pulled the shadow until it reached him and then grabbed it by the neck.

It seemed that whenever Acht grabbed it, it can change shape and escape his grasp. So, he made sure to apply pressure on every side just to compress it inside his hand. This seemed to work amazingly well.

"Trying to kill Tania, attempting to trick me while disguising as Leislet, mocking my past and Dia's past. You have truly made me hate you to the bone. I have no idea who sent you to me and I couldn't care less about asking you. Just one thing, I can tolerate everything since I can't just nitpick at every small matter. But, I will never tolerate the fact that you tried to toy with my friends."

Then, he closed on him and added in a slow tone.

"Never, ever… dare to touch those who are important to me. I will fucking chase you to the ends of the world and make you live through hell."

The shadow felt its mind going blank from fear. Those eyes, they were truly terrifying and borderline crazy. It knew for sure that he meant those words.

After that, Acht pressed the shadow with both hands and increased the gravity around it.

"Wait! Wait!" The shadow tried to resist but ended up only accelerating the process. The pressure kept increasing dramatically and the creature kept getting more and more compacted into a small shape that was normally hard for it to squeeze into.

'The only way to kill it is to squeeze it until it blows up.' He thought.

Soon enough, screams of pain echoed in the whole dream realm and made it shake violently. But, Acht ignored all of that and kept increasing the intensity.

At some point, the shadow was at the size of a grain of rice or even smaller.

After reaching a certain point, Acht was unable to continue. The shadow was now so small he could barely see it on the palm of his hand.

Then, he threw it in the air and ran away as fast as he could.

'The explosion will be big. Need to leave the area quickly.'

After running for a few hundred meters, he stopped the gravity pressure and looked at the place where the shadow was.


An explosion so big that Acht could only hear its sound after a few seconds destroyed the whole realm. Even though he was far away, Acht was still caught in the explosion and was pulled in.

Luckily, before he gets literally obliterated inside the small black hole he created, the dream was completely shattered and he woke up again in the middle of the field.

His eyes immediately searched for the shadow and well enough, it was laying there motionless with its previous aura gone.

He stood up and walked to the puddle of black liquid.

'This thing is definitely not from this world. Did Livia send it? I don't think it would've answered my questions even if I tried to pry further.

He shook his head and pulled out a vile made out of glass and collected the black liquid inside of it. He might need it or maybe even unveil what this thing really is.

As he walked back to the hall, he thought about the words he said in a fit of rage.

"Never touch what is important to me, huh? I do say some weird shit sometimes. But, it's not a lie, I guess." He said to himself...

A small smile appeared on his face as he thought of something. As for what that thing is, only Acht will ever know.


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