Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

252 Chapter 252

252 Chapter 252

Chapter 252- Too Early, Too Soon** (Part 2)

The kiss only lasted for a brief moment that could be even less than a second for witnesses. However, for the two of them, it was like an eternity. Each moment they felt each other's lips, they were drowned more and more in an illusion where time was nothing but a secondary thing.

Especially Leislet since her mind basically shut down and she was left alone trying to comprehend what is happening to her. In contrast to her mind, her body had a completely different idea. It completely accepted that kiss and even tried to wrap her hands around his neck.

But, for better or worse, Acht released himself from the kiss and looked deeply into her eyes. His blue irises had so many emotions floating inside of them that could not be put into words.

Then, he said in a gentle tone that sounded like a heavenly melody for the dazed Leislet.

"Have some faith in us."

After that, he stood up and turned around to leave the room quickly. Even though he did that of his own accord, he still couldn't handle staying in that room any longer. The best choice was to quit now before things get even more awkward.



Before he could even take a step, Leislet basically lunged at him and pinned him down on the ground. He looked at her with a shocked look as he didn't find the words to say. Her face was covered by her long hair and her breathing was getting more and more erratic by the moment.

Then, she lifted her head up and revealed her face to him. It was the first time Acht saw that expression on Leislet… An expression of endless lust. Her eyes which had always been gentle and affectionate whenever they looked at Acht were now nothing but an endless abyss of hunger and excitement that could not be stopped.

What was even weirder was that Acht, who usually would refuse such approaches from Leislet even if they were nothing but a small prank from her side, didn't actually resist at all. His eyes kept looking at Leislet's face… waiting.

Then, as if she had enough time waiting, Leislet bent down and put all of her weight on his abdomen and groin before kissing him again with even more intensity.

Acht was surprised at first but he also closed his eyes and erased any secondary thoughts from his head. Their tongues twirled around each other in a lustful battle. Their saliva got mixed and exchanged endlessly as they kept sucking and kissing each other.

Leislet especially was hell on bent on ravaging Acht's mouth and exploring every nook and cranny of it until she was satisfied.

Seconds passed and the only sound that could be heard inside the room was the sloppy noises of two people eating each other out. After that, they separated from each other to take a breath after the long kiss. A string of saliva stretched between their tongues and didn't intend to get cut. So, Leislet pulled it in and swallowed it with a lustful look.

Then, she twirled her tongue around her mouth to clean it up.

"I-I'm sorry, Acht… I can't hold it any longer." She said with great difficulty. Even though her mind was basically drowned in other thoughts, she still knew that if they crossed this wall, it was a path of no return. She was still worried about Acht more than her own self.

The latter however didn't say anything and kept breathing heavily. Then, Leislet discovered something weird. Under her plump butt was a bulge that she was sitting on. Her face immediately reddened even more and she could only look down slowly.

After that, she gulped down a mouthful of saliva before bending down again toward Acht's chest. She slowly opened his shirt and started undressing him. After that, she took a long look at his broad chest and finely tuned muscles.

His body was basically the most perfect body she had ever seen. Every muscle was perfect… sturdy yet lean and also soft. She had no idea how he was able to get such a body but that was not important now. The important thing was to feel every part of that body and enjoy the warmth of her beloved.


She started from his neck up and kissed it tenderly before licking it with her red tongue. Her eyes didn't leave his body since she felt extremely embarrassed. It was her first time doing such a thing but she wasn't totally clueless about it. She did her research thoroughly before in anticipation of this moment. Her whole existence was ready for this moment.

Her mouth started slowly going down as she kissed, his chest, stomach, and everything around it. His skin turned red and sticky with her saliva. Somehow, his body tasted so sweet in her mouth as if she was licking honey.

Then, finally, she reached the place where everything should end. The place where the huge bulge was located. Her excitement peaked as she started tracing the surroundings of that place while waiting for the perfect opportunity to open it up.


"That's enough," Acht said with a hoarse voice grabbing Leislet's hands before changing their position with him on top. Her eyes widened when she saw herself pinned down but she didn't resist at all. Why would she resist such a thing in the first place?

'Fuck! I was almost completely defeated! I have to take control.' He thought to himself as he eyed Leislet's sensual beauty and her amazing figure. As much as he wanted to completely lose it and let his instincts take control as he ate her whole, he knew that taking it slowly is the right way for his partner to not feel any pain or discomfort.

Then, he moved his face to Leislet's face and kissed her forehead, then her cheek, and went down gradually. As he reached her chest, he started opening her suit, one by one. He deliberately wanted to make her lose her mind with anticipation just to frustrate her.

"H-Hurry." She said under her breath.

However, Acht stopped and instead started swirling around her breast with his finger. A groan of pain mixed with pleasure echoed in the room as Acht touched every part of her breast except the place where she wanted his fingers to be.

"P-Please…" She whispered shyly.

"Please what?" Acht replied as he licked her earlobe slightly. His face burned with lust and his eyes could only see the gorgeous woman in front of him.


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