Leaving The Country After Divorce

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

Chapter 226 Evervone at the dining table looked at Roxanne with more admiration. They even had the urge to t ake her in as their disciple.However, recalling that she had rejected even Gerald‘s offer, they felt embar rassed to speak up.Gerald quickly changed the topic, but the conversation still stayed within the medic al field.Because of Roxanne‘s performance earlier in the afternoon, whenever Gerald raised new questions in the conversation, everyone would immediately turn their gazes to her. Roxanne felt as though she had joined another conference, with everyone placing the main focus on he r.Fortunately for her, such an atmosphere did not last long. Gerald soon realized the atmosphere had tu rned a little too solemn for the occasion, so he quickly navigated the conversation to something more re laxing.Being the juniors among everyone else, Roxanne and Larry became their main targets to tease. Whenever a senior offered her drinks, Roxanne couldn‘t find an excuse to reject them. She would acce pt every drink her seniors gave her.After having several drinks in a row and noticing how her seniors stil l intended to give her more, Roxanne quickly made an excuse to go to the washroom when she was only finding an opportunity to leave the private room to get some fresh air.The restaurant was named Ocean Restaurant, and its decoration mainly was in dark blue with a touch of white, which gave the restaurant a mysterious yet calming atmosphere.After wandering around the door to the private room, Roxanne fi nally felt sober. She knew she couldn‘t make her seniors wait for too long, so she decided to head back insid e the private room.“Dr. Jarvis?”Right after she turned around, she ran into a middle– aged man. His white shirt seemed a little too tight because of his beer belly, and the buttons on his shirt seemed as though they could pop at any moment. Also, the man‘s cheeks were flushed, indicating that he was dru nk.Seeing that Roxanne had turned around to look at him, the middle– aged man took a couple of steps forward. He looked as if he was about to stick his face closer at Roxa nne to confirm if he recognized her correctly.Roxanne frowned and stepped back, putting some distanc

e between them before greeting, “Dr. Chambers, it‘s been a while.” The middle- aged man was a doctor working in the hospital that was a partner of Roxanne‘s research institute. Rox anne had only met him several times before this, and aside from his last name Chambers, Roxanne kn ew nothing else about him.Seeing that he didn‘t mistake another person for her, he got bolder and look ed at Roxanne in a perverted manner. “I remember thinking you‘re beautiful when we met at the research i nstitute. Dr. Jarvis, now that I‘ve seen you out of your research lab coat, I realize that not only you‘re be autiful, but you also have a great body.”As he spoke, he slowly approached Roxanne. “Look at your face. It‘s glowing. Let me touch it…”Noticing that he had stretched out his greasy hand toward h er, Roxanne felt disgusted and slapped his hand away. “Dr. Chambers, you should know your boundari es!”He was startled for a couple of seconds before realizing she had slapped his hand away. He frowned and glared at her. “How dare you hit me?”Roxan ne refused to dwell on this any longer with him, so she tried to make her way past him.However, he strode forward and blocked her path. “Are you trying to walk away from me after hitting me? As if I‘ll let that happen!”After saying that, he shifted his gaze lower to her slender waist, and the anger in his eyes dissipated a little. “Spend the night with me, and I‘ll forget what happened today. What do you sa y?”“If you dare come any closer to me, I‘ll call security!” Roxanne warned, having been forced to a corner.He was unbothered as he tried to snake his arm around her waist. Greed and lust were written all over his face. “Sure. Call them if you don‘t mind. We can alwa ys let them watch us have fun!”His body was about to cover hers, and Roxanne knew she was at a disadvantage if she tried to resist him with physical streng th. As she racked her brains to come up with an escape plan, the stench of alcohol slowly filled her nostrils.Just w hen Roxanne was slowly getting into despair, she heard a grunt. In the nextsecond, he was sent flying away from her.


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