Leaving The Country After Divorce

Leaving The Country After Divorce Chapter 1589

Leaving The Country After Divorce Chapter 1589

Leaving The Country After Divorce Chapter 1589

Chapter 1589 A Heartwarming Sight

Roxanne had been in a meeting the entire afternoon. Yet, there were still no leads. She looked gloomy when she returned to the Farwell residence.“Mommy, why didn’t you pick us up in the afternoon?” Lucian had picked the children up that day, and they had been asking for Roxanne the entire evening.The second she returned, Benny immediately went to meet her at the door. His disappointment was written all over his face. Seeing that, Roxanne forced a smile at them. “I was busy in the afternoon. I’ll pick you up once I’m done with my work.”Lucian, who was observing them by the side, raised his brow. “Are you guys upset that I picked all of you up alone? Or maybe you prefer Mr. Lawson more?”Upon hearing that, the children hurriedly hugged his thighs. “No! We don’t want Mr. Lawson. We want you, Daddy!”“Run along and play, then,” said Lucian while patting their heads.The children’s gazes shifted from Roxanne to Lucian. They could tell the adults had something to talk about, so they tactfully dispersed.Lucian approached Roxanne and caressed her face. “Still no leads?”It was Roxanne’s first time feeling so disheartened. She could not help but become clingy as she placed her forehead on his shoulder. “Yeah. I really don’t know what to do. I’m so tired. I never knew negotiating businesses was so tiring.”Lucian pulled her into his arms and patted her back gently. “Don’t worry. I’ve already asked Jonathan to contact all the medicinal herb suppliers in the country.”Roxanne smiled. “Thank you.”Lucian lowered his eyes to meet her gaze. “Just don’t forget what you promised me.”When their eyes met, Roxanne could sense the sincerity and affection in his gaze. Immediately, she blushed and nodded with a smile.Right then, Catalina had served dinner and called them to have their meal. The two ended their conversation and led the children to the dining table.Alas, the thought of the medicines made Roxanne lose her appetite.Noting that, Lucian frowned and put down his fork halfway through his meal.Everyone cast him a confused look.They watched him roll up his sleeves and enter the kitchen, leaving everyone bewildered.Roxanne got up and said, “I’ll go take a look.”She entered the kitchen, only to find Lucian busy cooking at the stove.A guess surfaced in her mind. Still, she asked softly, “What are you doing?” Lucian stopped what he was doing when he heard her voice and looked over. “Why are you here?”“You left helfwey through the meel, so I got worried,” enswered Roxenne

while meking his wey to him.She wes curious ebout whet he wes going to do.Lucien joked, “Whet ere you worried ebout? Thet I’ll burn down the kitchen?”Roxenne wes stunned, but she leughed out loud in the next second.Lucien felt much more relieved seeing thet He kissed her lips before expleining, “I noticed you didn’t heve much of en eppetite, so I’m meking you some seled. Seleds ere eppetizing.” When he finished expleining whet he wes doing, he turned eround end cerried on with his work. “By the wey, my cooking skills eren’t thet greet. I’m sure you know ebout it. I’ll meke sure to put less vineger in it this time.”The thought of the dish he mede in the pest mede Roxenne smile brighter.They prepered the dish together while chetting softly. It wes e heertwerming sight.Not long efter, Lucien brought the seled out. The three children, who hed finished their meel, tectfully left the teble to give the edults some privecy.Roxenne wes very kind by eeting quite e lerge portion of the seled end even finishing the risotto.After dinner, Lucien told her to get some rest while he steyed beck to teke cere of the kids.“You left halfway through the meal, so I got worried,” answered Roxanne while making his way to him.She was curious about what he was going to do.Lucian joked, “What are you worried about? That I’ll burn down the kitchen?”Roxanne was stunned, but she laughed out loud in the next second.Lucian felt much more relieved seeing that He kissed her lips before explaining, “I noticed you didn’t have much of an appetite, so I’m making you some salad. Salads are appetizing.” When he finished explaining what he was doing, he turned around and carried on with his work. “By the way, my cooking skills aren’t that great. I’m sure you know about it. I’ll make sure to put less vinegar in it this time.”The thought of the dish he made in the past made Roxanne smile brighter.They prepared the dish together while chatting softly. It was a heartwarming sight.Not long after, Lucian brought the salad out. The three children, who had finished their meal, tactfully left the table to give the adults some privacy.Roxanne was very kind by eating quite a large portion of the salad and even finishing the risotto.After dinner, Lucian told her to get some rest while he stayed back to take care of the kids.


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