Legacy Firing

Chapter 65 - Contemplation

Chapter 65 - Contemplation

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Charlus sighed. His quest was becoming difficult slowly. Charlus was getting scared that he wouldn't be able to finish his quests and he would be letting Khione go free.

Charlus sighed. He still had something to do. He had to explain to Lucie what he did. 

Charlus went to Lucie's room. Lucie was sitting on her bed and laying down. She was looking up. She sat straight up when she heard Charlus come in. 

"So what explanation do you have? To kidnapping a woman and holding her against her will?"

Charlus sighed. Charlus started speaking.

"Lucie, I would first like to apologize for my comments earlier today. As for the woman, some people deserve what they get. I'll put this in a very simple way. I am part of Group A. This lady belongs to Group B. Group A and Group B are at war. At least they will be. And I am therefore required to fight Group B. Do you understand?"

Lucie nodded.

"Good. Now you must also understand that if you approach Group B to fight against me, you can feel free to. But once you do, I am afraid you will be considered my enemy. And you don't want that." Charlus warned Lucie before going out of the room. 

He then went outside his house. It was dark outside and Charlus did not know what to do. So Charlus decided to just drive in his car. He got onto the highway and pressed his leg on the acceleration pedal. Charlus rolled his window down. He wanted to feel the wind blow on his face.

Charlus felt that the roof on his head was irritating. He punched it, blowing away the roof. He was now in the open. Charlus could now feel the air blowing on his face. As for the roof he had punched open, it floated slowly and landed on the side of the highway on the grass part.

Charlus continued going at high speeds, breaking the 80 miles per hour speed (128 miles per hour). Suddenly, the car stuttered. Charlus heard a weird voice. The car stopped accelerating. Charlus pressed the brake when he heard a honking noise. He looked back and saw a truck coming at him while he was deaccelerating.


The truck wasn't stopping fast enough and it crashed into Chalrus' car. The truck smashed the car away, blowing it away. The truck slowly came to a stop.

The truck driver was very afraid. He quickly called the police. He was afraid he had killed someone.

"Hello? 9-1-1?"

"9-1-1 operator. What is your problem?"

The truck driver panicked.

"I was on the highway and the car in front of me stopped suddenly. I couldn't stop in time and I crashed into the car. I don't know what to do."

The 9-1-1 operator realised the situation.

"Do not panic sir. I need your location."

"I'm on the I-405. Could you come quickly?"

The 9-1-1 operator gave him some instructions. "Sir. Can you try to see if the car is still stable? We need to see if the car is going to burst into flames."

The truck driver went close to the car. He did not feel any heat. He bent down and looked through the window. He did not find anyone there.

Charlus was in the air, looking down at the truck driver. He felt sorry for him. Charlus swooped beside the truck and threw in a package for him. A very small one but it would help. 

Charlus left the scene. He flew up high. He still wasn't satisfied. He wanted to feel some thrill. He was feeling restless. Charlus felt like he needed to break some chains that were holding him. 

After an hour of flying, Charlus decided that he wanted to level up. He wanted to clear the floor. If he did, he might be able to hit Lvl 100. Charlus hoped to hit the next tier.josei

If he could, he would be able to be confident. Because from what he understood, people found it hard to move from one tier to another as seen in Brody. He would be having an advantage as a person from a different tier. He would not be at a disadvantage compared to the vice family head of the Chione Family, who he was sure would be a Tier 2. But Charlus was not going to be doing anything until he got some information about the Chione Family. Once he did though, he would plan an attack headfirst into the Chione Family.

Charlus just flew directly to the dungeon using the cover of the night. No one saw that a man was flying in the air. 

Charlus entered the dungeon. He went directly to the second floor after massacring the skeletons on the first floor. He didn't even waste time picking up his rewards. The materials were probably unnecessary to him anyway.

Charlus entered the dungeon. The first thing he noticed was that he wasn't in his usual spawn spot. He was somewhere, a bit more precarious. 

He had spawned right in the middle of the skeleton army. He immediately whipped his scythe out. He flew up to escape the swords from swinging at him.

Charlus breathed a sigh of relief when he was able to escape from his death. He cursed himself.

He shouldn't have thought about this stupid probable spawn spot when he was here last time. But it is what it is.

Charlus got back right to it. He just needed to kill a few Skeleton Soldiers and then a few Calvary before looking for a General. He had an idea of where to look for the General. 

Charlus jumped back into his original location. He got to thinking, why did he need to start in the front? A typical man did that because he had to escape from that. But this decreased Charlus' productivity since he swung his scythe around his body and it would be better if there were enemies all around him. And as for an escape route, he always had the sky above him.


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