Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 430 Employment

Chapter 430 Employment

"I will employ the Mercenary Hall's assistance," Kyran told them, then looked at Stella before adding, "The payment will be the amount the item I gave you will fetch."

Stella's eyes widened, "T-That's a lot of money!"

Knowing the item Kyran spoke of, Vaness also agreed, "We already released an updated brochure of the auction, which included that item as one of the highlights. So far, the feedback from our usual patrons is huge."

"Yes," Emery second the notion. "Many sent their intentions of buying the item before the auction, and the offer had gone up to fifty million spirit stones."

Kyran raised his brows at the amount. He did not realize the Array Calculation he prepared to counter the new magic detectors could fetch that sum. Although the amount might have gone up because the Conclave made a prototype, he was positive fifty million spirit stones were a huge amount.

Nonetheless, that amount definitely did not come from one faction alone. At least three medium or six to seven small factions could be working together to produce that amount.

"The truth, we are thinking of 'renting' the item instead of auctioning it. Because there is a possibility that those who bought the item might re-sell it at an even higher price after deciphering it," Emery added.

Kyran shook his head, "It's impossible for anyone to crack the calculation as long as the prototype followed my design to the last detail. But I agree they will sell it at an even higher price, not because they decipher it, but because they could not. And..."

His brow creased slightly, "There is a chance it will fall in the hands of the Three Noble Families or worse, the Royal Family."

"Yes, we thought so too," Vaness nodded with a sigh.

"Let's talk about this separately, Head Chief Vaness."

"Very well."josei

Kyran turned his attention back to Stella, "But I stand with what I said. The amount it will fetch will be used as payment for employing the Mercenary Hall's assistance."

Before Stella could protest, Kyran added with a bitter smile, "I actually think the amount is reasonable. Because I will employ them with the idea of sending them to war."

In an instant, the whole room fell into a cold silence.

Malek's eyes narrowed while the rest— except for Hugh— looked confused or nervous.

Kyran expected this. He initially wanted to keep the Mercenary Hall's involvement a secret. But after Stella declared the Conclave's future stance, it could hinder Kyran's plan when the time of war came. After all, the Mercenary Hall was the Conclave's main military force.

"Are you serious?"

Sigma was the one who broke the silence. He looked at Kyran with a slight frown.

Kyran nodded his head, "Yes. But I will only employ the members for one day."

"Except for me," Hugh added, his expression sober.

They looked at him in confusion.

With a bitter smile, Kyran nodded in agreement, "Yes. Except for Chairman Hugh. He will work for me until I free my clan."

"Wait just a moment!" Stella stood up and looked at Kyran and Hugh in confusion.

On the other hand, Malek heaved a sigh and leaned on his chair, "I knew this is coming after realizing your Alchemy skills may be on par... no, maybe even exceeded Malia's."

Kyran did not respond.

Malia looked at Kyran, then to Hugh, realizing what Malek meant, "So he offered to cure your magic reserves."

"Yes," Hugh answered, smiling slightly, "Don't take offense, Malia. I appreciate all your effort in keeping me alive all this time."

He looked at Stella before continuing, "And I am grateful for all you've done for me, milord. However, in order to serve you with the utmost of my abilities, I need to recover my magic reserves."

"Hugh..." Stella bit her lower lip.

Hugh was one of the oldest members of the council and had supported her father when he was still alive. To her, he was like family.

"When Hugh's magic core is healed, there is a big chance he'll also achieve a breakthrough," Kyran said and looked at Stella. "It will benefit him."

Stella returned his gaze. With brows furrowed slightly, she asked, "Are you the one who will heal him?"

Kyran's expression did not falter, but his heart skipped realizing the unspoken question from her eyes.


Malek frowned, "No? Then who? Is there anyone else who can concoct a potion that can heal Hugh?"

Kyran turned away from Stella to look at Malek.

"Initially I was thinking of doing it myself, but the materials needed for the potion are not available— rather, they are too expensive and hard to find. If we have more time, maybe we can look for it, but as we are now, the Royal Family would have made a move before Chairman Hugh is healed."

"If time is all you need, then—."

"Don't start, Stella," Kyran cut her off in exasperation. "Your magic must not be used on a large-scale operation. If you do, you'll end up..." Kyran paused, deciding to leave it.

Steering the topic back on track, he continued, "In any case, the person who will heal Chairman Hugh is someone I trust, and the process will only take a short while. He will not need any recovery time, too."

"But Kyran, she's—."

"Stella, please," Kyran interrupted and looked at her pleadingly. He did not know how she guessed Cyneah was the person who would heal Hugh, but it made him realize just how formidable a woman's instinct was.

The short exchange between the two had not gone unnoticed. The council members wondered who their lord spoke of that she had to make such a pained expression.

Styx, Addie, Archel, and Michel were silent on one side. They could not follow the discussion but the bits and pieces of details they heard sent their minds reeling.

Especially when they heard Kyran's Alchemy level could be on par or even higher than Chairman Malia's, and the unspoken 'magic' Stella possessed that might be associated with 'time.'


Apparently, Stella would not back down this time.

"Hugh is one of my people. He is family. So unless I meet... t-that person, and I judged Hugh would not be harmed in any way, then I will not agree. I don't care how expensive the materials you will need to concoct the potion. I'll find a way to get them and have you heal him."

Kyran's expression turned grim. He knew Stella would not agree easily if Cyneah were involved. No, to be honest, he knew Stella would have agreed if Cyneah's identity had remained 'unknown.'

It was all due to White Lily's unnecessary meddling.

With a sigh, Kyran relented and said, "Fine. I'll take you to her."

"Let's go now."


"Why? Are you going to 'prepare' her first? Tell her what she can and cannot say. Or... or... I don't know. Find a different woman and have her pretend to be her?"

Kyran looked at her incredulously. He was starting to feel bad for Hugh because Stella did not sound worried for him but was simply jealous of Cyneah!

"No," Kyran replied patiently. "I just fought legendary beasts today, the army's deputy marshals and one guy from the Royal Family. I need rest. I'm exhausted."

Stella stopped at once, "Oh."

How could she have forgotten that?

Actually, the others seemed to have only remembered it as well. They felt uneasy when the two started their exchange, which sounded like a couple quarrelling and were busy thinking of an excuse to leave.

With a low voice, Kyran added, "Can we not talk about this? They might get the wrong idea."

Stella's face turned rudy after realizing they were still in the presence of the council. Not to mention Silas, Styx, Addie, Archel, and Michel were unrelated parties.

But then, Stella held her head high and replied, "Well, they are not entirely wrong. I don't like her healing, Hugh, because I'm jealous. Is that clear enough?"

Kyran's brow twitched. He knew women could be unreasonable, but this was too much for him. In the first place, he had already experienced a fair share of it from Anette early this evening.

Malek's brow also twitched. Once again, Stella's bad habit was showing, and while he was annoyed that she had decided to be open about her feelings for Kyran, he also felt a little 'sorry' for the latter to have fallen into a tight spot.

Malia and the other council members also felt a little sorry for Kyran. At the same time, they were worried about this woman of who their lord was jealous.

There were few women who they knew had contact with Kyran these days. However, there was only one who had healing ability.

The Crown Princess.

"That is all I have to say today," Kyran decided not to comment on Stella's words. "I'll take you with me when I visit her again before the Field Operation."

"Again? Were you late because you went to see her again?"

"We'll take our leave then," Kyran ignored Stella's accusation and warped everyone— who came with him from the Courtenay land except for Stella— before anyone could say anything.


As soon as Kyran and the others reappeared in Noir's room, they all turned to him with a complex expression.

On the other hand, Styx and the other three felt they heard things they should not have and were uneasy.

Kyran looked at Noir, Vaness, Callan, and Malia and said, "Master Noir, Head Chief Vaness, President Callan, and Chairman Malia, I'll take them with me to talk."

Noir nodded, "Go ahead. We can talk another time."

"Yes," Vaness also agreed. "It is also getting late.

"Thank you."

He then looked at Styx and the others, "Let's go."

They looked at him and nodded. However, just as they were about to make their way to the door, Kyran waved his hand, and all of them, including Silas and his puppets, disappeared.

"Neo already filled me in on what happened earlier. I'll drop by in the morning before the scheduled meeting."


Kyran nodded at them and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

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