Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 458 It's My Turn Now

Chapter 458 It's My Turn Now

Before Kyran could say anything, a pleasant female voice reverberated in the hall.

"The Conclave agrees."

The moment Kyran heard the voice, his brow involuntarily twitched.

Unlike the previous two occasions where the female voice that had spoken on behalf of the Conclave belonged to Malia, this one obviously belonged to Stella!

Recalling how he 'escaped' in the middle of her 'outburst' during the meeting with the Conclave High Council Members, Kyran felt an incoming headache.

Why did she come here again? While nothing happened in her previous visits, that did not mean she was safe. Especially today, when the whole Royal Family is present and in very close proximity? It was okay if Stella kept a low profile, like on her previous visits. But she went ahead and even spoke on behalf of the Conclave. Did she not have any self-awareness of the danger of being in the presence of the Royal Family? To be precise, in the presence of the Crown Princess?

Feeling his head throb from the impending headache, Kyran massaged his left temple.

Kairo and the others mistook Kyran's action as him feeling troubled by the head committee's decision to 'seal' their weapons.

With a sneer, he nodded and replied, "We understand."

On the other hand, Styx, who did not use a weapon, grunted a curt, "Fine."

Since the council members already agreed. There was nothing much he could say.

Rake also had no complaints. He used short blades but rarely utilized them in battle. Besides, his control over his Wind magic was good enough to launch fierce blade-like attacks.

As for Kyran.

Styx glanced furtively at Kyran, who had now sat beside him. In an instant, his face distorted as a question crossed his mind.

Was there even a difference between whether this guy had a weapon or not?

Styx did not think so.

After hearing the two leaders' acknowledgment, the female announcer nodded and resumed the competition.

"Participants for the ninth match, Rake of the Conclave against Royal Army's Major General Kairo!"

Rake stood up with his eyes burning with determination.

"Don't be a hero and get your ass kicked," Styx reminded him. "He will not use those annoying swords, but he is still a Grand Master. It's only one level, but you know how huge that gap really is. Not to mention, he is originally a Fire Elementor."

"Please forfeit as soon as possible, senior," Kyran added with a smile.

Black lines appeared on Rake's forehead, and he looked at them, "Thanks for the vote of confidence, you two."

Still, he knew his Wind magic would not be able to extinguish Kairo's flames. With a gap between them, the latter's flame was a tier higher than his. Honestly, even if they were on the same level, Wind magic was still at a disadvantage because wind magic's attribute naturally boosts fire magic.

"You still have a chance," Styx insisted. "Tyr made that f*cking Ganza lose consciousness but he is not out of the competition. If he did not wake up before your match, then you will win by default."

"That doesn't really sit well with me, winning by default."

"Does it matter?" Styx shrugged. "What matters is we get to the quarterfinals."

Styx was right. Rake's next opponent after Kairo was supposed to be Vanadin. If they were still considered participants, the latter's withdrawal already gave them one win. But there was no telling if the head committee would declare that since they were already out of the competition, then their matches would be voided.

In any case, the sooner the next match pushes forward, the better. This way, Ganza would have less time to regain consciousness.

Rake nodded his head after a short pause and said, "You're right."

"F*ck right, I am."

Rake only chuckled and went to the arena.

"Tyr," Styx called as soon as Rake was out of earshot. "That bastard Ganza will not wake up, will he?"

Kyran chuckled, "No."

"And that f*cking Osman? Sh*t, why did you even let that assh*le live?"

Black lines appeared on Kyran's head as he looked at Styx, "Do you want me to be disqualified?"

"That Crown Princess loves your ass, she will find a way to keep you in the competition."

More black lines appeared on Kyran's head. Styx's way of speaking reminded him of Nolan.

"She is interested in Tyr's talent," Kyran corrected him. "If I had killed Osman, they will likely use that chance to blackmail me in submission."

Styx snorted, "As if that will work."

Kyran chuckled and chose not to respond.

In the arena, Rake and Kairo stood in the middle of the arena. The wreckage from the previous matches was still present. However, the female announcer deemed it would not affect the next matches and, thus, did not call for a break to restore the arena.

Not that Rake or Kairo cared. To them, this match would be a quick one.

The timer above had already restarted, and the announcer raised her hand, "Ninth match begin!"

Rake was the first one to move. He summoned light green magic arrays on his feet and dashed toward Kairo. Another two small light green magic arrays appeared and hovered on his palms. He made swiping motions with his arms, each swipe producing blade-like wind attacks that went toward Kairo.

Kairo smiled and deftly evaded Rake's attack. Though wind attacks were usually invisible, minute changes in the magic energies in the surroundings would allow one to know where the attack would come from. Besides, Rake's arm movements were already a dead giveaway of the direction of his attacks.

A smile tugged at the corner of Rake's lips. Unfortunately, with the bandage covering his head, Kairo did not see it.

Making a sudden stop, Rake suddenly made a grabbing motion with his hand, and the blade-like wind attacks that Kairo evaded returned.

Kairo's eyes narrowed after sensing danger coming from behind. He jumped to evade it. However, he misjudged the distance, and his sleeves got torn.

Before Kairo could land on the ground, Rake swung his arms to the right, controlling the blade-like winds to go after the former. His fluid movements looked as if he was dancing.

"Tsk," Kairo gritted his teeth and summoned two magic arrays on his palms. While in midair, he aimed at the grounds, and his palms shot out whirling flames that forced him up, evading Rake's attack again.

After failing three times, the wind attack started to disperse, and finally, Kairo could land on the ground.

From the sides, Styx's eyes narrowed at once.

"He did not levitate," he commented.

"No he did not," Kyran agreed.

"So earlier, when fought and he remained midair, that was not his ability?"

"He's shoes are probably enchanted. I'm not sure yet."

"Useless," Styx snorted.

Kyran could only look at him with a bitter smile. What did he even mean about that? Ignoring Styx's disdain, he added, "Besides, I don't think levitation is his innate ability."

He recalled Kairo speaking to him, which was similar to telepathy but was not, and wondered what the latter's innate ability was.

Back in the arena, as soon as Kairo landed on the ground, he looked at Rake. The latter, who stopped attacking, stood straight and looked back at him.

"When fighting against Rivka, you did not show that level of control over your magic," Kairo commented. "Not only with him. But with your previous matches."

Rake shrugged, "It's common sense to not show all your cards all at once. If that happens, there will no longer be an element of surprise, don't you think?"

Kairo chuckled, "You are quite right."

Before he finished his sentence, a red magic array appeared before him, and a long flaming sword emerged at the center.

Rake immediately changed his stance. With the two light green magic arrays hovering on his palms, he spread his arms outward and produced a mighty wind that flew toward Kairo. He aimed to disrupt the latter from molding a weapon.

Kairo raised his left hand and simply unleashed his magic aura, negating Rake's wind attack in an instant.

"How?" Rake's eyes widened in surprise.

"It's my turn, now," Kairo said as he pulled out the long sword with his right.

Rake braced himself.



Kairo disappeared from his line of sight.

"Rake!" Styx shouted after seeing this. His expression was one of shock because...

"I don't mind dragging this match. But your little friend over there has humiliated us time and again. I need to do something or we'll lose face."

Kairo said after appearing silently behind Rake.

"Ngh!" Rake gritted his teeth and turned, but Kairo had already struck with his long flaming sword.



A hot searing pain spread on Rake's back as Kairo struck three times. In an instant, the former's body was engulfed in flames.josei

"You son of a b*tch!" Styx growled.

Kairo looked behind him at Styx and Kyran. With a smile, he said, "What was it? An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, right?"

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