Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 460 Not An Ability

Chapter 460 Not An Ability

Kyran left the function hall and went to Malia's quarters.

Upon entering, he found Styx leaning by the wall while watching three people, in an alchemist robe, moving around three makeshift beds. Lying on two of these beds were Deo and Tilda. Rake, on the other hand, was nowhere in sight.

But Kyran was not worried as he sensed his faint aura in a separate room to the right. He could also hear Malia's voice, instructing someone on what to do. Since Rake was the last one to arrive, Malia was still treating him.

Styx turned to look at him and gave him a slight nod. He left the hall seething in anger, but it seemed his mood mellowed after confirming Deo and Tilda's conditions. As for Rake, he was still worried, but with Malia tending to him personally, everything should be fine.

Deo was still unconscious. Half of his body had already been bandaged with a cloth dipped in a solution, a good first aid remedy for burns, that Malia prepared. Two male alchemists were currently bandaging the rest of his body.

Kyran used his magic sense to inspect Deo's condition. Based on the latter's exposed skin, which was red and swelling with some visible blisters, he was suffering from second-degree burns. However, from the areas that had already been covered, Kyran sensed some charred parts. A clear indication of a third-degree burn. Such burns would normally take time to heal and would leave an ugly white scar.

But well. The key word there was 'normally.'

With Kyran's vast Alchemy knowledge, he knew a few remedies that could heal burns and leave no scars. He could make some in less than an hour, but currently, he did not have the ingredients. In any case, he could get these ingredients from Anette's garden so it was fine. Right now, he had to confirm Deo, Tilda and Rake's condition first.

After confirming Deo's condition, Kyran checked Tilda's. So far, her condition was better compared to Deo and Rake. She only received light burns from when Osman unleashed his full mage level. A female alchemist was currently tending her arms, applying an ointment, Kyran guessed had been prepared by Malia as well.

Sensing someone's eyes on her, Tilda looked up to see Kyran looking at him. She smiled wryly and said, "I thought I can take him down with me. Stupid, huh."

Kyran only responded with a bitter smile.

"I heard from Styx you took him down," Tilda said.

"I did."

"Did you give him a good beating? Deo's already stable, but that bastard left him scarred."

"I beat him up. But I'm not done with him."

Kyran's answer caused Tilda's brow to furrow in confusion, "Not done?"

Styx snorted, "Did you change your mind after I said, I'd kill him if you don't?"

Kyran looked at him with raised brows, "I won't let you kill him."

"What?" Styx growled. "After what he did to Deo and—."

"He's still useful," Kyran replied and made his way to the room where Malia was tending to Rake. "Don't worry, I have a better way of having him pay."

Without waiting for the two to ask questions, Kyran entered the room.

Inside the room, Kyran found Rake lying on his stomach. Three alchemists, one female and two males were assisting Malia, as she applied some gel-like solution on Rake's back.

Rake groaned in his sleep. But because he was biting on a cloth, his voice came out muffled.

Malia was too focused on what she was doing that she did not notice Kyran's arrival.

p The two male alchemists, directly assisting Malia in applying the gel-like solution, did not notice him too. As for the female alchemist, mixing the solution to one side, she looked up and only gave him a faint smile.

Kyran raised a finger to his lips, signalling the female alchemist to not say a word when the latter was about to announce his arrival.

The female alchemist nodded and turned back to her task.

Using his magic sense, Kyran checked Rake's condition. His expression turned grim at once after confirming that compared to Deo, Rake's condition was far worse.

It should not have been the case, since Osman's flame was more powerful than Kairo's. Unless...

Kyran delved his magic sense further into Rake's wounds. After a few seconds of probing, he noticed a different magic energy residue in the latter's sword wounds.

Soon after receiving the sword wounds, Rake erupted in flames. However, his body only received at most, second-degree burns. The problem was the wounds on his back. Kyran sensed another type of magic in them.

Kyran recalled Kairo's 'molded' flaming long sword and his brow furrowed.

During the competition, Kyran had to limit the use of his magic sense because did not want to alert the Crown Princess, Ruin or Deception in case his real aura leaked.

After seeing Rake's wound, Kyran regretted his decision. He should have tried sensing Kairo's flames.

Kyran noticed something different in Kairo's flames, which was how he knew the latter was not an Elementor but a Transmuter. In any case, the latter's flames were special because it could take a 'solid form.'

Contrary to what most people in the Human plane knew, any mage with elemental magic could be a Transmuter. However, one had to understand the very essence of their innate magic in order to succeed in creating something.

For example, Fire magic's nature is indeed formless. But, one has to understand that Fire magic is not similar to natural fire. The former is made of pure fire magic energy, and if one manage to condense this magic energy, Fire magic can have a solid form. Of course, this concept is easier said than done. One has to understand the essence of fire as well as have a high level of magic sense.

Could it be that Kairo mastered the use of his magic sense up to the fourth level?

No, that should not have beeb possible. Kairo's mage level was too low. Mastering one's magic sense up to the fourth level required one to have a vast magic reserve, and Kairo did not strike Kyran as someone who had this.

"Chairman Malia," Kyran finally called her attention.

Malia perked at his call and turned, "Ky- Tyr! What are you doing here? Don't tell me the competition is—."

"Leader Styx and I made it to the quarterfinals," Kyran cut her in midsentence.

He almost broke out in cold sweat when she almost slipped and spoke his name. He did not know the latter had a tendency to slip if taken by surprise. He had to take note of that. That was really a close one.

"Right. Okay, sorry..." Malia stammered, realizing how close she was in blurting out Kyran's name.

"Can I have a look at senior Rake?" Kyran asked at once.

Malia looked at him sternly and was about to refuse when she remembered Kyran's Alchemy knowledge had already surpassed hers.

She looked furtively at her assistants, who were looking at them in silence.

Seeing Malia's reaction, Kyran added, "I recently found another form of Array creation that can stimulate a person's natural healing ability. I'd like to try it on senior Rake. That way, the effects of your remedy will increase."

Malia gave him a wry smile. The way he said that did not sound like an excuse at all. If she guessed it correctly, he genuinely knew ways using Alchemy or Array that could heal Rake.

"Alright," she agreed at once, surprising her three assistants.josei


"Is it really alright?"

"We've already applied the salve, chairman. Is it really okay to stop?"

Malia frowned at them, "I know what you want to say. But you two also realize that the wound on Rake's back is not a simple burn. If Tyr has a way to stimulate his natural healing ability, then the treatment will be more effective."

"S-Sorry, chairman. I've spoken out of line," one of the male alchemists apologized.

Malia smiled, "It is fine. I know you all are worried about Rake's unstable condition. That is a good quality of an alchemist. But Tyr is Noir's disciple and I trust his judgement. I don't think he will offer help without basis. Besides, Tyr is one of us, he will not do anything that will harm Rake."

"Yes, chairman."

Malia looked at Kyran and nodded, "We'll be outside."

Kyran nodded in appreciation.

It was good that Malia was sensible and readily left the room with the others.

After the four left, Kyran approached the unconscious Rake. His 'aquamarine' eyes turned dark, an indication that his real eyes had turned dark purple. After which, he gathered the surrounding magic energies using his magic sense and attracted the residue in Rake's sword wound.

By doing this, Kyran would be able to determine what type of 'magic' the residue belonged.

Thirty seconds later, a small smile appeared on his face.

"It's not an ability..." he muttered, recalling how Kairo spoke to him, which resembled 'telepathy.'

"Interesting," Kyran added, his eyes glinting in excitement.

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