Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 475 Meeting With Mannick

Chapter 475 Meeting With Mannick

Most of the older generation in the audience broke into hushed discussions after Haylee mentioned the Regis Clan.

Their reaction might seem exaggerated. But after the Regis Clan went into seclusion, mention of them had not been made in public, especially from a member of the Royal Family. There were rumors that the emperor of that time had harbored deep resentment over the Regis's decision. None knew how much of the truth was contained in them. For the Crown Princess to mention them after witnessing Kyran's strength was a little puzzling. After all, the Regis Clan was not the only one with strengthening techniques. A few surviving old combat families within the empire managed to preserve their body techniques.

Could it be that Kyran's strength resembled the Regis's techniques?

None knew the answer to that because they had never seen a Regis in action before.

"The Regis Clan again?" Kyran tilted his head to one side. "I keep hearing that clan these days."

Haylee's smile faltered.

"'Keep hearing'?" She repeated. "When? From who?"

Kyran only shrugged in reply.

"He's talking about me. I told him to keep it a secret."

Iulia suddenly spoke from behind.

Without turning to look at her, Haylee asked, "You talked to him?"

"Yes," Iula answered with a nod. With an apologetic smile, she added, "Have I done an unnecessary thing?"

Before Haylee could reply, Euan reached for Iulia's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, "You have done nothing of the sort."

He looked at Haylee and changed the subject, "You know how much I love you, Haylee. And as much as I want to indulge you, the competition between the Conclave and the Royal Army is still ongoing. You seem to enjoy teasing Disciple Tyr but do that later, after today's competitions are over."

Haylee looked at him with a smile, "Yes. Father."

She turned her attention to the arena and said, "Have dinner with us, Disciple Tyr. I am very interested in how adept you are at utilizing your magic. I would like to hear more of your insights."

The audience went into an uproar at once. Did they hear it correctly? The Crown Princess actually extended an invitation to Disciple Tyr for dinner. She mentioned being interested in his magic application, but they were not stupid. They all knew it was only a pretense. The rumor about the Crown Princess's interest in Disciple Tyr seemed true!

From the Lumley Family's booth, all eligible bachelors the elders asked to watch the matches frowned in discontent. They knew the Crown Princess was interested in Disciple Tyr, but for her to invite him in front of all these people made them wonder what she was really planning.

Similarly, those who already knew Kyran's identity within the Courtenay and Montgomeray Families and the Conclave felt restless. In particular, Mimi, Stella, and Zuri.

Mimi also felt a little perplexed at her sudden concern. She always detested Kyran, especially because of Millie's blind admiration toward him.

No. That was not entirely correct. Her sudden concern was not really a surprise. She did not care about 'Disciple Tyr,' but she could say the same about 'Kyran.' Her sudden change of heart was due to the realization that Kyran had only been acting when he was disguised as 'Tyr.' Talking to the real him was pretty different. At least to her, he seemed different.

On the other hand, Zuri was worried that the Crown Princess was plotting something. When the latter mentioned the Regis Clan, Zuri broke out in cold sweat. It felt as if the Crown Princess had noticed something. Zuri was still trying to figure out what and how she did.

Stella's restlessness was already obvious. She was afraid that the Crown Princess had already realized Kyran's real identity. Of course, she knew this was not the case. Haylee might only be making an offhanded remark when she mentioned the Regis Clan. After all, the Regis Clan was indeed a good example when topic about strengthening techniques are mentioned.

"No, thanks."

Gasps of disbelief from the audience greeted Kyran's forthright rejection of the Crown Princess's invitation. They all glanced at Haylee and were even more surprised to find her giggling in amusement.

Did she find Kyran's rejection amusing? Was she not offended? Or was she only keeping up appearances? Why did it feel this was not the first time he rejected her?

Mimi could not help but look at Kyran helplessly. His attitude toward the Crown Princess did not seem like 'Tyr's,' but his real self. What was he doing?

Ignoring the commotion, Kyran turned his attention to the male announcer and said, "Can you announce the result? I need to go back to the Array Creation."

The male announcer snapped out of his thoughts and glared at Kyran, "Do not be disrespectful of her Highness!"

"It is fine," Haylee replied. "Disciple Tyr is only being shy."

When she made that remark, the imagination of those who loved to gossip among the audience went wild. How to put it. She sounded very affectionate, like the two knew each other for a long time.

"Please proceed. I apologize for interrupting the match," Haylee added. Then she looked at Kyran once more and said, "Let's talk later."

'This girl...' Kyran's brow twitched.

Murmurs of shock and disbelief filled the gallery again.

As for the rest of the VIPs, all of them had mixed emotions at the exchanged between the two.

Meanwhile, True Void, who had been nervous a second ago, had already recovered and started teasing Kyran.

[You ladykiller, you! Did you actually seduce her while I was sleeping? You're a fast worker!]

Kyran ignored True Void's teasing.

The male announcer sighed inwardly. To think the Crown Princess did not mind Kyran's disrespectful attitude toward her. Then again, after witnessing Kyran's display of strength, he could somewhat understand why she acted that way. After all, Kyran's talent was not only in Array but also combat and in-depth understanding of his own magic. The Royal Family likely want to 'snatch' him from the Conclave.

"The quarterfinals match between Disciple Tyr and Major General Kairo, has won by Disciple Tyr. He has officially entered the Solo Competition's Finals!"

The gallery erupted in loud cheers. To be honest, most had already stopped paying attention to who would win. They were more interested in witnessing more drama between the Conclave and the Royal Army.

As for Kyran, he already left the arena and went to the other side.josei

"The next match will be between Styx of the Conclave and the Royal Army's Major General Rivka. The match will begin in five minutes!" The male announcer declared.

Another five-minute break was needed to restore the arena.

Two officers from the Royal Army had gone up on the arena to check on Kairo. Honestly, they were scared to know the latter's condition. After seeing the state of Ganza and Osman after fighting Kyran, they were worried Kairo would also end up getting disqualified.

However, upon checking, Kairo's condition was better compared to Ganza and Osman. Now that they thought of it. Kyran hit him using his left arm. The strength of his left arm, likely was not as powerful as his right.

Alas, these guys inadvertedly help cover up Kyran's mistake.

As a matter of fact, Kairo would have suffered brain damage when Kyran hit him. The only reason why that did not happen was because True Void helped minimized the force.

When Rivka confirmed that Kairo could still fight in the next match, he inwardly sighed in relief. Honestly, he had been worried that Kyran would finish him off and he would lose his chance to face him.

Kyran had been right. Rivka's target was Kairo. And as for the reason, it was quite simple. The latter was one of Deputy Marshal Imman's promising recruits. Rivka had to ensure the latter would not have a chance to increase his 'internal force.' After all, Mannick knew about the Crown Princess's promise to Imman's officers.

Although the Royal Army was again ruled by the Royal Family, the internal strife between each forces within was still there.

A couple of hours later, the competitions finally ended.

The result in the Array Creation did not really surprise them. The Blacksmith Order won, with a total of eighty points. Owen and Hamish achieved 70% completions, earning them twenty points each. While Kyran managed an 82% completion, earning a forty points.

The Royal Army was actually only behind by ten points. With two of them achieving 65% completion, thus earning twenty points each. As for the officer that Kyran guessed was one of Mannick's men, he achieved a 74% completion, earning him a thirty points.

It had really been a close one between them.

As for the result in the Solo Competition, it actually came as a surprise to them.

Rivka won his match against Styx. The two actually did not exchange too many moves. After almost ten minutes, Styx admitted defeat after exhausting his magic reserves.

Another thirty-minutes break was announced before the last match between Kairo and Rivka.

By then, Kairo had already recovered. Although, the audience saw a large red bump on his cheek. It seemed, the final hit that knocked him out needed time to heal.

Honestly, the match between the Royal Army participants did not excite the audience. They all felt that they would only put on a show and the end would be Rivka surrendering and letting Kairo move to the finals.

They were surprised to have actually witnessed Rivka thrashing Kairo! The former did not even Kairo a chance to summon his fire whirlwind and ended the match in an overwhelming manner in thirty seconds!

Imman could not help but huffed in indignation at the result. He even accused Mannick for having nurtured a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Unfortunately, Imman's rant went to deaf ears as Mannick ignored him and left as soon as the competition ended.

Thus, the Day '6' of the Joint Military Exercise ended without any  accident.

That night, Kyran went to the Island. When he arrived at the spot where Mannick revealed his real identity, Mannick was already there.

Mannick, sitting on a boulder under a broken tree, looked at Kyran. With a slight smile he said, "I know you said you will find me. But the current circumstances isn't looking well that's why I have to seek you myself."

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