Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 478 Rampage (2)

Chapter 478 Rampage (2)

The appearance of the two mutated basilisks surprised Kyran. He only remembered letting the Chimera and Manticore into the rift, but surprisingly these two had appeared. No hostility could be sensed from them either. Kyran could even sense great elation from these two. As if they had been waiting for him, like two pets that had not seen their owner for a long time.

Seeing that these two were docile, Kyran would not hesitate to use them. As for how they ended up lurking within the rift, he would have to find the answer later. For now, he had a far more important thing to do.

A few minutes earlier, after coming out of the rift, Kyran had already used his magic sense to observe the surroundings. At the same time, he searched for Tritus's and Zephyr's aura through his Sigil. Kyran confirmed the former was not in the city.

Tritus probably left yesterday to watch the last day of the Royal Army and Conclave's Joint Military Exercise. Since it was already the last day tomorrow, all factions, big or small, were invited to watch the competitions. It was actually a good thing. Because Kyran had no plans on messing around, and if Tritus were here, they would have to put on an act of going against each other. Noser was the Templar Code's base, after all. As the commander, Tritus had to protect it.

In Zephyr's case, if he was here, it meant Anette, Cyneah, or even both, were still working, which would really worsen Kyran's mood. It meant his godmother did not uphold their agreement of not working late at night.

Anette said she wanted Cyneah to learn more about Alchemy and master the use of her magic sense. Only by doing this could she be able to experience a normal life. It would not be perfect, but at least she could live without being a burden to others. However, given the situation, if Anette insisted on being stubborn about this, she would not be helping Cyneah. Instead, she had exposed her to more danger. After all, when Kyran spread his magic sense, he sensed Deception nearby.

The fact that Deception was here meant they were really searching for Cyneah.josei

How much they knew about Cyneah's connections, Kyran did not know. And he did not want to find out.

Whether they knew about Anette, Zephyr, or their connection with the black panther man, Kyran did not care anymore. He was done hiding. At least, 'Kyran' was done hiding. Since they could not wait to destroy his clan, as the son of the next Patriarch, he could not stand idle. His mother told him to run, to live because only by living could the Regis Clan survive. Her implication had gone unnoticed by Kyran, but now he finally understood it better.

The Regis clan was prepared to die. When they decided to barricade themselves within the Inner Walls, they were only trying to buy some time for Kyran. They also gave their enemies the false notion that they had no plans to die. This false notion would also prompt Kyran to do his best to improve. That way, he could find a way to 'save' them.

Realizing this fact left Kyran feeling like he had eaten something very bitter and the taste would stay forever in his mouth. It finally made Kyran understand why his father did not contact his essence in the Tower of Tribulation. It was not that he could not, but that he chose not to because he was prepared to die. This had proven to Kyran how cruel his father's way of thinking was.

Kyran looked at the street below. By now, all those unrelated people had left, but there were new ones gathering nearby. He closed his eyes and tried to feel the auras of these people. Soon he found that a few did not emit magic energies, meaning they were ordinary people. Not to mention, based on their clothes, they were not from the Royal Army.

It reminded Kyran that local management employed local guards to protect the people in every big city.

This would not do.

Kyran might have decided to stop hiding, but he had no plans of killing innocent people. If they were from the Royal Army, he would not hesitate. They might not have any direct link to what was happening to his clan, but the fact that they were from the Royal Army showed they had chosen to work for them. They had chosen to side with the Royal Army and the Royal Family and uphold their justice. Just with this, Kyran would not hesitate to get rid of them.

It was better to rid the world of people who failed to choose the right company. Of course, if they decided to surrender, Kyran would not kill them immediately. However, if they surrendered just so they could retaliate again, then those people would be his first sacrifice to show his stance.

'Right, I heard someone calling me a northerner earlier. So they likely think I am like Max, huh?' Kyran thought as he opened his eyes. He was amazed at how adept humans were at coming up with their own ideas to fit their limited understanding.

Kyran had no plans to wait for them to realize who he was. Since they had the wrong idea, then he would spell it out to them.

Raising his left hand in the direction where the local guards were gathering. His reddish-purple eyes glowed and summoned a huge purple disc on the ground where they were standing.


"Oi! W-What is this?"

"R-Run! Evade the purple light! It's emitting a crazy amount of magic energy. This is likely a--!"

The startled yelps drowned out as Kyran warped those people away. As for where they reappear...

A sinister smile tugged at the corner of Kyran's lips.


Because of the time difference, it was still early in the evening in Starhorn City. The Courtenay members were busy preparing the venue for tomorrow's competitions.

The location of the Solo Competition Finals was in the Dome's Center Hall. It was the same venue where the opening ceremony occurred. Because it was the Finals and was one of the highlights of the Joint Military Exercise between the Royal Army and the Conclave, more people were invited.

A dozen members gathered at the hall's center to prepare the array on the circular arena. Three members each sat cross-legged on four cardinal points while laying out the materials for the array.


As they were about to start drawing the first layer of the formation, crackling sounds echoed out instantly, prompting all of them to look above the arena.


Suddenly a massive purple disc appeared overhead as several people in simple heavy armor and lance fell down, shocking everyone inside the hall!


Haylee was feeling a little indignant.

Dressed in a long white silky sleeping wear, she paced around the suite the Courtenay Family allocated her. She had extended an invitation to Tyr in public to let everyone know of her intentions. She was his for the taking. However, he did not even give her face and rejected her forthrightly. He could have at least agreed, even if he would not come.

A soft laugh escaped her lips as she sat on the edge of the king-size bed before flopping herself down with her arms spread to her sides. Raising her right arm, she rested her forearm on his forehead and sighed.

To be honest, Haylee only mentioned the Regis Clan to Tyr to see his reaction. Based on their information regarding his country's current affairs, he was looking for manpower.

The Regis Clan might have gone into seclusion, but their strength was still known worldwide. It was also confirmed that the Regis Patriarch still accepted missions outside and would dispatch their members every now and then.

Haylee wanted to see if Tyr would be interested in seeking the Regis Clan's help. If he had, she would offer to introduce them. Of course, she would only bait him. After all, her real aim was to forge an alliance.

Alas, Tyr did not seem interested at all.


Actually, Haylee somewhat understood why. Tyr preferred to find help from neutral factions like the Conclave. If her guess was correct, he likely did not know that the Regis Clan was a neutral faction in the empire.

Haylee recalled Iulia's admittance of talking to Tyr and frowned. She had yet to confirm what they talked about, but if Iulia mentioned the Regis's current situation, then she had really done something unnecessary.

Thinking of the current situation within the Regis Estate, Haylee heaved another sigh. She did not want to destroy the barrier forcefully. Because the creators of that barrier would also be affected, she did not want to waste such talents.

Haylee sat up and looked out the balcony to her left. A sinister glint flashed in her blue sapphire eyes, "If the Regis Clan stopped being stubborn and succumbed to me at once, I would not be wasting my time."

Haylee stood up and was about to go out the balcony when she sensed an unknown powerful magic fluctuation nearby. Her eyes widened at once.

With a wave of her hand, a beige velvet coat appeared on top of her sleeping wear, and she rushed outside.

"Fye, contact Ruin and Deception."

A shadow flickered from outside the door. Without replying, the shadow sank into the floor and disappeared.

Lira, who was also staying outside, looked up. It seemed she had not sensed the magic fluctuation. Meaning the origin of the fluctuation was something Lira's magic sense could not recognize.

An impish smile appeared on Haylee's beautiful face.

Could it be the black panther-masked man had returned?

"Lira, call my father. Then gather the head committee to the center hall at once."

Lira looked a little surprised, but she recovered at once and lowered her head, "Yes, your Highness--."

Before she could even finish her sentence, they both sensed a massive fluctuation outside the dome, after which an explosion occurred.


An aftershock swept throughout the field outside the dome, and all the windows shattered.

Lira moved and covered Haylee at once.

Though they were far from the balcony, the shockwave still swept into the room, sending it into disarray.

"Who?" Haylee bellowed. Her soft demeanor forgotten, she rushed toward the balcony, her magic aura exploding.

"Princess!" Lira followed after her. When she looked out the window, she gasped in surprise.

On the field, outside the dome, was a huge chunk of a city!

At that same moment, Kyran, sitting cross-legged on the edge of the tall building, wiped the blood trickling down the side of his lips. His reddish-purple eyes glowed while he looked at the scene below indifferently.

A good chunk of the market district had now disappeared.

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