Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 493 Prelude (3)

Chapter 493 Prelude (3)

True to what Zephyr had said, Cade was indeed not helpless even when he could not fully exert his innate magic. With the help of the dragon blood flowing in his veins he could utilize 'Dragon' magic.

Dragon magic was not as powerful as the Draconic magic. To provide a clear distinction, the former was considered simplified magic while the latter was Ancient magic.

In any case, only a handful of the Regis could fully utilize the dragon blood in their veins. There were more who were given the opportunity to take a drop of a dragon's blood, but their body could not withstand more than 5% of its power.

Among the current generation, Cade was the only one who could utilize it to more than 50%. As a matter of fact, he was the only one in the Regis's family history.

Kyran was a different case. He was not using the drop of blood to utilize Draconic magic. He had a Draconic core and the dragon blood he took acted as a stimulant to activate it.

"Father's essence said they do not require rune writings when using Dragon magic because its present in the dragon's blood," Kyran recalled.

Zephyr nodded, "Yes. That is the Dragon's magic law. They do not need rune writings.You probably already know that each plane had different magic laws."

Kyran nodded in acknowledgement. The only reason Deception, Ruin and Savagery could still use their magic according to their magic laws here, was because the Human plane had a special nature.

"So you don't have to worry too much."

Kyran did not respond. While he get what Zephyr was saying, he was still worried.

Ruin was a Sovereign. His mage level might have been suppressed because in the Human plane, but his strength was still at a Legendary level. Could his father really hold his own by relying only in using more than half of the Dragon magic flowing in his veins? For argument's sake, even if his father could fend against Ruin, what if the Royal Family decided to send more high-leveled mages to assist Ruin? Could his father still manage?

True Void felt the same. He did not doubt Cade's strength because he had witnessed it inside the Tower of Tribulations. Although that Cade was only an essence, he had mostly used his innate magic while using the Dragon magic as support. However, if he was not as strong, how could he fight Ruin? True Void also had an inkling that the latter might have broken through the barrier of a Sovereign. If he was correct, Ruin's mage level would be higher than a Legendary when suppressed. Actually, Ruin might no longer be affected by Azaloth's suppression. If the former's mage level was higher than a Sovereign then he could easily break out of Azaloth's suppression.

As if sensing Kyran and True Void's doubts, Zephyr added, "Master, let me tell you a secret about my old masters."

Kyran looked at Zephyr with raised brows. The latter had been tight-lipped about the Dragons, thus, it piqued Kyran's interest at once.

"Dragons are entities that reigned supreme even among the Higher planes."

'Higher planes?' Kyran thought at once. He already knew Dragons were supreme beings that was why he was more intrigued by the mention of higher planes. If there were higher planes then there were lower planes. But what was the difference? Could the Human plane be part of the latter or the former?

Kyran decided to take note of this information for now. He would first resolve the issue with his clan and the Royal Family before trying to understand the rest. He had a feeling that the matter about higher and lower planes might be related to the Soul Emperor's reason for wanting an army.

"One good reason is because their magic is really powerful. The Dragon King could easily destroy a plane with a flick of a finger," Zephyr continued. "And that powerful being's blood is coursing through your father."

Anette looked at Zephyr in surprise, "How did you know the blood Cade took is from the Dragon King?"

"How else could master inherit the Draconic core?"

True Void's eyes lit in realization, "Same as how there are certain things that needs to achieve before a new Void Master is born, the new Dragon Lord is the same!"

Recalling their theory about his origin, turned Kyran's mood sour.

"What are you talking about?" Anette asked, feeling slightly perturbed at the implication that Kyran's birth had been premeditated.

Kyran shook his head, "Let's talk about that another time." He did not want to discuss how Caelan, and probably his ancestor too, planned to have the new Void Master possessed the Regis Family's powerful physical body. Besides there were other things that did not make sense to Kyran. Especially the fact that only one could possess Ancient magic at a time. Nevertheless, now was not the time to ponder these things so he decided to push the thought aside.

Anette looked at him in concern. In the end she decided to drop the subject since Kyran did not want to talk about it. Besides, they had a far more pressing matter at hand.

"Alright!" Nolan slammed his palms together, creating a thunderous sound that forced all of them to look at him.

"We're getting sidetracked," he said before looking at Kyran. "I know what you're worried about. But instead of worrying, trust Cade. Even in his current condition, he is strong."

"He is right. Besides, a person who has something to protect will not lose easily," Anette also added.

Kyran did not respond. He knew that but also knew these were empty words in front of real power.

"Let's plan our next step," Nolan continued. "That Ruin guy likely sensed Deception's attempt in entering the Human plane. He might already be on his way here or not. We have to understand our enemies' movement."

Nolan paused for a moment and Kyran sensed his magic sense erupting. The former's eyes turned light blue and sealing runes could be seen from his exposed skin. Nolan's appearance also seemed to have aged a few years.

This was Nolan unsealing his real magic.

Kyran had already seen Nolan unleashed his real magic. But he was still surprised at the latter's magic intensity and magic sense range. If Kyran was correct, Nolan's magic sense range was wider than his!

True Void was speechless. This guy was still hiding his real strength when he prevented Deception's descent? Just how powerful was he?

Could he be...

"I could more or less sense an army of more than twenty thousand coming this way. I don't sense any powerful mages among them though. At most, Grand Masters," Nolan frowned. "F*ck, since when did the Royal Army have so many Grand Masters?"

"Don't rely on the Conclave's information. Base from the Royal Army's participants for the joint military exercise with the Conclave, most of their High Masters are now Grand Masters."

"Tsk, Grand Masters as cannon fodders?" Nolan shook his head. Promoting one to a Grand Master required enormous amount of resources. Yet the army was using them as cannon fodders. Such extravagance. "Anyway, they will arrive in less than two hours."

"Then we only have two hours to get to the Regis Estate, find my father and get him to take Azaloth's Inheritance."

"That's the gist of it. But we don't know the current situation in the Regis Estate. If that Ruin is still there, and Cade decided to leave the barrier, I can divert Ruin's attention while you take Cade to Azaloth's Inheritance."

Kyrab frowned, "Why me? I don't even know where it is."

"I only have one transmission scroll left."

Nolan's words was enough for Kyran to guess his intention.

Nolan planned to take Kyran to Azaloth's Inheritance using that last scroll. In this way, Kyran could warp back to that place anytime. However, the scenario Nolan said had a fatal flaw. Even if Nolan succeeded in diverting Ruin's attention away from Cade, once Kyran revealed himself, Ruin would definitely shift his attention to him.


Kyran looked at Zephyr.

Nolan smirked as soon as he saw Kyran's reaction, 'As expected, this kid could really read far ahead.'

Since there was no guarantee that Cade was outside the estate's barrier, they would have to make a scene and force their way in. Kyran could not do that as 'him,' because they would draw all the enemy forces to the estate.

Kyran had to put on a disguise, while also letting the Royal Family believed that he was still in Noser.

Seeing Kyran looking at him with a thoughtful expression, Zephyr broke out in cold sweat, "W-What is it, master?"

Instead of answering, Kyran looked at the four beasts behind him and said, "I need all of you to stay here."

The four hissed or growled, they were reluctant to be away from Kyran but could only accept his request.

Kyran looked toward Zephyr and addressed True Void, "Did you meet up with Silas and the others?"

"I did. The Conclave, Courtenay and Montgomeray Families are also on standby."

Nolan had heard from Anette about all the 'allies' Kyran had gathered. He was surprised at the things Kyran had accomplished in less than a month after returning from training.

"You mean the mercenaries of the Conclave."

"Nope. Everyone from the Conclave, including Malek."

Kyran was surprised. He did not expect Stella to mobilize the whole Conclave. If they survived today, he would find a way to thank her.josei

"And Chairman Hugh?"

Kyran had yet to ask Cyneah to heal Hugh.

"Also done. Seriously, in the end you forced all the menial task on me!" True Void complained. "Azaloth healed him. The mist in the Misty Forest affecting Hugh is his handiwork, after all."

"What did you just say?" Nolan looked at them with furrowed brows.

Kyran looked at him with a slight smile, "I'll explain on the way."

Without giving Nolan time to ask further questions, Kyran looked at Anette and said, "Godmother, please help me."

Anette raised her brows, feeling somewhat surprised at Kyran's attitude. Suddenly, she had an inkling as to what he needed her help with. With a helpless smile, she nodded and said, "Alright."

For the next few minutes, Kyran laid out all the cards he had at present. Frankly, his side was still lacking. It was a pity he could not meet Olivia and ask her assistance. Aside from her, there was the Blue Lotus and Max and Reuben. As for Tritus, Kyran decided to leave him for emergency. Besides, he might have taken Tritus as a Sigil but the members of the Templar Code had no idea of it.

In any case, Kyran had to put in his all on today's main event.

After today, the whole Ylfaen Empire- no, the whole Human plane, would experience a drastic change.

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