Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 495 Ruin’s Magic

Chapter 495 Ruin’s Magic

The tablet the Regis found mentioned how the Dragon Lord came to be. It said that one of the most trusted General of the Dark Sage infiltrated the Human's last stronghold and singlehandedly destroyed several mage families. This included the Regis Family. The Dragon King, which had been living in secret in a nearby temple felt compassion after witnessing the Regis's ancestor's last stand. The former bestowed the latter with a blessing and because of that, successfully defeated the Demon General. However, the old Regis Ancestral Land was left desolate, the whole land tinted in blood-red ruins, which forced them to leave and find another home in the central lands.

The blood-red ruins was caused by the Demon General, thus, he was given the name the Red General.

Cade had always believed the 'blood-red ruins' mentioned in the tablet was metaphoric. But seeing Ruin's magic, somehow made him think that maybe it was a result of a magic attack rather than the outcome of bloodshed.

Alas, Cade was not given the leisure to ponder these things as the air surrounding Ruin crackled.

Ruin roused his magic, his body emitting a faint red glow. Magic fluctuations distorted the air around him, making it look as if he was covered by an intense heatwave.

'Not good,' Cade thought, sensing an ominous aura shrouding Ruin. The latter's bloodlust also increased any person who had yet to experience bloodbath would likely hallucinate of countless deaths.

Cade increased the Regis Blessing's percentage to 30% at once. The truth, though his body could withstand the Regis Blessing's power to more than half, he could not sustain it for long. Initially, Cade believed 10% was enough to endure Ruin's attack and buy time for his father and the rest to escape. After all, Ruin had wasted a lot of magic energy when he attacked the Regis's barrier and he had not completely recovered it. However, seeing the ever rising magic energy within Ruin, Cade realized that he had miscalculated the latter's ability to recover his magic energy. Or maybe, it was not that he miscalculated but Ruin deliberately drag recovering his magic energy because he was not that motivated in destroying the barrier.

Cade cleared his mind with unnecessary distractions and with a burst of power, he made a mad dash toward Ruin.

Ruin's eyes glowed red and his smile widened.

"I really find you familiar," he said unhurriedly. He appeared unbothered by Cade's frontal attack. "Not just because you and my prey bore an uncanny resemblance~."

Cade ignored Ruin's words. His arm muscles contracted as the dragon's blood in his veins reinforced his whole body. With glowing silver slitter eyes, Cade delivered a right punch on Ruin's face.

Still looking as relax as ever, Ruin sidestepped to avoid the punch. As he did, a knee came from behind, aiming at his backbone.

Ruin bent his body backward, following the direction of the knee kick and avoiding by a centimeter.

Cade was not fazed by Ruin's unbelievably agile body. Without stopping, he bent the arm that had delivered a punch and aimed his elbow at Ruin's exposed abdomen.

However, Ruin dropped both his hands on the silver barrier and performed a backward somersault.josei

Because of Ruin's movement, instead of hitting his abdomen, the moment he hoisted up his lower body, Cade's elbow only grazed Ruin's torso.

Nevertheless, Cade remained calm as he followed up by lowering his right leg and using his left hand, grabbed Ruin's leg, which was still suspended in the air. Cade's silver eyes flashed as he pulled Ruin with him and dashed forward. While he wanted to slam Ruin around, doing so while staying above the Regis's barrier was unwise. He would end uo destroying the barrier completely.

Ruin let out an unrestained laugh while he dangled on Cade's side.

"A change in location?" He asked. "Are you afraid that our fight will destroy the barrier?"

Cade ignored him.

As soon as they arrived on the terrain outside the barrier, Cade finally slammed Ruin head first on the ground.


But Cade was not done. He continued to slam Ruin on the ground like a ragdoll.


Bits and pieces of the ground exploded in all direction as Ruin hit the ground.

However, amidst auch a brutal attack, Ruin's laughter could be heard.

"Ahahahaha! That's right! I remember now! You're aura! It's similar to that guy who I fought back then!"

Cade's eye widened when suddenly Ruin hoisted his body to face him just before he could hit the ground.

With a somewhat crazed look in his eyes, Ruin exclaimed in excitement, "The human's Dragon Lord!"

Cade's brow furrowed as he released Ruin, before using his other hand to punch him on the face.

Ruin's face distorted from the force of Cade's punch and he was sent tumbling several meters away.

Without waiting for Ruin to recover, Cade dashed forward and followed closely. The moment he caught up with Ruin, he grabbed the latter's head with his left hand and slammed it on the ground, dragging it along with their momentum.

When they finally stopped, Cade's right hand glowed silver, before the glow turned into a translucent image of a dragon's claw. He pulled back his arm and aimed to rip Ruin's head apart.

"Aww~ don't be in a hurry to end our fun," Ruin said as he peeked at Cade from within the ground where half of his head was buried.

Cade's clawed hand stopped a couple of centimeters away from Ruin's neck. His handsome face suddenly paled as his brow furrowed. Bits of sweat trickled down the side of his face. Almost at once, he jumped back and did a backward somersault to gain some distance from Ruin.

Ruin laughed as he propped himself up with both his elbows. Even though Cade had thrashed him around, there were no visible damage on him. His clothes did not even get wrinkled. The only telltale that he had been thrashed around was the dust covering his body.

"Come on," he said while looking at Cade. "That's not all you've got, right?"

Ruin sat up and raised his right hand which was covered in blood. His eyes squinted in delight at the sight of blood. He brought it to his lips and licked it before saying, "Ah~ thought so. You're blood tastes like his too. So are you the new Dragon Lord?"

Fifteen to twenty meters away from Ruin, Cade was down on one knee while clutching the side of his torso. He was shocked by the fact that Ruin easily tore through his black armor. The black armor was made from a dragon's scales! Though the dragon who had gifted the scales was not of a high-rank, a dragon's scales were one of the toughest materials not just in the Human plane but to the rest of the planes. Apart from the armor, Ruin also tore through his skin which had been enhanced by the Regis Blessing! Though he was only using 30% of the dragon's blood, it meant that 30% of his body was already similar to that of a dragon!

It appeared that Ruin's magic had a formidable penetrating power.

'So this is the Sovereign of Ruin,' Cade thought while taking small deep breaths to stimulate his body's healing ability.

Ruin stood up with a slight pout, "Don't just ignore me. I'm really curious."

He took a step forward and continued to speak, "You see, I had been here before. And I must say, so many had changed. Even that hag Soul Emperor looked like a young girl now! Hahaha. I feel so old!"

Though Ruin had said this, his appearance was that of a young man. Similar to how he was a thousand years ago.

"Anyway, I just discovered that girl is not the hag I met before. They don't look the same either. Her magic is also half-assed. Tsk, tsk. But the new Void Master," Ruin paused, his eyes glinted in excitement, "Now that one is better." He tilted his head to one side, "You two look the same. Though, if I changed his hair color and eyes he does look like my old friend, too."

Cade's expression remained indifferent as he watched Ruin's approach. He continued to take small deep breaths to heal his body. Nevertheless, he was intently listening to Ruin. 'The girl is definitely the new Soul Emperor. So she only awaken half of her magic? As for the new Void Master...' Cade could not help but smile inwardly while the image of his son crossed his mind. 'I doubt they met here in the Human plane. The only place they could have met is in another plane. Looks like he managed to find the tower.'

"Wait..." Ruin suddenly stopped. His expression turned thoughtful as he realized something. "If my prey is related to you, the family favored by the Dragon King, does that mean the king's blood is also running in his veins?"

Suddenly, Ruin burst out in laughter.

"HAHAHAHA! Hag! You were too late! It seems my old friend succeeded in taking the physique you longed for! It looks like the War of the Sovereigns will be fun this time!"

Cade frowned inwardly at Ruin's words. But he did not let this information distract him. The moment the bleeding on his torso stopped and the wound had closed, he immediately made a move. He clasped both his hands that turned into dragon claws and lifted them above his head preparing to slam them on the ground.

"Wait. I'm not done talking."

Ruin said, his eyes flashed as he pointed at Cade.

A red beam of light appeared above Cade. His eyes widened as he recalled what the beam of light could do.

Time seemed to have slowed as the beam of light descended on him.

The dragon blood in Cade's veins surged as he activated 50% of the Regis Blessing. His body bulged as he attempted to move out of the beam of light's range. However, the moment Cade's body shifted, the trajectory of the beam

followed him. His body turned cold as he sensed that 50% of the Regis Blessing would not be enough to withstand the beam of light's destructive ability. In a split second decision, Cade decided to unlock the maximum percentage of the dragon blood he could endure: 70%!


Cade's body gave off a light silver glow and just as the red beam of light completed its descent, he disappeared from the spot. A deep feet mark was left on the ground, which had also turned red after the beam of light fell on it.

In an instant, the ground turned dried and the ruble that protruded from the mark turned to dust. It was obvious that if someone tried to poke that spot, the ground would cave in and turn into dust.

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