Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 499 Split

Chapter 499 Split

An army of twenty thousand officers with at least two thousand Grand Masters marched into Noser.

Zephyr took a deep breath. Using his ability to transform, he was now disguised as Kyran. However, though they looked the same, he could not use Void magic. Of course, his role here was to only pose as his master, and the fighting would be left to Manti and the others. But that did not lessen his nervousness.

In Zephyr's opinion, as long as the ones charging him did not include any of those people who were familiar with his master, like the Grand Marshal, or the Crown Princess, he might be able to pull it off. But if any of those people were among the army, he might slip.


Iss suddenly hissed on Zephyr's left. Because of his nervousness, Iss's hissing almost made him jumped out of his skin.

"W-What is it?"


Iss repeated.

Zephyr suddenly felt moved. Iss was trying to comfort him. That was right. There was no point in worrying of things that might happen. When it happened then tough luck. But since it had not happened yet, he only had to do a better job to prevent a worse case scenario from happening.


Manti and Mera, who had left to scout the area around the by market and the residential districts, returned and reported to Zephyr.

Most of the residents of Noser had left the city and the local city guards built a low wall to barricade the perilous of the two districts. Apart from that, the army of twenty thousand were already closing in from the eastern gates of the city.

Zephyr stood up after hearing Manti and Mera's report. His eyes glowed, but instead of reddish-purple it was a deep shade of red. Using the memory stone that had Kyran's aura, Zephyr's disguise was practically impeccable.

"Get ready. Those people are only the forerunners. More will come depending on how we deal with them."

If others heard him, they might think he was overthinking. To have twenty thousand soldiers acting as forerunners were unthinkable.

However, Zephyr was aware that the combined forces of the Royal Family and the Army would definitely be more than a million. There were also those stationed at the empire's border. Thus, twenty thousand soldiers were nothing.


​ Rawrgh...!

The four beasts hissed or roared softly in response.

"Let's ensure these guys continue sending in their army here to lessen the burden on master's side."



They replied in unison.


Outside the transmission array located in Thunlough, Euan, Mannick and Imman were gathered inside a makeshift tent, while the army of fifty thousand officers waited outside.

A middle-aged man in red army uniform with four gold badges, indicating his rank as a Major General was also with them and currently reporting the progress of the two hundred thousand officers that went to Mourchton.

"Twenty thousand soldiers have successfully arrived in Thunknam Park and were already on their way to Noser," the middle-aged man reported. "Based on the report forwarded by the commander of Noser's city guards, the first batch of soldiers and the few hundred that responded on the first distress call had already been killed by two extremely powerful beasts. However, the person controlling them had yet to make a move."

Euan's brow furrowed. He was seated at the head of the small square table with Mannick and Imman sitting on his right and left, respectively.

"Isn't Gael and Deception, among the first respondents?"

"Yes, your Majesty. However, their whereabouts are unknown. Although..." the middle-aged man's voice trailed off as he hesitated to continue.

"Speak!" Imman hissed at him.

"Yes!" With a somewhat incredulous expression, the middle-aged man replied, "A strange scene had happened before they were confirmed missing. Based on the report, a... giant finger tore through the sky, then a man in black appeared pushing it back..." He then relayed the rest of what had happened in Noser based on the report. However, the more he spoke the more his expression twisted in unbelief. After all, it sounded absurd.

None of the report indicated the golden net that helped prevent Deception's descent, though. Since only those who knew the existence of other planes would be able to see the Sovereign's Cradle.

When the middle-aged man finished relaying the strange report, he braced himself for the emperor's censure. He might not be the one who sent the report but it sounded absurd. As someone who received the report without much of a qualm, he was somewhat responsible for it.

However, the censure the middle-aged man was expecting did not come. Instead, Euan asked an entirely unrelated matter from the events in Noser.

"What is the current status in the Regis Estate?"

The middle-aged man was perplexed. But he recovered immediately and responded, "Her royal Highness, Crown Princess sent an order to withdraw our army there and to join the rest in going to Noser. From the last update of Lt. General Faux's second-in-command, Major General Zol, they were already ten to fifteen minutes away from entering Mourchton. The report came in thirty minutes ago. They likely have joined the remaining two hundred thousand soldiers by now and is preparing to be transmitted to Thunknam Peak."

Mannick leaned back on his chair after hearing this.

While it appeared that Haylee deemed apprehending Kyran was far more important than dealing with the Regis Clan, Mannick was aware of Ruin's movements. She likely wanted to deal with both as soon as possible before Euan could do anything.

Mannick closed his eyes and silently observed Euan through his magic sense.

Euan wore a poker face, which made it hard to tell what he was thinking. However, if one had a high level of magic sense, it would be easy to sense another's mood by observing usually hard to see clues, such as the heart beat, breathing, and minuscule changes in one's temperature.

Judging from Euan's controlled breathing, yet erratic beating of his heart, it appeared he did not approve of Haylee's decision.


To be precise, it was not that he disapproved but he felt suspicious.

Mannick arrived at this conclusion after sensing Euan's lowered temperature. The dropped in Euan's temperature was likely caused by a gripping coldness in his heart. A feeling akin to a bad premonition.

Mannick opened his eyes and looked at Euan. Countless thoughts whirled in his mind but he refrained from speaking his mind. Not with other people present.

"Please give your order, your Majesty," Imman took this chance to show his fealty to the empire by taking the initiative to ask for Euan's order.

Euan was silent for a few seconds. After a short pause, he finall nodded his head and said, "Go to Mourchton and lead our soldiers in Noser.l, Imman. Capture the intruder alive. As for the beasts, deal with them accordingly."

Imman stood at once and lowered his head in a combination of respect and salute.

"I will bring you victory, your Majesty."

Without further ado, Imman turned and left.

"Tell all the soldiers with us to prepare. In ten minutes, we will head to the Regis Estate," Euan told the middle-aged man.

Looking somewhat surprised the latter asked, "To the Regis Estate, your Majesty? Not in Mourchton?"

Euan gave him a piercing look without saying anything.

"I- I will relay your order at once, your Majesty."

When the middle-aged man left the makeshift tent, Euan leaned on his chair and said in a low voice.

"I want to hear your opinion on all these, Mannick. You don't have to hold back and tell me your honest thoughts."

Mannick lifted his gaze and looked at Euan.

One of the reasons he decided to enter the army and move up the ranks was because he found Euan a just ruler. He decided to influence the army and provide a similarly just soldiers to support Euan. After all, the corruption within the army and the Royal Family was deeply rooted that it was not rare for a just ruler to suddenly end up dead within a decade of his reign. But Mannick had not expected for Euan to be the first to approach him. As far as he was concerned he was the 'black sheep' in the army that even Gael was wary off. Even if Mannick's forces were greater compared to Imman and Ingrid combined, he did not think Euan would think highly of him given his reputation.

As if reading Mannick's thoughts, Euan said, "Compared to Gael, Imman and Ingrid, I find your character real."

He paused before continuing to explain his side, "Gael and Imman are a cast in the same mold. They are both ambitious and only wanted to increase their influence and power. Ingrid, on the other hand, is loyal but only toward the Winfrey Family. I can tell she wants a person with the Winfrey bloodline to rule the empire again. And as for you..." He looked at Mannick with a bitter smile. "Your reputation may not be ideal but the trust your subordinates had for you spoke otherwise. I'd really love to learn from you."

"You give me too much credit."

Euan did not respond and only look at Mannick solemnly.

Mannick returned Euan's gaze while weighing his options. If he speak up, it would it be considered as him meddling in the Human plane's internal affairs? Frankly, he had yet to see the definitive line of until when he was allowed to act.

Finally, Mannick replied, "Are you sure you want to hear my honest thoughts?"

Mannick's tone lack respect, however, Euan did not mind as he nodded his head, "Yes."

"I might sully your virgin ears, your Majesty, so be prepared."

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