Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 505 Blitz

Chapter 505 Blitz: Opening


The first time Kyran stayed in the Conclave, Stella had Malek prepare a room for him. But because he was busy training, he did not use it and stayed in the training room, thus turning the latter into his temporary room.

Currently, Malia had Cyneah stay in the room Kyran was supposed to stay in with his consent.

Although Malia did not say it, Kyran knew Stella suggested it. He did not say anything, but secretly, he was grateful because the temporary room might be liveable, but its atmosphere was not ideal for a recuperating patient.

With Cyneah staying in the room, Kyran did not have to go to the training grounds to check on her. At least she stayed close to the room he and True Void were in, discussing the mirror.

Kyran did not tell Malek and the others about the mirror. For one thing, he did not want to alarm them and until he could understand Haylee's intentions, he did not want them to worry about it.

After True Void told Kyran what he remembered about the Macabre Glacier, the latter fell into contemplation.

According to True Void, during Caelan's training in the Tower of Tribulation, he received a reward item that enabled him to travel to other planes without the assistance of the tower's strange mechanism. After achieving his goal of improving his magic, Caelan stopped coming to the tower.

Using the reward item, Caelan frequented a plane called Ortus. It was a plane Caelan had been to during his training in the tower. True Void had already gained sentient then, but his memory of Caelan's first visit to that plane was hazy. What True Void remembered was that Caelan returned there because he found something that piqued his interest. A year later, when the Human plane was in complete chaos because of the demon's invasion, Caelan returned to Ortus, taking True Void, who had evolved since his awakening.

Caelan, along with more than a thousand mages, confronted a withered-looking mage. However, that withered mage was so powerful that Caelan, True Void, and the rest of the mages could barely keep up. If not for True Void achieving his initial evolution, he would not be able to keep up with the withered mage's attack. After some time, with the combined efforts of Caelan and the remaining thousand mages, they finally got the upper hand .

Then the decisive moment of the battle happened. The withered mage summoned the Macabre Glacier and in a blink of an eye, all the mages within the mirror's range went rabid. As if they were injected with some kind of stimulant, their level rose and their magic exploded. But then, they started to attack and kill each other, which shocked Caelan. After which, the soul of the dead mages entered the mirror, which in turn, supplemented the withered mage. In an instant, his withered body turned youthful, and his magic rose to an unimaginable level.

In the end, Caelan was forced to release True Void's seal and use his ultimate move; absorb the magic energies in the surroundings. The momentary shock the mage felt after seeing True Void's move gave Caelan a chance to seal the mirror and deal the former a fatal wound.

Because True Void absorbed too many magic energies, he fell asleep right after. Thus, he did not know what happened after Caelan wounded the mage.

True Void later discovered that the withered mage was called the Dark Sage.

As for why Caelan ended up being called the Dark Sage, it seemed he ended up killing the latter, and with him also taking the latter's infamous mirror, it was almost equivalent to him inheriting his will.

Somehow, Kyran had a feeling True Void was not telling the whole truth about the Dark Sage thing, but he did not pursue the subject.

At least not now.

"Void Halfling…" True Void looked at Kyran. "I am telling you, we really, and I mean REALLY, have to deal with the mirror pronto!"

Kyran remained silent. He did not need True Void's reminder. After hearing his story and discovering what the mirror could do, Kyran more or less guessed what Haylee planned to do.

The Macabre Glacier seemed to be Haylee's last resort to advance her level. Since she could not find Cyneah and be complete, she planned to use the mirror to supplement herself with the necessary energy to advance.

Haylee's target was likely the Regis Clan. Absorbing their souls would definitely boost her magic tremendously. She could get rid of them, while also achieving a breakthrough.

But Kyran felt that Haylee had another purpose for taking out the mirror. The reason he believed it, was due to the things Cyneah had said regarding Haylee's thoughts.

Haylee seemed intent on controlling him. If that was the case, killing his clan would do the opposite. Instead of controlling him, Kyran would hate her and would want her dead no matter what.

Even if she was Cyneah's essence or vice versa.

Then, could Haylee be planning to threaten him using the mirror?

There were still too many things Kyran found confusing so he could not be sure.

"Activating a magic weapon like that definitely required a huge amount of magic energy," Kyran finally spoke after a long contemplation. "We'll secure the estate first and activate the Grand Array. With the array in place, it will become our stronghold. After that, we can discuss how to deal with the mirror with Nolan and the rest."

Kyran would not be careless to declare he could deal with the mirror alone. He was not clear about his magic level and was not confident in confronting such a perverse magic weapon. Apart from this, even if he could use True Void's ultimate move too, the latter was in his true form back then. Kyran had a feeling that True Void's ability to absorb magic energy were limited in his furball form compared to his real form.

"What makes you think the Regis Grand Array has the capability of ensuring the estate's safety? Don't tell me you're betting the Grand Array has means to counter the mirror's effect."

"Whether it has the means or not, I'm sure it can at least keep it at bay."

"You don't even know what the array can do. What if it is only a reinforced defensive array?"

"Father said it is an ultimate weapon."

"'Rumored,' Void Halfing. Don't just blindly believe what the rumor says!"

"I am not. My father doesn't believe in rumors. I'm sure he had reasons why he told me."

"Argh! You and you're blind faith…! Fine. Fine. But even then, just in case, and I mean IN CASE, you are wrong and the Grand Array is just a reinforced defensive array, we need a countermeasure!"

"There is one," Kyran replied.


"We'll destroy it."

True Void gave a dry laugh and said, "If it can be destroyed easily, did you think my master would seal it? That mirror is considered a Sovereign-level magic weapon. While Void's nature can send almost anything into nothingness, that mirror has a certain immunity to it. Remember that was a magic weapon created by the Dark Sage."

"Did you forget I have Draconic magic?"

"That's not-," True Void suddenly stopped.

That was right. Void magic's nature was not destruction, instead it was the Draconic magic.

"I haven't tried using 100% of the Draconic magic, and can't say much," Kyran paused, recalling that he also had not used 100% of Void magic. "In any case, if I combined Void and Draconic magic, I may have a chance."

True Void fell silent. Somehow, what Kyran had said made him see hope. Aside from this, compared to Caelan, Kyran's magic knowledge was vast. He might really find a way to eradicate the mirror.


Before True Void could voice out his thoughts, a small puff appeared between them, and a male sprite with green and blue scales flitted out, respectfully bowing to Kyran in midair.

"Void Master, I am Alary, the messenger the Queen of the Faes sent."

True Void's expression turned sour at once. He and Kyran were not done talking! Why did this little guy have to come at such a time?

For the record, Alary's height was actually taller than True Void's current form. He was, by no means, little.

Kyran nodded at Alary in acknowledgment. Since he was expecting White Lily to send someone over, he added a temporary formula in the tower's defensive array to allow spirits to enter.

"I am sorry to interrupt your important conversation-."

"If you know your interrupting, then don't butt in!"

"-however, I have an urgent message I believe is equally important."

Kyran gave True Void a warning look before looking at Alary again, "Tell me."

Alary lowered his head respectfully and said, "Several soldiers from the army are currently on their way to the Regis Estate. While sir Nolan is still engaged and seems to be in a deadlock with the enemy."

Kyran stood up at once. Even True Void's expression turned solemn.

Kyran asked, "Which direction are they coming from?"

"The east, Void Master."

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