Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 507 Blitz

Chapter 507 Blitz: Uprising (2)

Kyran did not kill Kairo during the solo competition- or, to be precise, he was not allowed to kill. But that was no longer the case. He kept tabs on the things Kairo plotted during the solo competition and would settle all due payments with him.

As a matter of fact, Ganza was the same. Kyran failed to sever his head because of Vera's intervention, but that did not mean he would let him off.

Time slowed down as Kairo watched Kyran's sword nearing his torso. Instantly, he bit his lip, and blood trickled down the side of his mouth. A rune appeared on his forehead just before the tip of the swords cleaved his waist. His body suddenly turned into flames, resulting in the two swords sweeping right through him.

Kyran's eyes widened as his swords cleaved at Kairo's body, which had turned into flames. He was a second late in seeing the rune on Kairo's forehead, which was the fire rune for transfiguration. The latter had transfigured his whole body into flames so he would not be able to cut through him.

The rune on Kairo's forehead blinked just as Kyran's swords passed through his waist.

But Kyran was determined to finish off Kairo. Thus, he cleaved his swords outward as soon as the rune on the latter's forehead disappeared.

Seeing Kyran's movement, Kairo prepared to jump back and dodged. However, his reaction speed was a tad bit late, and the swords succeeded in cutting his sides at least two inches deep.

"Ngh!" Kairo winced in pain as he left the swords' range.

But Kyran was just getting started. The moment he realized his swords would not be able to cut deep into Kairo, he was already prepared to use his movement technique.

Dragon Step!

Kairo's eyes widened as he watched Kyran's figure, hunched down a while ago, blur before appearing right before him. The latter's eyes glowed with so much killing intent as he raised his swords and struck Kairo.

Blade cutting through flesh and bones rang out in the fiery battlefield, followed by Kairo's agonized scream as he fell to his knees.


But Kairo's scream was cut short as Kyran swung his right sword and emotionlessly beheaded him.


"Major General Kairo!"

Ganza and Vera shouted in shock from a distance.


Multiple magic attacks rained down on Zephyr. With slightly furrowed brows, he countered the incoming attacks by summoning his orbs and shooting concentrated magic energy beams at them. Though he could not imitate his master's Void magic, he could at least use his orbs to shoot off magic beams since they were pure magic energy and would be hard to detect its nature.

Given the current situation, he did not believe the army had the leisure to analyze the nature of his magic attack.


Manti roared ferociously and spat out a mouthful of green and purple flames, destroying the remaining magic attacks that came at Zephyr.

Zephyr looked at him with a grateful smile and said, "Thanks."

Manti gave a short nod before jumping in front of him to block another volley of magic attacks.


Meanwhile, Bas and Iss were busy covering the back and left positions. Any soldier that tried to approach was reduced to ashes after being hit by their shockwave attacks.

Mera was also busy dealing with the soldiers coming from the right side. His tail shot off poisoned gas while he breathed out reddish-purple flames. Agonized screaming filled the air as soldiers were burned alive after being hit by his flames. Even the buildings nearby were reduced to molten lava from the flames.

While hundreds of low-ranking soldiers were killed inside Noser City, Gael and the other Grand Masters were still outside the city. They were gathered inside a makeshift tent, watching the scene through a magic projector.

Contrary to what Zephyr had thought, the army took time to analyze them. Although they did not managed to analyze the nature of their magic, they had sent low-ranking soldiers as cannon fodders just to gather information on their abilities.

Gael furrowed his brows as he watched the beasts protecting Kyran. He did not expect his beasts to be this strong. He had seen them quickly kill his and Deception's people and believed it was only due to their side lacking in number.

But watching the beasts in action, Gael realized he had been wrong about them. Their strength was equivalent to an army battalion. If they could not find their weakness soon, twenty thousand soldiers would not last an hour.

"Getting rid of the beasts will be harder even if we joined hands," one of the Grand Masters inside said.

Another nodded in agreement and said, "Our people are well-equipped with powerful magic armor. These armors are not inferior to the Templar Code's golden armor. Yet, they still died miserably. It even look as if they are not wearing anything."

"What did you all expect?" A female Grand Master snorted at them. "They had low magic level. Even if they were equipped with a piece of saint-level equipment, having such low level, do you think they can bring out its potential?"

"She is right. Just having these guys test them is not enough. We need to gather more high-leveled mages."

Gael shook his head, "The first group to engage them in combat died miserably just like them, and there were High Masters among them."

A tense silence followed Gael's statement.

"First, we set up a restraining magic array. Then we try to lure them into that array one by one," Gael broke the silence.

Gael did not suggest setting up a magic array around the city because it would take too long, and they did not have enough manpower to maintain such a large formation. Besides, he did not believe Kyran would just sit there and let them complete the magic array.

The Grand Masters inside nodded in agreement, "Yes, Grand Marshal."


Mannick jumped and slammed his great sword to the ground, turning it to rubble in an instant. His move produced a shockwave, sending the soldiers surrounding him to fly backward.

"RAAA!" Without pause, Mannick heaved the great sword and spun, sending a powerful sword arc energy at the soldiers, who were still in midair.


Miserable cries filled the air as their bodies were cut in half. Their blood and internal organs littered the ground as their bodies fell to the ground.

Behind Mannick, Euan was also under attack.

Holding a golden sword in hand, Euan brandished his sword and sent out sword energy beams, slicing the soldiers that tried to attack him.


Blood splattered everywhere as the energy beams cut through their bodies. Their miserable cries were just among the few that reverberated in the surroundings.


"Your Majesty!" Mannick approached Euan while keeping an eye out for a possible ambush.

"I'm alright," Euan replied as he straightened and looked at the scene before him.

Soldiers wearing the same red uniforms were fighting with each other. Mixed in with them were soldiers in black and red or green uniform.

It was a scene Euan had feared after hearing Mannick's opinion; an uprising among his own people.

Going back half an hour ago, when they were less than a hundred kilometers away from the Regis Estate, an army of a hundred thousand suddenly appeared from the direction of Meliora. Initially, Euan had thought they were reinforcements that Haylee sent because he saw Lira in front.

However, when the distance between the two was only a hundred meters, Lira stopped, and with raised sword, she ordered the army behind her to attack them.

Euan thought Lira did not recognize them because of the darkness, but he already had a bad premonition. He still went out to show his face, but an arrow shot at him as he did. Given his level, he easily deflected it, but that shot alone confirmed his premonition.

What happened next escalated to the scene before them. If the fifty thousand soldiers they rallied in the east were not Mannick's people, Euan probably had died already.

The truth, Euan might have advanced to a Magus, but he had yet to assimilate his new powers completely. At most, he could let out an immense magic pressure, but his body had not fully adapted to the growth of his magic.

"Protect the Emperor at all cost!" Mannick shouted to his men.

Determined battle cries responded to his call as they fought without caring for their own welfare.

Euan looked in the direction where Lira stood among the other high-ranking soldiers on the other side. His expression was cold, but his eyes glistened in confusion and hurt.

Did Haylee order this attack? Why?

On the other hand, beside Lira was Fiona, and she held a communication device.

"You have done well to have learned of the emperor's move to go to the Regis Estate instead of Noser," Lira said expressionlessly.

Fiona sat on her horse and watched as soldiers fought against each other. She said, "I only told you the update I received in Thunlough. But…" She looked at Lira in apprehension, "Do we really have to attack the emperor?"

"Isn't this what your people wanted? Dispose the emperor and have her Highness ascend the throne?"

"True. But such a blatant move is-."

"If the emperor goes to the estate and hinders sir Ruin from completing his task, do you think the emperor will just stay outside and not talk to Patriarch Aron? The emperor used to go to the same magic school as Master Cade, and though they are not particularly close, they are civil enough. With Patriarch Aron and Master Cade's temperaments, they will definitely try to talk to the emperor. When that happens, what do you think he will feel after learning the truth."

Fiona frowned, "Emperor Euan is still a member of the Royal Family. If he discovered the truth about Kyran Regis being the new Dark Sage, he would act as a Royal Family would."

"Then why do you think Princess Haylee went through all the trouble of hiding the truth to him?"

Fiona fell silent.

Lira was not waiting for an answer. She continued, "It's because her Highness knew her father. The emperor will not immediately condemn the new Dark Sage. Instead, he will resolve the matter in a way that will benefit each side."

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