Legend of the Asura

Chapter 358

Chapter 358: Zero, Chaos!

Xiao Tian’s hand was on the hilt and seeing the confident smile on his face, a trace of seriousness flashed in Howling Moon’s eyes. He no longer acted arrogant and moved first, sending out arrows without peerless speed. There was a thick arrow that flew out at Xiao Tian, creating an air ripping sound that rang out through the entire arena.

Xiao Tian’s eyes flickered and he dodged to the side in front of everyone’s looks of disbelief. This distance, such a fast speed, he was able to safely dodge when the enemy suddenly attacked him……Just what kind of reaction was needed. But what surprised them even more came after.

With the “Houyi Air Ripping Shot”, Howling Moon was pushed back, instantly creating a distance of thirty meters between them.

“The attack is secondary, the main use of this skill was to create distance. What comes next will inevitably be an attack that blots out the sky.” Feng Xiao explained to Feng Yao in a low voice.

Before Howling Moon even landed, there were ten arrows that appeared on his bow. There was no need to aim as the ten arrows formed of white light were aimed 90 degrees. After being shot out, his bow was immediately raised and pointed up.

Xiao Tian had already reacted immediately. Although the effect of “Blink” was gone, his base move speed was quite high. He had already charged twenty meters forward before Xiao Tian made a move. The ten arrows were shot out in a large area, completely blocking the space to the front, to the left, and to the right. With no time to think, he jumped up and avoided all the attacks.

Howling Moon revealed a cold smile as he gave a grunt. He used the “Houyi Chaotic Cloud Shot”, filling the sky with arrows that drew a beautiful parabola before falling on Xiao Tian, completely surrounding him. It sealed up all the routes of his escape, not to mention that he was currently falling from the sky and couldn’t avoid such a large range attack.

Seeing the rain of arrows that he couldn’t dodge and his over ten thousand HP, he gritted his teeth and didn’t dodge or defend against it. He just charged straight at Howling Moon.


The red number appeared above Xiao Tian’s head. Adding in the close to ten thousand damage he took earlier, even with a level 50 recovery herb, he had already lost two thirds of his HP. All the players could only use 30 level 50 HP potion and 30 level 50 MP potion, which only healed 2000 each. It was definitely enough for normal people, but in the face of large damage output of the experts, it was useless.

Howling Moon deeply knitted his brows. He had dealt over fifteen thousand damage and he still did die! His HP was actually higher than his!

Without any hesitation, Xiao Tian was already charging at Howling Moon was he was slightly absent minded, as his right hand grabbed the hilt.


Qiang, qiang, qiang, qiang, qiang!

Howling Moon’s revolving defense activated again and in an instant, there were five sounds that rang out.

“So fast! So strong!” Feng Xiao couldn’t help crying out.

Zero: Chasing Star Sword Saint’s exclusive skill

Requirement: Equipped with the Chasing Star Sword

Instantly attacks all enemies in a straight line, dealing at least five normal attacks to each enemy with forced accuracy. Can dash five meters forward. Costs 100 MP and has a cooldown of 1 second.

This skill was a terrifying teleport and instant kill technique.

“This move is called ‘Zero’! That is because no one can evade it!”

This voice came from behind him. When he quickly turned around, he could only catch the silver light that was approaching him.

Qiang, qiang, qiang, qiang, qiang!

His unconsciously activated revolving defense negated half the damage again. But even so, his HP had dropped to a sliver in an instant.

Howling Moon started to panic. It was just like he had said, this was a skill that he couldn’t dodge. This skill was like an instant teleport, so he couldn’t keep up with his form, let alone his attacks. The more terrifying thing was that when he approached, the only thing that he could do was defend.josei

The wind came from behind him again and this was just a basic attack from Xiao Tian. If this attack hit, it would be Howling Moon’s defeat! He would be eliminated!

“Puppet Replacement!”

A black figure appeared where Howling Moon had been and took that normal attack from Xiao Tian. Howling Moon had teleported five meters away.

“As expected.” Feng Xiao’s eyes flickered. The puppet replacement was a necessary skill for archers. His own “Storm Ripper” Job had a similar “Pupper Substitution” skill.

“Houyi’s Air Ripping Shot!”

It was the same move and Xiao Tian once again dodged in an unbelievable manner, but Howling Moon used the rebound to fly thirty meters away, landing in the center of the stage. He didn’t use the recovery medicine and didn’t make a move, as he just coldly stared at his enemy. He finally underwood that Xiao Tian’s strength far surpassed his expectations and his right hand holding the “Houyi Sun Shooting Bow” tensed.

His strange action made Xiao Tian cautious. He didn’t use “Blink” to charge forward and slowly walked in front of him. The two of them met gazes, as if seeing the confidence that they would win from each other.

“Howling Moon! You will lose today.” Xiao Tian’s right hand grabbed the hilt again. From beginning to end, no one had seen the true appearance of the Chasing Star Sword because it had been hidden in the sheathe the entire time. It only came out in an instant when it attacked before going back in in an instant.

Howling Moon didn’t say anything as he raised the jet black bow, holding it horizontally in front of his chest. He had prepared this absolute death attack for Asura, but now he had to use it early.


When the silver light as fast as lightning charged forward, Howling Moon moved at the same time.

“Houyi……Yin Yang Reverse!”


The revolving Houyi Sun Shooting Bow became like a black disc that appeared in front of Xiao Tian, knocking Xiao Tian away with a force that he couldn’t resist. Xiao Tian’s movement was stopped and then he was sent flying with an incredible power. At the same time, Howling Moon also flew out.

The two had been at the center of the stage and flew out in opposite directions at the same time, instantly being sent to the edges of the arena.

Xiao Tian completely lost control of his body and helplessly waited to land. As for Howling Moon…..His lips curled into a smile as his expression didn’t have a single trace of panic. The Houyi Sun Shooting Bow was drawn to a full moon and the strong power started to gather, as a giant black arrow appeared on the bowstring……He could move freely as if he hadn’t been sent flying, but rather he had jumped back on his own.

Seeing this skill that was about to be activated, Feng Xiao suddenly stood up, “This is bad……”

“Go!!! Houyi Sun Executing Arrow!!!”


The red arrow made everyone’s breathing stop. It was as if it wasn’t purely an arrow, but rather a long rainbow that could pierce the sun and moon……The howling sound cut through the air and the earth, people even felt like their hearts were being cut apart by this sound.


A hundred meters! This giant red glow hit the barrier at the edge of the arena, but it didn’t immediately dissipate like a normal attack and created countless yellow fissures in the air in front of it. The red glow that couldn’t go forward began spinning and more and more fissures formed, as if it was about to break at any moment.

Only, this wasn’t what people paid attention to. When they came back to their senses from this shocking “Sun Executing Arrow”, they strangely thought……Why didn’t it hit, just how did it not hit!

He was completely restricted and flying a hundred times faster than a bullet, so why didn’t it hit?

Howling Moon who had just landed found it hard to stand up as he began panting and the bow in his hands hung down. Using this skill would drop his strength down to 1 for three hours and he couldn’t pull the bowstring again. Looking at the empty stage, his eyes filled with resentment and shock. He knew that he had been defeated.

There was a figure that appeared in front of him and he looked up to see Xiao Tian’s face that was a bit pale from his nervousness. Their eyes flickered at the same time.

“Sorry, you’ve lost! Remember……this move is called……”


With a flash of white light, Xiao Tian moved back two steps and weakly landed on the stage, taking heavy breaths. Howling Moon just stood there with a stunned look, not moving at all.

-2354, -2288.

The delayed damage figures appeared above Howling Moon’s head, but his emptied HP bar instantly filled up again. When the players were filled with doubt over why those damage figures had been so delayed, something unbelievable happened that stunned them all.

-2298, -2412.

Two more figures……Howling Moon still didn’t fall.

-2315, -2401, -2296, -2355, -2322……

Howling Moon finally fell down and Xiao Tian stood up. He casually waved at the silent crowd before being sent out in a flash of white light.


With Howling Moon falling and Xiao Tian leaving, the crowd exploded. All kinds of shocked cries, amazed cries, and discussion filled the arena. That short fight was terrifying in the eyes of experts and ordinary players couldn’t understand it at all.

“Big brother……what happened just now? How did Xiao Tian avoid that arrow? It was as if his body had suddenly disappeared.” Feng Yao had a surprised and doubtful look. That scene was so fast that she hadn’t been able to catch anything.

“So strong! They are very strong……That Sun Executing Arrow, perhaps only Xiao Tian and I can dodge that. As for resisting it, perhaps the only ones that wouldn’t die in the entire Chinese Server would be me and……” Feng Xiao’s eyes fell onto a normal corner to the left where that red hair looked so conspicuous. Other than that red figure sitting beside him, there was no one else.

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