Legend of the Empyrean Blacksmith

Chapter 363

Chapter 363

Chapter 363



An odd sort of tension hung over the gracefully-decorated chambers, with Lino briskly sitting and sipping some wine straight from the bottle . It was rather sweet, though he would be hard-pressed to answer where he got it . Whenever he’d come into any town or city, he’d always purchase wine in bulk and store it . Even he wasn’t quite sure just how many bottles, gourds and other odd storages were inside his void world .

Freya and the Third Prince, Titus, sat in silence, their gazes slightly dulled due to having thrown themselves in deep thought . It wasn’t Lino’s proposal that stunned them per se as both expected it, especially Freya, but the commanding and certain tone he used when he said he’d craft a Continental-tier weapon for Titus .

" . . . despite our best attempts," Titus sucked in a cold breath, his dew-green eyes shimmering . "It seems we have still underestimated you gravely . "

"I get that a lot," Lino chuckled . "What do you say?"

"I would have helped you either way," Titus said . "As we have failed to properly protect you in the first place . . . but I’d be a fool to reject a free Continental-tier item . "

"You indeed would," Lino added casually, doubling down on the shock of the young ones behind him; the first one was that he planned on giving away a Continental-tier item for free, and the second one was the way he spoke to the Prince . "Though I promised a Continental-tier item, I hope you’ll understand that there’ll be some restrictions, particularly in terms of materials that I use; after all, though I like you two very much, it’s not that much . "

"Ha ha, no, I understand, of course," Titus replied with a faint laugh . "But, if, and this is merely a hypothetical, you were to, say, come into possession of some rather unique and rare materials . . . what would change?"

" . . . " Lino’s lips curled up into a faint grin, causing Freya to sigh; of course, it wasn’t free, she realized . Nothing with Lino is ever free -- she should have known better . He’s gonna rob us dry, I just know it . . . she mused inwardly, though didn’t say anything, somewhat excited to see how far he’ll push . "Not even the sky’s the limit," Lino replied, taking a sip of wine . "And perhaps not even the beyond . . . "

" . . . " Freya could read the excitement in Titus’ eyes clearly, causing her to sigh inwardly; the poor lad was expecting to be given the stars . . . yet, without even realizing it, he will be the one doing all the giving . "How long would it take you to craft something like it?" Freya asked . Lino glanced at her and stealthily winked, causing her to groan inwardly .

"It all depends on Your Highness’ desires," Lino replied . "After all, I do wish to leave a good impression, and perhaps earn an additional favor . " You’re still digging?!!! everyone, except Titus, nearly wanted to scream at him in anger, yet they managed to hold back .

"Of course, of course," Titus fell right into the trap, rubbing his hands . "If you truly deliver on your promise, you’ll have a friend for life in me, Lyonel . Whatever you need within my domains, you shall receive -- that I promise . Would you mind waiting for a moment?" he added, getting up .

"No, of course not . " Lino replied, taking a sip of the wine that turned even sweeter .

"If the young ones are bored, I can ask Idya to show them around, while Freya keeps you company . " Titus said .

"Very well," Lino nodded, turning toward the young . "You lot better behave, or we’ll have a big ol’ talk when we get back . You hear?"

" . . . yes . " everyone except Y’sha replied dispiritedly, the latter replying with faint excitement; though she spent the least amount of time by Lino’s side, she easily read that look in his eyes -- it was pure greed, lust for whatever they can scam out of this place .

"Very well then; follow me children . " Freya and Lino remained silent as the rest departed, the former staring daggers at him .

"I won’t let you rob him dry, you know?" she said as the two were left alone .

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Oh, please, we may have not seen each other in a long time, but I know you Lino . Chances are you already have a Continental-tier item, and will simply try to get as many materials out of it as possible . "

" . . . first of all, I said I’ll craft one by his desires," Lino said . "Now, I’m quite clever, but even I’m not clever enough to predict what a man I hadn’t met until today might want to preemptively craft it . Secondly . . . well, yeah, I’ll rob you guys dry . "

"I just said I won’t let you . " she quickly added .

"Wanna hear a secret?" Lino asked mysteriously .

" . . . sure . " Freya replied, sighing .

"Whatever I wanted," he winked . "I always got . "

" . . . just how many angles are you playing? Not just here, in this room, but by simply coming here?" she quizzed with a serious expression .

" . . . what makes you think I’m playing angles? Perhaps I truly came here to test the limit of my smithing talents . "

"Yeah, right," Freya scoffed, taking a sip of her already chilled tea in an attempt to calm down . "Hell will freeze over before you stop lying . Just be honest, Lino . I already settled on helping you, and if we tell Titus who you really are, he will bend over backward to give you literally everything anyway . Why play these games and dance around the bushes?"

" . . . you know, for a member of royalty," Lino said after a short silence, smiling quaintly . "You certainly are rather naive, Freya . Life is rather dull without games . Besides, I expect my identity to remain a secret until I leave this place . "

" . . . so you are playing angles . "

"Of course I’m playing angles," he chuckled . "What? Do you think I came all the way here, into the heart of the land that’s hunting my ass, for fun? On a vacation? Of course not . "

" . . . I thought you’d have learned by now that playing people will only ever get you so far . You’ll slip, one way or another, and find yourself alone whereas you could have had it all . " she said, her eyes glimmering in a strange light .

" . . . age has dulled you," Lino said calmly . "It’s a shame . "

"No, the age hasn’t dulled me," she shook her head . "I simply didn’t forget the empathy I largely learned from you . What happened to you, Lino? Your tongue was always vile, but it was honest, as was your soul . You saw people heart to heart and offered them the truth . Did the world truly steal that away from you?"

" . . . you and I live in two entirely different worlds," Lino suddenly scowled with faint anger, surprising Freya; his Will burst out of him for a brief flash, washing over her body, freezing her soul for that quaint moment . She felt her entire reality collapse within it, sweat breaking out of every pore of her being . "Do not be in such a rush to merge them . "

" . . . I’m right here . Why not?" she asked, recovering quickly .

" . . . for the same reason I’m ’playing angles’," he said, getting up slowly, his mood seemingly soured . "There’d be no winner otherwise . . . just a string of broken, bitter and angry souls hanging off the burning chains . Tell the Prince he can send the materials to my smithy . "

" . . . you don’t have to leave," she said . "Sorry . "

"No, I do," he turned around briefly and cracked a strange grin . "Otherwise you wouldn’t get to . . . and that would, well, complicate things for me . "

" . . . "

Stepping out of the room, Lino felt a huge rush of relief as he let go of a breath he had been seemingly holding in for eons . Shaking his head, he put his hands inside his pockets and slowly retracted the steps, his mind in a spiral . josei

"Why did you resist me?" a robotic voice, who had been eerily silent for a long while now, echoed out inside his mind .

"Why did you push me?" Lino asked back in an indifferent tone .

"It was a perfect opportunity . " Ataxia replied .

"For what? To undo all of my current plans?" Lino scoffed .

"Plans that all lead you to the goal that was right there . "

"Within the right circumstances . "

"There will never be the right circumstances . "

" . . . there have to be," Lino said . "And if there aren’t, I’ll make them . "

" . . . you aren’t now nor will you ever be omnipotent," Ataxia said . "Some things are even out of our hands of control, Lino . "

" . . . you two are remarkably alike," Lino sighed . "I’m half a mind away from asking why you never came together instead of plunging the world into a chaotic shithole . "

" . . . we are nothing alike . " Ataxia said .

"Really?" Lino scoffed . "Though I imagine for different reasons, you both seem equally anxious over finally commencing the end of this story . . . or the beginning of a new one . "

" . . . if now is not the time, when then?"

" . . . I told you a long time ago, Ataxia, that I will never lose myself inside the tidal changes of the world," Lino replied . "That if you wanted my help, it will be on my terms . If you want to reset, go ahead -- nothing is stopping you . Rip yourself out of me and find another scowl to wear your crown . "

" . . . you indeed did," Ataxia said, seemingly relenting . "And I told you I would respect your wishes . "

"You did . "

"Very well . If you feel now is not the time, then now is not the time . "

"She’s left a mark on me," Lino said . "Don’t remove it . "


"Because I’m curious as to why," Lino chuckled . "She didn’t particularly bother to hide it, so there must be a reason . "

" . . . I know you fancy yourself witty and clever, Lino, but you are neither wittier nor cleverer than her," Ataxia said . "Play the games with people as long as you want to, but be careful when playing the games with her and her ilk . "

" . . . relax man," Lino said . "I’m fairly certain I know exactly what she wants from me, and how she plans on getting there . Her throwing me off might only make this more fun than it already is . . . "

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