Legend of the Empyrean Blacksmith

Chapter 525

Chapter 525

Chapter 525



The winds of change swept through the Holy Continent . No, not only the winds of change, but the absolute winds of overturning . The massive landmass shook and quaked repeatedly as the onslaught trudged through it without stopping . An army beyond compare, one endowed by the spirit of Chaos itself, stormed the world without a pause .

Kings and Queens fell one by one, the banners and flags burned to ash, replaced by the sigil of chaos and order . The whole of the continent from the far west to the Sanctified Grounds was swept clean .

Ion stood at the front of the massive force that had swelled considerably . The army now surpassed a whole million, and it was impossible to camp it within a single plain . It stretched beyond the eye's capacity to behold, and every time it moved, it struck at the heart of everything .

They now stood beneath the Great Divide, the world's tallest, most impenetrable fortress that withstood the eons . This was the mark, Ion knew . Spreading out his Divine Sense, he easily recognized that everyone who mattered had gathered in there . The leaders of the still-fighting Sects, the remarkable individuals who fled the army's onslaught… this was where the last battle would commence .

"—I can win . " Ion mumbled . It wasn't arrogance or conceit – but an absolute belief, both in himself and the army behind him . Behind him stood the Emperor – the sort that could not be confined within a small Empire .

Yes, Ion knew, the only Empire worthy of Lino was the world itself – all its corners, all its landmasses, all its people . And Ion would give it to him .

"Prepare," he said to a gruffy-looking man standing next to him, his second in command, Commander Sil . "The moment the dawn breaks, we attack . ""… are you sure? The power of Defensive Artifacts isn't a joke," Sil said in a concerning tone . "And now we have to fight four . "

"It's fine," Ion said . "I'll deal with them . You only have to think about taking over the fortress . "


Comparatively speaking, it was an easier assignment . Yet, even still, Sil couldn't help but smile bitterly . Commander Ion spoke as though he was telling him to take over a small village . But, the Great Divide… why was it that the Holy Grounds remained untouched for so long? It was because a massive invasion was impossible . This fortress was a monument, a deterrent to the world .

It stood juxtaposed between two massive mountain ranges, built over the sole path through them . It was not a fortress, not really – and more of an insanely fortified city . It could host over two million people at any given time, and its walls were not only built out of the strongest materials but were reinforced with the strongest arrays known to man .

Most considered sieging it a pipe-dream, but Sil thought differently . This was something that was necessary . If the Empyrion was to consolidate its worldwide reach, they had to break this wall – they had to prove to everyone that they were unmatched, the sky above the sky . They had to crush the monument thought as indestructible, and they had to do it by making it seem easy .

His head hurt, yet his heart was excited . When did he have the ability to lead a million-strong army? Never . Even if he was the most prominent Commander of Heaven's Chosen, battles of this scale occurred rarely . While the legends often spoke of battles of millions, those never truly happened – it was simply impossible . There was no landmass that was wide enough to accompany that scale . What about the sky? Yes, people could fly – but, in reality, for how long? Very few could stay up there indefinitely . It was just a tiresome way to fight .

Sil glanced back and shuddered; every time he looked at the mass, he felt revitalized . Something inside of him burned . Tomorrow… the world will finally experience the full might and majesty of its greatest Empire yet .


Y'nn sat in front of a flapping tent, calmly drinking ale under the dimming sun of the sunset . He had a calm expression on his face, despite having 'betrayed' the Holy Grounds just a few hours ago . He tried to open their eyes to the reason, but… he failed . He knew it better than anyone, however, and didn't blame them – this was their lifeline, and their hearts bled . They would fight .

Y'elleve left the tent right at that moment, draped in silken-white, sitting opposite of him . She didn't seem to belong here, in the midst of mud and billowing smoke, yet at the same time, she seemed to perfectly blend in the environment . Much like Y'nn, she had a calm expression . They would win . Just like Ion, their confidence couldn't be matched . Even if, by a miracle, the Holy Grounds survived tomorrow… what would happen if Lino showed up? No, not even Lino . What if Hannah appeared?

Y'nn had realized it only after the last clash that happened on the Forgotten Continent – those two could not be fought . It was beyond the measure of a reason . In addition, there was also the secret monster that surpassed even them – Elanor . Every time he thought back to the moment she revealed herself in front of him, he would tremble . If Lino's and Hannah's strengths were beyond the measure of reason, then what of Elanor? He couldn't even begin to fathom . She existed on a planet that he was yet to even realize existed .

"—according to Ion's personality, him, you, Y'vol, Ivon, Lux and I will be in charge of fighting the Artifacts . " Y'elleve said in a pleasing tone . "It won't be easy . "

"… taking over the world never is . "

"Did you imagine his aspiration was this big when you joined him?" she asked .

"No," Y'nn honestly replied, shaking his head . "I imagined he would make his own plot of land and defend it, but… this… haah, I've really gotten old . "

"… truth is, I don't think he intended it . " Y'elleve said, surprising Y'nn who turned to her .

"What makes you say that?"

"Because I never saw that kind of greed in him, nor his actions," she replied . "I believe that, had he not been provoked, he would have merely kept the Holy Grounds in check, rather than outright destroying them and taking over . "

"…" the silence fell between the two as Y'nn turned to deep thought . It was possible . However, he was not interested in deliberating . Either way, tomorrow come, the world would see a complete upheaval . From the age of Kings and Emperors, they would enter the age that hadn't happened since the Skyhaven Era – the age of a single ruler .


Hannah sat on a rather chilly floor, cross-legged, her dazzling, emerald-green eyes focused on the meditating figure in front of her . Lino had the countenance that she could not recognize . Whatever happened in the short period she hadn't seen him had changed him completely . Her lips curled into a perfect smile, her eyes turning crescent . She wondered how it was physically possible to love someone so much . Despite well over a decade having passed, he still stirred her heart just the same as when he suddenly kissed her for the first time .

For him, she realized, all the sacrifices were worth it . And, she knew, he was the same . To love so much, and to be loved just as much . For good part of her life, she thought it impossible . What was it about him that thawed that coldness?

"—I'm still too weak," she said . "I can't help him . "

"Then grow stronger . Just like us…"

"… you remembered wholly?"

"No," Astrum replied . "But enough . It almost feels fated for you two to end up together . " josei

"Hm?" Hannah quizzed .

"Makes me a bit jealous, to be honest," the robotic voice suddenly cleared as the white-trounced smoke split from Hannah's front, forging a sitting figure in front of her . It was a woman whose height shouldn't be possible, sitting leisurely, glancing at her with a kind and loving smile . "You won his heart, while I failed . "

"—e-eh?!" Hannah exclaimed . "Astrum?! What the hell?!"

"For so long I silently stood by the side," instead of answering her, Astrum continued, sighing . "Waiting . Waiting for his heart to wane, for his eyes to look away from her and onto me . Just once . I managed to pull his gaze just once . How is it possible Hannah?" Hannah met the pair of glistening eyes squarely; they were brilliant in their radiance, so much so that Hannah felt it put hers to shame . "To love someone for eons upon eons?"

"… w-what are you talking about?" confused Hannah asked, startled by Astrum's expression .

"Elta told me, time and again, it was futile; she had him whole . But, I never gave up . I believed firmly that, one day, he'd recognize me . And I was right," Astrum chuckled joyfully, almost like a young girl . "Unfortunately, it was just before I was to forget everything . The first time he stuttered trying to say my name… Reli…"


"… it is enough," a voice of an old man muttered into the wind, followed by lengthy laughter from the lungs . A straw-made hat hung over his head, concealing his features, and hemp, loose clothes completed the image of a farmer . "You might experience some difficulties, but you'll endure…" he mumbled, his eyes gazing toward the frigid plateau currently occupied by three imposing figures . "You're the first, Lyonel," his gaze pierced the realms of reality and landed on the unknowing Lino . "Who exceeded my expectations . I wonder," he hummed a low tune as his body began distorting, the straw-made hat fluttering for a moment before flying off, revealing the bald head beneath . "Will you endure until I give you an army?"

His lower body was the first to vanish, slowly crawling toward the top of his head . The wind-carried particles lit up the invisible world as the last of him began to shudder and shred; his eyes, brows, and his forehead . The engraved number fluttered momentarily, turning into a burning haze, as '6' vanished, alongside any trace of anyone ever having been there .


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