Legend of the Empyrean Blacksmith

Chapter 542

Chapter 542

Chapter 542



Ella reeled backward from the shock, her entire body caving in underneath the overwhelming stream of chaos; one by one, she felt her bones snap, her muscles tear, her organs completely shatter within her . Without even being able to put up her defenses, she was once again blown backward at speeds that she couldn’t even reconcile . Unlike the lotus’ explosion, she didn’t leave the domain but rather bounced off its edge like a balloon, spat about like a broken ragdoll .

The lotus’ explosion gave birth to a burning storm of razor-sharp winds that trounced everything they touched, carrying her about against her will . Left and right, up and down, she had quickly lost the sense of direction, forced to close her eyes, at mercy of the violent winds . She survived on the edge, her energy barely enough to sustain the core of her being from being ripped apart like a sheet of paper .

She had no clue how much time passed, but eventually, she managed to finally open her eyes . She was on the floor, her body spasming involuntarily, blood streaming out of her, forming a massive pool beneath her lithe figure . Her armor was completely wrecked, the halo behind her shattered, her swords nowhere to be found .

Her head was plastered against the chilling, phantom floor, her eyelashes fluttering with base defiance . She couldn’t move; rather, she could barely breathe . Even if left alone, she knew that her days as the Agent were over . Her Soul had cracked, wisps of who she was slowly streaming out like smoke . There was no way for her to make the heads and tails of what had just transpired; one moment, she was brandishing her swords and preparing for an elongated fight, and the next she was on the floor, dying .

The distant sound of footsteps jostled her as she gazed slightly to the side . It was just in time to witness the topless figure walking up toward her two brothers who were, much like her, sprawled on the floor . She wanted to scream, to warn them, to rush over and protect them, but she couldn’t even move .


Lino steeled his steps and walked toward the two lying men casually . Though his entire body was aching as though there were consistent explosions rampaging through his soul, he endured forcibly, never letting it show on his face .

Approaching the two men, he crouched down, meeting their trembling eyes . Both were still alive, though wouldn’t be for long . Reaching out, he grabbed the one he assumed was in charge and pulled him up, feeding him a faint trace of energy, just enough for him to speak without drowning in his own blood .

There wasn’t a trace of majesty that he exuded upon arrival, not a trace of holiness that he had wrapped himself in . It was a wretched appearance, a man trembling, dyed in stains of blood, snot spilling out of his nose, eyes weeping .

"... was it worth it?" Lino asked faintly as the man met his gaze, his irises jostling about .

"... y-you... won today... but... don’t rejoice..." the man stuttered through his crackling teeth .

"... rejoice?" Lino’s voice turned grim, his grip tightening . "You’re a cruel fucking bastard, you know that? You fuckers could have left her behind, and stormed me yourselves . What Creator? He’s a fucking psychopath playing around with hearts like they’re musical instruments . Sending a mother after her own child... pitting them together... tsk, your hogwash of philosophy sickens me . Vain, insipid, insidious, two-faced cunts like you and your daddy disgust me . Today I won? Only shit-eating scum like you would consider this a victory . "

"... you... don’t have to kill her," Limrur smirked faintly . "Oh, the big-hearted one . "

"..." Lino grinned, suddenly shoving a sword straight through the man’s heart, surprising him, leaning in and whispering directly into his ear . "Fret not, little cocksucker . One day, I’ll send your daddy right back to you, then you can continue sapping that fucker’s dick for however long you may desire . "

Lino threw the man’s body aside and walked toward the other; Cadel was currently shaking, inside and out, having witnessed his Brother’s cruel demise . He wanted to jolt to his feet and commit to vengeance, but his body wouldn’t listen . Even his mind was reeling in fear more so than anger . Before he could even process everything, his eyes caught a glimpse of the shimmering blade as it sliced through his neck, separating his head from his body . He lived on, for a few seconds longer, the world around him rolling and tumbling, before the last of life faded from his eyes . josei

Taking a deep breath, Lino first glanced up toward the nothingness before turning around and walking toward Ella . She was still lying limply, seemingly doing everything in her power to get up on her feet and run at him like a crazed beast . The look in her eyes cracked his heart; he felt it being whipped and lashed by scorching chains, each one leaving a permanent mark that wouldn’t heal until the day he died .

His steps slowed down somewhat the closer he got, seemingly unwilling . Of course, he was unwilling, he cursed inwardly . Wouldn’t he be no better than the rest if he was willing? No, he already wasn’t better than them . That man was right – he didn’t have to kill her . He had won . He could send her back, or he could lock her up in a dungeon . There were many ways he could handle her without dissevering her lifeline . Yet, a part of him, the one he trusted the most, knew she had to die . It would be the last step, the last threshold his feet would scramble over .

Crouching next to her, he brought her into his arms and held her, sitting on his knees . She looked at him coldly and vehemently, but he didn’t care, channeling some energy and repairing her body enough so she wasn’t in pain . Those blue eyes spat venom at him, her trembling lips bleeding, teeth sinking into her gums .

His arms felt heavy, nearly as much as his heart . Tears quickly formed on the corners of his eyes . Six decades was hardly enough to prepare him for something like this . No, six or six hundred, or even six thousand wouldn’t have made any difference . His hands trembled as he pulled one out, caressing her forehead gently, pulling her hair back .

"... without you," he mumbled, lowering his head . "I would have died in that small village . You’ve been my sword and shield all my life, the light which doused me in a cool and safe shade . I knew that, no matter what I did, or what happened to me, I would always have a home to return to . A place where I would be welcomed with open arms . To me, that safety net was what allowed me to always push forward . To never give up . To keep climbing the walls others deemed unclimbable . Whenever I’d slow down, your voice would become the wind pushing me onward . You were the first one to teach me what love was, what warmth of the mother’s embrace felt like, what unconditional acceptance meant to the heart . "


"You’ve made me into the man I am today," Lino’s voice began cracking slightly, coarse and deep, filtered in the echo of his age . "For however tall my tower became, you were the steady, unflinching foundation beneath it . The immovable hand upholding my house of cards . " He placed his finger on her forehead gently as his body began to tremble . "Deep down, beneath the layers of what they had done to you, I know you love me . And I know you will forgive me . And I know you’ll ask me to take care of that egg-head and that bookworm . And I know you’ll bless my journey, and wish me the best of luck for all the eons to come . And I know you’ll watch over me from wherever you may go . And you should know I’ll always stay true to my heart, the same heart that you inspired in me . And that I’ll always fight for what I believe in, and protect those I love . And that I’ll take care of both of them, and give them lives unblemished by even an iota of pain and discomfort . And, one day, long, long, long into the distant future, I’ll go over to that psychopath, and I’ll shave off the tendrils he’s bound the cosmos in . Anyone with a heart dark enough to pit two who love each other doesn’t deserve to live, let alone be titled a Creator . "


"Hate me or love me," he added, pressing ever-so-tightly against her forehead . "My heart goes by the words of the woman who raised me, upheld me, protected me and embraced me when the whole world shunned me, not the carcass filled with hate they’ve turned you into . My mom... was a resplendent star, the most beaming sun beneath which nobody felt alone . Her heart bound the world," he added with a chuckle, looking up into nothing . "And unbound the countless chains . I’ll always love you . Rest now . Goodbye..." a trickle of energy seeped through the tip of his fingers as Ella’s eyes widened for a moment .

It was painless, she realized as she began drifting through the memories that had grown hazy . Peaceful . Releasing . The chains of oath broke, one by one, and the deep-seated whispers in her soul vanished . Just before the last of life left through her cold, shivering lips, she curled their edges into the faintest of smiles . It was invisible to anyone but her fading soul, forever to remain hidden from the world .

Lino felt her draw her last breath in his arms, her eyes closing . His entire body was trembling, inside out, tears streaming against his will . He gnashed his teeth together and closed them, shaking like a pup in the rain as he brought her into her chest, holding her tightly . It was too early for the last goodbye, he realized . Far too early .

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