Legend of the Great Saint

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

February 25, 2018

When the dawn of the next day came, layers of mist floated around the mountains. Upon opening the window, one could see that the city of Jia Ping was submerged in a sea of fog. There were only a few tall buildings like the pavilion, which were akin to islands in the sea, floating and sinking in this sea of fog itself.

No one really realized what happened last night, besides Li Qing Shan. He looked down on his own right hand. It was a thick hand full of calluses. The mark from many years of hard work did not simply disappear as he cultivated. It was this very hand that crushed his opponent last night. That feeling of causing him to explode still very clearly remained on his palm, engraved into his memory.

If it was an an ordinary person, one would probably lament his/her hands being stained with blood, and be sad for a period of time. However, Qing Shan felt fantastic and relieved. It was not that his demonic nature had influenced him to cause his heart to become cruel and emotionless. He could still cry for Little An, as well as wail for Xuan Yue(The cat demon with nine-lives). As for trash like Zhao Liang Qing, he did not even deserve a sigh.

You can choose not to accept the dark side of your heart and pretend that you are still an ordinary human. Or you could calmly accept it, so that you could continue searching for these pieces of trash and enjoy the feeling of crushing them.

Between the two, Li Qing Shan did not hesitate to choose the latter. Using the words that he said in the beginning, why the need to suppress your own interests? There are definitely a lot of people that deserved to be killed in this world.

The first day of joining the Eagle Wolves Guard, until now, was to give the newbies rest and time to familiarise themselves with their new environment. From today onwards would be the real training for the Eagle Wolf Guard under the leadership of a senior.

Originally, this person would be Ge Jian, but the one who came was the one who used Li Qing Shan as a bet, “Rosacea” (Rosacea is a skin condition, the author chooses to use this guy’s condition to nickname him.). He patted the shoulder of Li Qing Shan and laughed: "Boy, last night, you were really amazing, even I do not dare to bully others like such. "

Just by this sentence, Li Qing Shan knew that he probably was not Zhuo ZhI Bo’s trusted confidantes. Even if Qing Shan wanted to start gathering confidantes, he would not accept such an improper person.

Diao Fei and Qian Rongzhi sat beside Li Qing Shan, each having their own thoughts, without saying a word.

"Rosacea" cleared his throat and began the first lesson of Eagle Wolf Guard: The history of the Eagle Wolf Guard.

Li Qing Shan gathered his attention and listened, for the first time, he knew exactly where he was and was shocked by the magnificent stories in the midst of the rich history. He murmured: "The Great Xia Dynasty?"

What would a dynasty established by a practitioner be like? Even more surprising, one of the most powerful groups under the rule of the human dynasty was actually commanded by a member of the demon race. This was simply unbelievable!

However, he could understand the feelings of the emperor. His wives would fight for his affection, and his children would fight for the throne. Even loyal officers would clash with him for the sake of their own ideologies and beliefs. The hearts of people were too complicated. Only their(the demons) loyalty was eternal and unchanging.

Although he refused to admit that Little An was his pet, Li Qing Shan found it hard to find other more appropriate titles for him. He trusted him so much because of his pure mind and his unreserved reliance on himself.

"Rosacea" was like the most prominent storyteller, with his spittle flying all over the air, as he recounted that period of history magnificently. But as he spoke to this point, he suddenly stopped talking and smiled towards Li Qing Shan: "Speaking of the President of our Eagle Wolf Guard, the Great Nation Protector Eagle God, we cannot fail to mention his daughter ... ..."

The currently pensive Li Qing Shan suddenly looked up, just to listen to the “Rosacea” slowly say that name, "Gu Yan Ying!"

Li Qing Shan slowly closed his eyes, as if he was once again caught in meditation. That white clothed unrestrained figure once again emerged in his mind. Yan Song did mention upon bringing up Gu Yan Ying that she had a terrifying background. But Li Qing Shan did not expect that it was terrifying to this extent.

"Rosacea" then said: "Of course, this information cannot be spread to outsiders. Although this is the open secret of the Eagle Wolf Guard internal matters, but it is also a taboo topic. The White Wolf Command even specifically ordered that whoever dared to waggle his tongue on these matters then he would see to it that that person’s tongue be crushed. You lot better not think that this is just a mere saying. This can be considered to be our Ru Yi Province Eagle Wolf Guard’s First Sin. If you guys want to pretend that you did not hear of this the it’s fine. Anyways, your generation will probably have no chance to make any connections with such great people.” Talking up to this point, he took a look at Li Qing Shan.

Li Qing Shan did not make any response. After a slight shock, he recovered his composure immediately. The goal the Green Ox gave him was simply too far away. This caused his vision to never stay at this simple world.

When your ultimate goal is to fly to the sky, yet others tell you how tall Mount Everest is, how hard it is to climb, you may agree, but you will not feel too much pressure. You may even feel that this goal is much simpler and easier to achieve.

As for whether he could make any connections, that would depend on fate. But if he could get closer to her then he would definitely do it. He was not afraid of others saying that he was perverted, because he admitted that he loved beautiful woman, great alcohol, tasty food, crushing opponents as well as great medicinal pills and spiritual artifacts.


Across the bustling street, Li Qing Shan came up to the Magistrate Court. In front of the door, there was a pair of stone lions. In Li Qing Shan’s view, these were not merely to scare off the common folk. These were equipment that emitted authority and from the Spiritual Qi they emitted, even if someone invaded, with these pair of stone lions, they would quickly enliven and rip the enemy apart.

Compared with them, the two guards were more like decorations. Seeing that Li Qing Shan was wearing his uniform, naturally no one dared to stop him. After he reported his name, he was brought in immediately.

The court was in a busy state. Many people of various kinds were moving around under the guidance of the runners. They all seemed to be busy settling their own matters which were not limited to complaining and suing cases.

Zhou Wen Bin met Li Qing Shan in the garden of the Magistrate. Under a patch of bright sunshine, Zhou Wen Bin dressed in green, sitting cross-legged on the mat, under a big willow tree near a pond, appreciating the scenery. He was unlike a governer, and more like a reclusive cultivator, free as he could be, painting a huge contrast with the bustling state of the Magistrate.

Li Qing Shan paid a saulte: "My lord seems so stylish!” (Ok in this he uses a phrase 潇洒, which generally means free and unrestrained. This can also be thought of as stylish in some sense as well. In this context, stylish seemed more appropriate.)

Zhou Wen Bin waved his hand another sitting mat appeared, along with a set of exquisite tea drinking equipment.

Li Qing Shan sat down and saw with a wave of Zhou Wen Bin’s hand, the steam from the pond rise and gather into his palms before being converted into a stream of water that flowed into the teapot which then began to steam. A strong smell of tea wafted as the two tea pots filled up.

Zhou Wen Bin then said in a carefree manner: "Us practitioners, should originally not be bogged down by such worldly matters!"

Li Qing Shan then asked curiously: "Then why does my lord stay in this county? Why not search for a more natural spot and cultivate properly?"

“This is something you do not know. This is a cultivation technique of scholars. Gathering the willpower and beliefs of the masses can also be used to cultivate, which is why I am the Lord of Jia Ping City.”

Only when Zhou Wen Bin revealed it then did Li Qing Shan know that there was actually such a method. Also, this was an extremely efficient way of cultivating which did not require too much thought into it. Zhou Wen Bin had a bunch of officials under him to take care of the majority of the governmental work. Normally, he just needed to stay at the backyard and drink tea while appreciating the scenery. There were truly numerous paths in the way of cultivation.

Li Qing Shan then turned back to the official business: "I do not know why my lord chooses to summon me, and the purpose of this summoning.”

Zhou Wen Bin replied: "You know you're going to die soon?"

Li Qing Shan then said: "This, I have no idea."

Zhou Wen Bin said: "You have deeply offended Zhuo Zhi Bo. He has very little guts, thus, he chooses to endure. But you and I are very clear that you do not have any particular background at all. Old Wang of the Clear River Prefecture doesn’t really like you. Zhuo Zhi Bo would know of this sooner or later."

Li Qing Shan’s face remained unchanged: "What does my lord wish to reveal to me to answer this situation? Unless you wish for me to convert to become your subordinate?"

Zhou Wen Bin said: "I would like to have such a subordinate such as yourself. What you have done in Qing Yang County, I have heard about it. But for me to hire another official would waste another portion of resources.”

Li Qing Shan only just remembered that Ye Da Chuan. Counting the time, they are supposed to arrive around today.

"However, since you entered the Eagle Wolf Guard, you can no longer get away easily."

Li Qing Shan said: "Then I can only run away and hide?"

Zhou Wen Bin shook his head: "Defection from the Eagle Wolf Guard is an even greater sin. It is enough for there to be posters put out for you. With the size of all under the heavens, where can you even run off to? Do you think you can run off to the forests and mountains and coexist with those demons?”

Li Qing Shan wondered, this was not a difficult task.

Zhou Wen Bin said: "Now, if you want to avoid Zhuo Zhi Bo’s threat, you only have one place you can go to."josei

Li Qing Shan asked: "Where?"

"100 School Courtyard!"

"Where is this 100 School Courtyard?"

"Naturally, in the Clear River Prefecture."

"What kind of place is this 100 School Courtyard?"

"It is a place for ordinary people to cultivate. It is also the foundation of the Great Xia Dynasty. As a magistrate, besides being a guardian, I have the responsibility of selecting candidates for the country. I can recommend talented practitioners to the 100 School Courtyard. Even the responsibilities of the Eagle Wolf Guard can be put aside temporarily. Naturally you will no longer need to worry about Zhuo Zhi Bo once you are there. To tell you the truth, I was from the 100 School Courtyard, and to be frank, you will experience greater benefits there as compared to being an Eagle Wolf Guard."

Li Qing Shan said: "I do not know why my lord shows me such preferential treatment?”

Zhou Wen Bin said: "Although your talent is mediocre, but I really like your temperament. I cannot bear to see you destroyed by the hands of a crafty fox. Perhaps in the future when you have to return to the Eagle Wolf Guard, I will not mind you coming over to Jia Ping City and maybe we can even work together."

Some people will dislike your personality, but naturally some people will also like your personality. When receiving malicious intent, you may also receive some good will. This was quite fair.

Li Qing Shan thought for a moment and replied: "Thank you for your kindness. In the future I would definitely go there to take a look. But for now, I won't. I still have things to do in Jia Ping City."

He speculated that the 100 School Courtyard should be similar to a school for practitioners. This would cultivate talents for the Great Xia Dynasty and suppress those who cultivated in sects outside. However, since it is a school, it is inevitable that a tuition fee will be imposed and there would be plenty of inconveniences when taking action. At least, he was unable to go on a killing spree in the name of justice as a student.

He now needs flesh and blood to help Little An condense his physical body. Also, he needed to acquire more Qi Condensation Pills to cultivate during these missions. These two goals could be achieved simultaneously and were very suitable to accomplish in Jia Ping City. And most importantly, he was not afraid of Zhuo Zhi Bo, not even a single bit.

Zhou Wen Bin frowned: "It seems that you do not understand the strength of 6th Level Qi Refining Practitioners.”

T/n: Hi guys, hope you all had a great week! At the same time, if you are free, do check out the new novel being hosted on this site! The world building(or rather universe building) will be slightly similar, so do support it if you are interested! If not, thanks!

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