Legend of the Transcendent

Chapter 81

Chapter 81: Fell into the water

Chapter 81: Fell into the water

"Okay, okay, no problem," Mi Xiaojing said hurriedly.

Mu Xiaoyin breathed a sigh of relief. She realized that what she said earlier was inappropriate.

Luo Bo rushed up and said, "Let me go first, let me go first!"

Mi Xiaojing took Luo Bo and flew up using the Qianyuan Art of the Starry Sky, scaring Luo Bo, but he became excited as they ascended.

They didn't fly too high because Mi Xiaojing knew that there was a large sword formation in the sky. After flying a small circle, they landed in the courtyard with Luo Bo. Then, they took Wei Fu and Zhang Ke and flew up for a small circle above the courtyard without flying too far.

Finally, Mi Xiaojing took Mu Xiaoyin into the air. As they flew higher, Mu Xiaoyin screamed, "Wow, it's so scary... so high... Ah, ah..."

Mi Xiaojing flew horizontally with her, and Mu Xiaoyin held onto his arm tightly. Suddenly, Mi Xiaojing dived down and brought Mu Xiaoyin over the creek. Mu Xiaoyin screamed, "What are you doing... go back, go back! If you dare to throw me down, I won't let you go..."

As they approached the water surface, Mu Xiaoyin knew it was not good and hugged Mi Xiaojing's waist tightly, shouting, "If you dare to throw me down, I'll drag you down with me!"

"Sister, I didn't plan to throw you down. What are you doing?" Mi Xiaojing replied.

"You... you little rascal, dare to play with me..."

"Don't pinch me... Ah, don't bite me..."

"You... you were born in the year of the dog, don't bite... don't bite..."

Mi Xiaojing was taken aback. He only wanted to scare her, but Mu Xiaoyin got angry. Moreover, he was not proficient enough in the incantation or magical technique since he had just learned to fly. Mu Xiaoyin pinched and bit him, causing him to panic.


They both fell into the water. The creek formed a relatively large pool here, and they both became soaked. josei

When they fell into the water, Mu Xiaoyin involuntarily opened her mouth, and Mi Xiaojing also let go of her. The water was deep, and Mu Xiaoyin was stunned.

"Wow, I can't swim... Help!"

Mi Xiaojing was also scared and quickly grabbed her, dragged her to the side of the creek, and threw her onto the bank with force.

Then, Mu Xiaoyin stared at Mi Xiaojing fiercely, "You're dead. I'm going to bite you to death..." She looked quite ferocious, but her whole body was soaking wet, and she looked quite disheveled.Mi Xiaojing didn't dare to go up. Stepping on the water, he finally stabilized his body. He saw Mu Xiaoyin dancing and water droplets flying everywhere with her movements. It looked so funny that he couldn't help but burst out laughing in the water.

Mu Xiaoyin looked down and saw that her clothes were all wet and stuck to her body. She blushed and stomped her feet, saying, "You, you...you're a bad person, I won't talk to you!" She ran back.

Mi Xiaojing was stunned. He didn't expect Mu Xiaoyin to run away. He muttered, "Really, I can't even make a joke. She's so stingy." He was still young and innocent, and didn't realize how ambiguous his actions were.

Growing up, Mi Xiaojing rarely had contact with women. Mu Xiaoyin was the first woman he was close to, but he never had any improper thoughts. Not that he didn't want to, but he really didn't understand anything, like a blank sheet of paper, pure to the extreme.

Mu Xiaoyin ran back to the yard, and Luo Bo was surprised, "Wow, Xiaoyin sister, did you fall into the water?"

Mu Xiaoyin didn't say a word, blushing, and rushed into her room. This was her special room. Bang! She closed the door and hurriedly changed into dry clothes.

Luo Bo looked inexplicably at Mu Xiaoyin rushing into the room, and then Mi Xiaojing fell from the sky.

Wei Fu was surprised, "Huh, Xiao Mi brother is also soaked...wow, did you fall into the water with sister?"

Zhang Ke couldn't help but laugh and said, "Interesting...haha."

Mi Xiaojing said a little embarrassedly, "I didn't control myself well, and fell into the stream...okay, why don't you go practice instead of staying in the yard!"

Although Mi Xiaojing was young, he had already established his authoritative image in front of everyone. When he said to go practice, whether it was Zhang Ke, Luo Bo, or Wei Fu, they all went into the house to practice without hesitation. However, everyone had a smile on their faces.

Mi Xiaojing helplessly scratched his head, and cast a magical technique. In an instant, a huge amount of heat emanated from his body, forcing all the water out of his clothes. His whole body was like being lifted out of boiling water, steaming hot. If someone didn't know, they would think he came out of a steamer.

Due to the protection of a large defensive sword formation, the snow could not fall, and although the sect was still quite cold, the trees had begun to sprout, as if spring had arrived.

Mi Xiaojing returned to the cave and sat by the spiritual spring, thinking about how to practice. Mu Xiaoyin changed her clothes and quietly left the courtyard.First of all, one must find a slightly higher place, preferably a mountain peak, and carry out the first cultivation at night with starlight. This is the true cultivation of the Starry Sky Qianyuan Art, opening the path for the first time to transform starlight into the power of Star Gang. Once successful, future cultivation will be relatively simple.

Even if one cultivates in a cave later, they can still absorb starlight. This technique is so magical that as long as it is successfully initiated, future cultivation will not be hindered by clouds, daytime, or being deep underground. Nothing can stop the absorption of starlight.

The second important thing is to refine one's own weapon.

The precious sword-refining material, Thunder Gang Wood, needs to be utilized. Mi Xiaojing is still quite poor, but with the sale of elixirs, his financial situation has eased a bit. This is not only for his own use, but also for Luo Bo, Zhang Ke, and Wei Fu.

Although Mu Xiaoyin doesn't need it, she has other expenses. She is now a standard Evolutionary Immortal, having reached the first stage of the Edge-Awakening Period, the Conversion Stage. She is currently working hard to cultivate towards the second stage, the Maintenance Stage.

In addition to refining his own true Magical Sword, Mi Xiaojing also needs to consider Alchemy.

The most important thing is to find a good Pill Furnace. This item is not available in the market. One must find a steward from Grass-Benevolence Hall and prove that they have the ability to refine higher-level elixirs in order to obtain a higher-level Pill Furnace.

As Mi Xiaojing was deep in thought, several people arrived outside the door.

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