Legendary Soul Art

Chapter 111 Floating Islands

Chapter 111 Floating Islands

"Is there a problem?" Headmaster Blake questioned from afar as he approached together with the leader of the patrol.

"None at all," Number One responded casually as Nami collected two badges for them. "We were just joking around, that's all."

The tension in the air was quite thick and Headmaster Blake quickly figured out what could be the cause. He gazed at Number One and introduced, "This man is our top student and one of the main candidates for the Dragon Summit. Anyone can be accepted into the Academy if they are strong enough and a White Talent doesn't mean weak. Number One has proved everyone wrong numerous times."

The patrol leader was a mature man about Darius' age who wore a similar black uniform to Liss. He didn't hesitate to scold the three guards under him, "How many times did I remind you not to underestimate anyone? Just because you joined the Academy earlier doesn't mean you are better than the new recruits. You better watch out or you will be the one being knocked out after another evaluation."

The young guards paled and they couldn't even respond before they were sent away. "Finish distributing the tokens and go intercept another group. You are doing overtime today as punishment."

The teens didn't dare to complain and left before they received more scolding. It was clear their leader wanted to act tough in front of the Headmaster so they were bound to lose either way.

"Alright, I guess it's time to go," Headmaster Blake commented but he was stopped by the Patrol Leader.

"Headmaster, I have one question about Liss that led a group of students to the Selection Academy. Have you sent them back already?" the Patrol Leader questioned curiously. "They have been missing for the last three weeks and no one has heard anything from them."

"Huh? They didn't return?" Headmaster Blake muttered in surprise. "Maybe they took a mission to disappear for a while. I would also be ashamed to return after being beaten in a challenge by new students."

Headmaster Blake was naturally informed about their death when Number One wanted to use their Contribution Points. He couldn't blame Miss Black for their death after knowing the circumstances so they decided to close the case after everyone had forgotten about them.

"Liss'  reputation would be ruined after she cheated in the challenge against me so I'm not even surprised," Luna commented casually which gave the patrol leader a clearer picture.

"I see. I was asking because the Disciplinary Elder was wondering where she left. I will inform him what happened," the Patrol Leader replied respectfully and finally looked at Leon. "And also—"josei

"He is with us," Number One replied in Leon's stead and decided to split from the group earlier. "Headmaster Blake, I will find you in the Academy later on. We will head out to settle some matters first."

The Patrol Leader was taken aback at how casually Number One spoke but Headmaster Blake agreed without hesitation. "Alright, make sure to visit my courtyard earlier. I will show you around the Academy personally."

Number One only nodded in response and freed the ladies from his embrace to let them fly on their own. The four of them left under everyone's gazes which couldn't be more perfect. He was sure the Disciplinary Guard would spread the gossip around the Main Academy and it was exactly what he wanted.

The more famous Number One was, the more business he would have in the future.

"Let me lead the way, I know a shortcut that would let us stay out of vision," Leon suggested after they disappeared from the group's sight. "There are many Soul Artists flying between the floating islands and it's easy to get noticed. My wife told me to stay out of sight as much as possible."

The three had no complaints as they followed Leon who dove down towards the lake and they flew near the water's surface. It wasn't long before they learned why as the lake covered with water vapor and they lost the view of the sky. They flew for almost five minutes before they noticed a black mountain wall ahead.

"We reached the Southern Island. We just need to reach the top," Leon instructed while finally climbing upward. That was when they understood why the islands were called floating.

"Whoa… So beautiful…" Luna couldn't help but open her eyes in amazement as they broke through the clouds and witnessed hundreds of pillar-like mountains in the distance. Each pillar had a separate city built on top of it and the white clouds looked like a white lake around the islands.

The Southern Island seemed to be one of the main islands as they couldn't see the end of its shoreline. They casually flew straight into the city which had thousands of Soul Artists flying around and they headed straight towards Leon's home.

"No wonder everyone wants to live here. The views alone are breathtaking," Luna commented while looking around like a curious child but her mood was quickly spoiled. They were in a public space and couldn't avoid frowns as people stared at two pairs of White Soul Wings.

"Don't mind them," Number One assured Luna as he already had a plan to solve it. "Once they hear about us, no one will dare to look down on White Talents again."

"I don't understand it though," Luna muttered with an eye roll. "Why are they frowning at you when they should be respecting you instead? For a White Talent to even fly up here, it should be enough to show that you have immense potential. Are they all stupid?"

"They naturally feel they are better than us," Leon replied as if he was already used to it. "That was always the case between mortal humans and Soul Artists. They don't even want to breathe the same air as us, so they separate themselves. I'm sure they think you cheated his way to obtaining those wings, or at least that's what they told me once."

Leon only shrugged at that and pointed ahead at one of the wider streets. "Our home is here."

They landed on a beautiful stone road in what looked like a rich neighborhood and Leon stepped toward one of the stores without batting an eye at the people's stares. Number One followed him with the girls by his side and heard him exclaim at the sight of a mature lady who was reading a book behind the counter. "Honey! I'm back!"

The lady brightened at his voice as she searched for him but her gaze landed on Number One who was right behind him. "You three, get out of my store."

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