Legendary Soul Art

Chapter 52 Number One's Challenge

Chapter 52 Number One's Challenge

Liss wasn't someone who easily accepted defeat but she still headed towards the exit while glaring at Number One hatefully. She stopped by the other seniors' side and ordered sternly, "Finish him. Use everything you got."

Red Devil and the rest only nodded as they seemed to have the same plan anyway. Number One embarrassed Liss by catching her lies so they could only get their revenge.

"What are you waiting for? I don't have all day." Number One hurried the seniors from afar and they all turned to check his condition. They only frowned seeing him all fine despite having to withstand the 50th room's gravity.

"Damn… We can't let him make it to the main Academy…" Red Devil cursed and other seniors nodded in tow.josei

It was clear that both Luna and Number One were above everyone else in the Selection Academy. It wouldn't even be wrong to say they were on par with the Students of the main Academy. Both of them would soon pass the final test and their challenge results would be known to everyone. They couldn't let that happen or their reputation was over.

All four male seniors popped a pill into their mouths even before they stepped into the arena before finally walking across Number One. They were clearly shaking but the pills eased the pressure.

"You should leave too," Number One suggested as he gazed at Darius. "Don't worry, I won't be killing them. I don't want to later train in a room with the smell of burned corpses."

Red Devil was about to offer a comeback but Darius nodded as if that was all he needed to hear and left with full confidence in Number One. "Don't mess them up too much."

Number One only shrugged as he already knew what was about to happen and faced his opponents. "Are you ready to lose?"

"Your confidence will bring you doom one day," Red Devil commented coldly and shouted impatiently, "Set up a timer! Ten seconds! Timer start!"

Ten seconds went on a countdown and Number One only shook his head. They were so eager to play with each other that he couldn't help but give them what they wanted. He quickly withdrew a bandana which he tied around his face and stared his opponents down.

The seniors were waiting for the gong to launch an attack while Number One was waiting for the last second of the timer. Four red shinny pills appeared in between his fingers and he threw them just as the timer set off.

"Watch out!" Red Devil cried out in warning and they charged forward with their Movement Soul Arts. They tried to dodge the four lights thinking they were some darts but the devious pills exploded in the air without waiting for the impact.

Red smoke burst out like a thick storm cloud and it immediately covered the whole training room including Number One. It was almost impossible to see inside the smoke as it burned their eyes but the seniors still looked out for Number One attack.

"Fuck, stay grouped! Cover every direction!" Red Devil cursed while yelling orders. "He is going to ambush us so watch out!"

They didn't think too much of the smoke as they thought of it as a diversion but they couldn't be more wrong. The smoke was the attack itself and Number One had no more plans to attack them. He was waiting in the corner with his eyes closed and held his breath to avoid breathing in the fumes.

'Enjoy boys,' Number One thought just before his devious pill started to take effect.

"Hey! Who touched my butt?!" Red Devil cried out while facing the other three seniors and realized they all looked at him with rigid breathing. "The fuck is wrong with you…?"

Just as Red Devil questioned, his eyesight turned blurry and he was overwhelmed by an insane wave of sexual desires. He tried to fight it but the other seniors tackled him to the ground and they all wrestled while rubbing their crotches against each other. It was impossible to resist the temptations anymore and their minds shut off while they followed their instincts.

"What are they doing?" Liss questioned from outside when the training room began to filter the smoke and her eyes widened when she realized what was going on.

Number One happened to be walking out towards the exit and all eyes from the crowd fell on him. They naturally saw him throw the pills so they knew it was all his doing.

"The challenge is over since the opponents are unable to proceed with the duel," Number One announced as soon as he left and turned to Liss who was fuming. "You can go inside to help them or you can just let them enjoy themselves. The choice is yours."

"You used pills too!" Liss shouted while gritting her teeth. "You definitely didn't make them! Those pills were all supreme tier! What a fucking hypocrite."

Both the crowd and Darius paused at the accusations since they actually made sense. Number One just accused Liss of cheating and then he proceeded to do the exact same thing.

"You are right. Consider it my loss then," Number One agreed indifferently while turning to look through the open door. "I didn't really have a choice since my Soul Arts are meant to kill. Would you rather prefer I shoot them instead?"

Number One didn't wait for her answer and extended his arm inside the training room. His two fingers lit up and burst out with burning light that blinded everyone watching. The beam shot right across the training room and barely missed the four seniors before slamming into the wall.

Liss was stunned but Number One only shrugged as he walked back toward Nami and Luna. He would actually fight for the win if not for the fact that Liss was an Alchemist. He didn't know that while planning for his challenge so he had to improvise and accept this loss to stay low-key.

"Let's go," Number One said calmly while reaching the table but he paused as he tried to lift Luna again. His eyesight turned blurry for a split second while his lower body began to tingle.

Number One reacted quickly by eating a Body Revitalizing Pill but it was too late. He thought he would be fine without breathing any smoke but forgot about his skin which could absorb as well. His mind was already being affected and his desires made his hands sink into Luna's thigh.

"Are you okay?" Luna asked in wonder but Number One only picked her up while alarming Nami in their mind.

'We need to get back to the room. I can't hold on for too long.'

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