Legendary Soul Art

Chapter 89 Thank You

Chapter 89 Thank You

"She was right..." Number One muttered while viewing the city from a nearby hill. His gaze fell on the Selection Academy in the middle and he sighed while finally walking back.

The meeting with Rose caused a few ripples in Number One's mind so he needed some alone time to sort it out. She made him realize he had already changed his approach to life and he wasn't even aware of it. He could risk his life and even didn't care if he died in the process but that wasn't the case anymore.

"I never gave up before so why would I give up now?" Number One questioned himself on the way and began doing what he did the best: adapting no matter what situation he was put in.

Rose was the one bringing him trouble all the time but she was too powerful to face her directly. Number One had to either get stronger on his own or gain enough help to protect himself. He was naturally in favor of becoming a powerhouse himself but his Soul Arts were too predictable.

Number One barely even touched the surface of his gun's power while Rose already had full control of her Legendary Soul Arts. He wouldn't stand a chance if she wanted to kill him and reaching her level didn't make a difference. She knew all his tricks and could easily counter him.

'Do I really have to rely on others to survive?' Number One wondered as the image of Miss Black appeared in his mind. It didn't even take him a second to drop the thought of relying on that woman.josei

Even though Miss Black could potentially face Rose, she would definitely ask him to beg on his knees for help. He could only find a way to reach Rose's level before he is deemed ready. He still couldn't really figure out what could his Master want him for besides sacrificing him to recover his condition.

'Maybe the answer is behind the second golden door?' Number One guessed but that still didn't explain why he was chosen. If his Master failed to advance, he could always pick Rose who was clearly a much better choice.

He didn't really have to worry about his Master since his mysterious condition didn't let him go out often. He only needed to focus on Rose but she was already enough trouble. There was no doubt that she would only get stronger with time so the time was ticking.

'I should stop calling him my Master and actually find someone else,' Number One added and stretched his arms with a sigh. All this planning to impersonate his Master went to the dumpster and now he had to take the faster route instead.

"Time to actually become the Number One."


"Number One! Where were you for the last six hours? We searched everywhere for you."

The questioning came as soon as Number One showed up in the Academy but he didn't really give any serious explanations. "I went for a walk around the city and just came back. I still have time, right? There shouldn't be any problem."

Headmaster Blake raised his eyebrows speechlessly. "You only have twenty minutes left. Almost everyone is already done with the test."

"That's more than enough," Number One replied casually before stepping on the stage where Nami and Luna were still waiting for him. Most of the top class students has already left the stage and proceeded to join the teachers in the flying lesson.

'I will tell you what happened later,' Number One informed Nami in secret as he noticed her questioning gaze and embraced her. "How did it go?"

"We are both done," Luna replied in Nami's stead as she pinched his side. "We were worried you wouldn't make it."

They were still surrounded by hundreds of students watching the Final Test so Luna's familiar act was seen by everyone. She didn't seem bothered by it anymore and instead held his uniform to keep him close.

To Luna's surprise, Number One wasn't affected by her closeness and even reached out to rub her arm. "Can you pass me the scroll? I will start right away."

Luna was taken aback by his gentle smile but she still left to grab the Soul Art scroll from the stand. Number One accepted it and then brushed his left hand into Nami's hair. She already knew what he wanted from her as she held his face and kissed him deeply.

Both their tattoos lit up lightly when she transferred the new Winged Soul Art to his final Feather but no one else saw it as that. It all looked as if Number One was showing off that he managed to get both baddies. To make it worse, they both looked fine with it and that probably irked the boys more.

"Is he really going to master the whole Soul Art in nearly fifteen minutes?" the teachers questioned as they watched from afar but Darius only smirked.

"You are buying the liquor for tonight's party if he succeeds. What do you think?" Darius suggested while reaching out his hand and the other teacher shook it without hesitation. Similar bets happened across the Training Grounds but Number One wasn't interested in bets.

"Okay, give me one second," Number One commented without separating from Nami and closing his eyes to view the scroll. Even though he couldn't really replicate it on his own, he still wanted to see the original.

The experience was different compared to his heavenly space since he didn't need to split his consciousness. He only poured Soul Energy into the scroll and his mind displayed a slow demonstration of creating the Soul Wings. The shadow silhouette then began using it in practice by flying and shooting swords into the void.

'How could can you two learn and memorize it so fast...?' Number One asked speechlessly after the presentation was over. 'I already forgot what I was watching.'

'I can relate because I also needed at least five times before I could learn it,' Nami replied which made him feel even more useless. He would probably still have troubles even after a hundred times so she couldn't relate at all.

'Nah, both of you are monsters,' Number One pointed out as he opened his eyes without trying once again. 'I guess it doesn't matter where you get the Soul Arts but rather how you use it.'

Number One's only choice to get stronger was either acquiring enough treasures and influence to fight Rose with an advantage or simply finding a way to improve his Soul Talent. The latter wouldn't fix his comprehension skills which would still put him behind others.

His gaze fell on Luna after putting the scroll back on the stand and he pulled her into his arms with Nami by her side. She was the first Soul Artist he met who had immense potential so securing her support wasn't that bad of an idea anymore.

Sacrificing his body was still better than losing everything he had once again.

"What are you doing...?" Luna asked with a puzzled look while holding onto his shoulder. It was still quite a shocker that he took so much initiative but she didn't complain.

"We are leaving for a short flight," Number One informed just as his palm lit up and the Heavenly Feathers guided his actions. He used nearly one-fourth of his Soul Energy as pure white wings formed on his back.

It was clearly one of a kind sight as no one in history has ever had white wings before. There were millions of Soul Artists with colorful Soul Talents but Number One was the only unique one. If he couldn't change it, he might as well flex with it.

"Whoa... It's so beautiful," Luna commented in awe as she reached out to touch the wings before whispering, "Are you not worried your Soul Talent got exposed?"

He could pretend he had a Golden Soul Talent in the past since everyone was blinded whenever he used his gun but it wasn't the case anymore. His white wings were now displayed fully for everyone to see.

"Does it matter?" Number One asked back while feeling the wings with few movements. "If I can beat everyone with a garbage White Talent, what does it say about me? Who will laugh at me knowing I got so far without any cultivation prospects?"

Number One's words weren't quiet and everyone heard him. No student could come up with an excuse for themselves anymore. If a White Talent could be at the top of the Academy, how could they complain about their Yellow or even Orange Talent?

"Hold onto me tightly," Number One ordered the girls as he held them similarly to how Miss Black carried them and he finally tried his wings for the first time.

Many still thought the white wings wouldn't have much power but Number One surprised them all with a powerful swing that brought them up in the sky. They kept gaining altitude and more speed before flying out of the Academy grounds.

"How can you fly so well on your first time?" Luna asked upset but Number One only smiled for an answer. He wasn't the same person as his past self and would never try to jump off the cliffs to end the pain he felt.

Looking at the women in his arms, Number One already realized it was worth fighting for a better life. He was no longer alone and revenge wasn't the only thing pushing him forward.

"Thank you."

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