Legendary Soul Art

Chapter 9 Bloody Questioning

Chapter 9 Bloody Questioning

The person watching him was no other than Luna and she glanced behind him at the two charred bodies. "Why do you ask? Do you have anything you want to hide?"

"You are talking about those two corpses?" Number One asked while feigning innocence. "I was also wondering what happened when I stumbled across them. To think someone would kill in broad daylight. Unbelievable."

His cover-up attempt was worth the try but Luna didn't seem to buy it.

"Yeah, that's really shocking," Luna agreed with him before tapping her lips, "You have some leftover blood from all the coughing. You should wipe it before going out into public."

Luna paused for a second before pulling out her own handkerchief which she used to wipe his lips. Number One was momentarily taken aback by her approach and quickly grasped her wrist. "That's enough. Stop acting nice and tell me what you saw."

Luna smirked in response and freed her arm with ease. "You sure have the guts to order me while being in a weakened state. You should be the one answering my questions if you want me to keep your secrets."

"I guess you did see everything," Number One muttered before shrugging indifferently, "Go tell everyone then. I don't care."

Number One put his hood down and simply walked away. Even if Luna told everyone about his weakness, no one would believe her. They would think she is spreading bad rumors because she is mad that she lost.

"Hey, wait for me!" Luna shouted from behind and quickly caught up to him. "Are you just going to leave without an explanation? I came to help you and this is how you treat me?"

"As you already saw, I was perfectly fine without you," Number One replied and reminded her, "We already agreed to leave each other alone so get lost."

Number One continued to ignore Luna and didn't hesitate to wave for a taxi as soon as he reached the main road. He got inside but he wasn't quick to close the door and Luna followed him inside without permission.

"Good morning." An old driver greeted them after opening a separating wall and his eyes immediately brightened at them. "Whoa, a couple? You two look so good together. Where do you want me to take you?"

Number One rolled his eyes in response and corrected, "Actually, she is a stalker and doesn't want to leave me alone. I am scared for my life. Can you tell her to get off?"

"Sir, please don't listen to him," Luna said swiftly and smiled at the driver after withdrawing a Yellow Soul Crystal from her storage ring. "He is my friend and likes to joke around. We are going to the Soul Academy together."

"Oh, Soul Artists!" the old driver exclaimed excitedly and snatched the crystal from her open palm. "Don't worry, I will get you there in no time!"

Number One had no other chance to argue as the old man closed himself off and drove off. He was now left alone with Luna who stared at him intensely.

"What do you want from me? You are dreaming if you think I'm going to tell you anything," Number One informed coldly. "I'm warning you. Stay away from me if you want a peaceful life."

Luna paused at the threat and remained silent for a whole minute. Number One began to think she gave up but she spoke again right after. "My father secured me a spot in the Dragon Academy. I was already in the Soul Train for the Capital when I saw your trade. I didn't want to leave but then I overheard the conductor's call and found out you might be in danger."

"I see. So they tracked me through a middleman," Number One commented in wonder as if he already expected it. "Thanks for letting me know, but I'm still not telling you anything."

Luna clenched her fist and continued, "I decided to step out and follow you just in case you needed help. Even if you were fine without me, you can at least satisfy my curiosity as a token of gratitude."

"Token my ass," Number One replied with a facepalm and stopped entertaining her. "I don't owe you anything. Leave me alone."

Luna was already on the verge of exploding but she didn't give up just yet. "You told me to stay away from you to protect me from your enemies, right? You also mentioned the Council during your battle. Why would a group of strongest Soul Artists in the Inner World try to kill you? Is it because of your Master? What Soul Artifact are they after?"

Luna had so many questions in her mind that she bombarded Number One all at once. She hoped he would at least answer one of them but he kept ignoring her.

That was the final straw that pushed Luna over the edge.

Number One was looking outside the window to check their location when he suddenly felt Luna's body clinging to his side. He frowned and was about to push her away but ended up wincing from excruciating pain in his leg.

"The fuck you doing?!" Number One screamed with a Soul Dagger inserted in his thigh. "Pull it out you crazy bi— Ugh!!"

Luna cut off Number One's curses by twisting her dagger. Even with his pain tolerance, it was impossible to take such a wound calmly. His blood was gushing out all over them but when their gazes met, Luna had a stone-cold expression on her face.

"I have cut into your artery and you will bleed out to death if I pull out my dagger. I can stop the bleeding with a healing pill if you answer my questions," Luna informed determinedly. "What is your decision?"

Number One's regeneration kicked in right away, but he couldn't stop the bleeding when the wound kept opening. He didn't hesitate and tried to punch the dagger away yet it turned out to be useless. Luna held it tight like a statue and didn't budge at all.

"Don't struggle or you will bleed out faster!" Luna scolded loudly. "Answer my questions! Why is the Council targeting you?!"

Number One clenched his teeth to withstand the pain before showing his bloodied smile. "You can't blackmail me with death. I have wanted more for a long time…"

"You…" Luna froze, unable to find words to describe how she felt. Number One didn't help her with that and simply covered his face with his hood.

"You will give up on your life just like that?!" Luna questioned in despair but Number One leaned back as if he already accepted his fate.

Luna was left speechless and her Soul Dagger vanished the very next second. She quickly pulled out a single white pill from her ring and held it in front of Number One's mouth. "Eat it. Your wound will heal in no time."

Number One only glanced at it before muttering coldly, "You should have killed me."

His hands snapped on Luna with no hesitation, one grabbing her wrist while the other aimed at her throat. Number One grasped it firmly before covering her with his weight and pinning her down to the seats.

Luna's eyes widened in shock and her face reddened. She tried to defend herself with a new dagger but Number One countered her in time. Both his legs restrained her arms and he choked her with full force.

"Please…" Luna begged with her eyes tearing up, but he showed her no mercy.

"How does it feel? Getting back the same treatment you just gave me?" Number One asked while staring deeply into her eyes. "The pain you feel can't even be compared to being stabbed."

"Please…" Luna asked again, this time her voice barely passing through her throat. She started slowly losing her strength when a miracle saved her life.josei

They happened to reach their destination and the car stopped. Just when Luna was losing her consciousness, Number One pulled away abruptly and moved back to his seat. She momentarily gasped for breath and filled her lungs with fresh air.

"Don't approach me in the Academy or I will kill you," Number One threatened and opened the door just when the old driver popped his head through the driver's wall. His words were stuck in his throat when he saw the mess they created.

"Don't look at me. I told you she is a stalker," Number One pointed out innocently as he stepped out of the car. "You can charge her for the cleaning."

Number One closed the door behind him and looked around, realizing a whole crowd was staring at him with widened eyes. Tens of new students and their parents were gathered in front of the academy for the final goodbyes but he distracted them with his bloody appearance.

If that wasn't enough material for gossip, Luna came out a few moments after him and made the situation even worse. Her neck was already bruised and her eyes still had the signs of tears flowing out.

How could Number One defend himself when the beauty looked so pitiful and defenseless?

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