Legendary Soul Art

Chapter 93 Ownership

Chapter 93 Ownership

Nami has been watching Luna's personal training since the start and finally flew down to the ground after noticing her explosive improvement. It only took her thirty minutes to start hitting the moving targets and she finally began training in the sky.

'What did you do to her?' Nami questioned in surprise as she approached Number One for another dose of Soul Boosting Pill. 'She has been getting better with each minute.'

'She wanted to sleep with us again as a reward and I agreed,' Number One replied casually while withdrawing a pill for her. 'I gave her one hour to reach your level. Can't really help her anymore since all she has left is practice. I hope you don't mind.'

"Mhmm, that's fine," Nami nodded out loud while taking her own kiss without even asking. 'She is already a part of our group so I don't mind you helping her. The more strong individuals we have by our side the better.'

Number One was Nami's man so she didn't need any rewards to kiss him all she wanted. She was selfish and greedy at times but she was reasonable most of the day and knew when was the best moment to make use of her benefits. Even after Luna entered into their intimate time, Nami wasn't spoiled any less than before.

Nami opened her mouth to be fed and Number One hovered the pill above her tongue. He knew what she really wanted and let her lick the pill off his fingers. They didn't even need to communicate anymore to know each other's desires but that also had its disadvantages. It was hard to hide when one of them had something bothering them.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Number One questioned while caressing Nami's cheek and she looked at him in wonder. "You know you can tell me anything."

'I was thinking about our future while training earlier. I want us to get stronger but with how the Heavenly Feathers are limiting us, it will be hard for us to progress,' Nami pointed out as she lay on his chest. 'What if we can't find a way to unlock the knot and we get stuck at this level? I can always ask my auntie for advice but she also doesn't know the secret.'

'How do you even know there are higher levels above the four Heavenly Feathers?' Number One asked as he viewed his hand tattoo. 'Is it because it looks like there is space for more?'josei

The knot appeared with a delay after the last feather was created which made it seem like the mysterious Soul Art had still some room for improvement. The heavens disliked their insane progress and must have blocked them from progressing further.

It was obviously a joke but it wasn't that far from the truth. 'We know there is more to it since we have our Ancestors' recordings which display various images of the improved Heavenly Feathers tattoo. One can reach eight and even twelve feathers but we don't know how anymore. The book describing the whole Soul Art that was passed on for generations has been destroyed already.'

'How did that happen?' Number One asked with piqued interest. Having eight more Soul Arts at his disposal would definitely increase his chances of beating Rose.

'Our family was actually quite renowned in the Inner World a couple of thousand years ago. We had a great influence as all of our family members were partners with the strongest figures,' Nami explained calmly. 'It was actually a prestige to have a wife from our Family since it boosted the individual strength but that unfortunately failed in the long run. A few bad apples ruined our image after abandoning their partners and we got canceled. It only took one unlucky generation to force our family into finding a place in the Outer World.'

'I seeā€¦ I am guessing the abandoned partner was someone important and he led to the destruction of your family,' Number One muttered with a sigh.

'Yes, he burned all the records after killing most of our family members but he failed to catch the maids who escaped to the Outer World with all the young misses. That is the only reason why I am standing here with you,' Nami confirmed with determination in her eyes. 'That's also why I want to master the Heavenly Feathers Art. I hope to bring my family back to the top and rebuild our heritage.'

Number One couldn't help but be impressed with Nami's goals and assured her with a hug. 'Don't worry, we will find a way to unlock the knot. I am already grateful for the four new Soul Arts which I wouldn't have without you. Anything more is just a welcome bonus.'

"Mhmm," Nami nodded as she gazed at Luna in the distance. 'It will take a while before we can advance with the Heavenly Feathers so you should seal the deal with Luna and make her love complete. It will be good for us if we can all train and support each other.'

Number One raised his eyebrows at Nami's suggestion but it made sense knowing their situation. It felt like they were using Luna but they didn't lie to her. She knew how dangerous it was to stay around Number One and she still decided to stay. He could only give Luna what she desired to ensure she wouldn't abandon them in their time of need.

'Is that fair knowing I won't love her as I love you?' Number One questioned in a dilemma but Nami only smiled sweetly.

'Is that really the case? You already care about her even if you don't know it yet. Love, respect, and care are all similar. You will eventually desire to protect her since that's how men are programmed,' Nami informed after leaving him a kiss. 'My auntie told me that men will treat women they sleep with as their own. It might not happen during your first time but you will develop the feeling of ownership whether you want it or not. You wouldn't want other men to touch her intimately anymore, right?'

Number One followed Nami's gaze as he observed Luna and then imagined her with other men playing with her body. He immediately felt unusual anger that wasn't there before.

Nami saw it coming and suggested, 'Now try the same with my sister. See how you feel when you imagine her with other men.'

'There is nothing,' Number One replied right away as he felt no connection at all. Miss Black has done too much damage for him to desire her.

Nami kissed him deeply in response and her wings burst from her back once again. "I rest my case."

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