Leveling Endlessly with the Strongest System!

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

『- 20 MP!』

『10 Mana Bullets have been created!』

They could be seen above Roy’s curled fingers.

He flicked them forwards.

Six of them missed their target.

The remaining four, however, drilled open holes in Ayaan’s body, two on his legs, one on his back, and the last one on his shoulder.

“Argh!” Struck by them, Ayaan tripped and fell to the ground, bleeding profusely from his wounds.

“Shit! W-what the heck… just hit me? Wh-yy does it… hurt so bad? Even my leftover chaotic energy is moving by itself to heal me!” This was Ayaan’s first time eating a bullet. It made sense for him to be extremely panicked and terrified. His casual attitude towards human life was nowhere to be seen. Faced with the possibility of death, he realized how wrong he had been. He should’ve never accepted “that” mission come to this place.

The pain assaulting him was too much. He felt his strength leaving his body. But he also felt the chaotic energy in him trying to heal him.

In minutes it would fix him up enough for him to walk. The question was. Would Roy give him that time?

He was in the woods; trees were all around him, and so were bushes. He just needed to hide himself and pray that with some luck, Roy might very well overlook his hiding spot or the blood trails he left behind. With that thought in mind, gritting his teeth, Ayaan crawled ahead, trying to hide in a bush. While doing so, he looked back, only to see no one behind him.

‘Where is he?’ Ayaan wondered about Roy’s whereabouts.

Well, he was some meters above Ayaan.


Without a doubt, he dropped down on him, his feet smashing heavily on Ayaan’s back.

“Argh!” A painful scream escaped Ayaan, who was stomped upon.

Roy found him no different than a pig and stomped down on him hard again as if telling him to stop squealing like a pig.

Ayaan turned his head around, pitifully staring at Roy. “Please spare me. I can prove helpful to you.”

Roy replied, “The second you picked Chaos over your humanity, you lost the right to be given mercy.”

He cut his breath shot by shooting Mana Bullets into his head, turning his brain to must. That was a level of damage that even chaotic energy couldn’t heal!

『Ding! Congratulation. You’ve killed Ayaan. You gained 300 EXP!』

Roy took off his mask and saw a human-like young face. It was handsome enough to stand out among the crowd. He was so cruel to them for a reason. Kissed by Chaos, a man loses his rationality; killing others becomes the first thing that comes to mind at the slightest disagreement. Furthermore, they start decaying, becoming monsters. The only way to stop this process was cannibalism. Since he was so youthful, it could only mean he had his fair share of human meat.

Roy’s gut twisted at this thought.

The Author has explained Chaos as a crimson wind that leaves the nether and flies towards the light to take away the souls.

Chaos… if left alone, grows with the passage of time.

He who has fallen for its temptation has forsaken his humanity long ago, becoming nothing more than a husk that seeks to harm just anyone for no reason.

Wherever he goes, murder will follow.

All that comes in touch with him shall grief and be filled with sorrow.

Thus, you must harden your heart and kill them when you come across them.

Only by granting them dead can you stop them from causing suffering to others.

There was no other way!

That’s why Roy had, without a second thought, killed them.

He immediately searched Ari, Adrian, and Ayaan. From the bodies, he found a map, a piece of paper, a notebook, pouches, magic rings, and some other weapons. He opened his subspace, throwing everything inside except for three things.

The piece of paper told Roy about what Ayaan was ordered to do. The first was to set up a magic circle to hide a place called the “Grand Sanctuary.” Yes, Ayaan was a genius who could set up that kind of complex thing. He had completed it. The “Sanctuary” was hidden. His second task was to use a runic item called Chaos Chaser to erect a barrier around the magic circle, protecting it from harmful elements. It was marked with a green tick, meaning he had completed that too. His third task was to hand this stuff over to the Lord of the Fiery Bridge so that it would protect it. It was also completed. The last task was killing the Far Westerners that had snuck into this land. He wasn’t able to complete it as he had met Roy!

Roy then went through the notebook and saw many disturbing things. This belonged to Ayaan. It recorded the events of his chaotic skill and some recipes about how to skillfully cool someone like Roy. Cough! Anyway, it was Ayaan’s habit to write down his life in this dairy. And this was going to help Roy immensely.

Roy skilled to the last few pages. Going through them, he understood what was happening.

To sum it up, the servants of Chaos were planning to do something awful in Grand Sanctuary. A ritual will take place there by tonight. Offerings will be made to Chaos by a being called GhostWalker. What’s to be offered are two of the three captives. If he doesn’t find the Grand Sanctuary by tonight, two innocent will die. Furthermore, GhostWalker will be blessed by Chaos, becoming stronger than a trainee. Then, the chances of Roy dying in his hand would significantly increase.

Only trainees were allowed to enter this small world. This was the rule and law of the small world. If this law were defied, one would be punished strictly. Annihilation was a possibility. But there was no rule against becoming stronger than level 10 after entering the small world!

‘GhostWalker is planning to sacrifice two people with sufficiently rare souls to the Chaos to get it to bless him with strength. A chaotic being is stronger than a Weapon Master. I will be troubled if he advances to a higher stage. I need to stop him. I need to stop the ritual from taking place and save the hostage.’ Roy thought.

He opened the map. On it, two places were highlighted. There was a red circle drawn on its left. And a black circle was drawn in the middle of it—a dotted line connected these two. This was telling Roy something.

‘Maybe I will find my answer in these places.’ Roy thought.

Without wasting any time looting the corpses of poisonous coyotes, He immediately moved in search of them.josei

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