Leveling Endlessly with the Strongest System!

Chapter 135 Hunting (a)

Chapter 135 Hunting (a)

『Subspace has opened up!』

A hole in the fabric of reality reappeared in the abandoned site, and following Roy’s will, it shot out what it had eaten at an incredible speed. It was the same speed at which they were descending on Roy before it swallowed them.

“Whoosh!” Dozens of blades glided through the air and crashed on the blades Trent had created in a hurry to block them.

“Clang!” Sparks and noises of metal clashing with metal filled the air as the blades sent out by Roy’s subspace overpowered all opposition.

Smashing through the enemy’s pathetic and desperate attempt at creating a defensive wall of blades, they reached for the horrified Trent.

He rolled to the right, dodging a series of them.

But… four penetrated his knee, foot, and leg with a ferociousness of such godly level that they cut apart the blood vessels, pierced through the bones, and came out of their back; fresh blood squirted out of his wounds and slid to their tip before dropping and splattering on the ground.

Seeing that, Roy experienced a devilish change in his emotion!

‘Fuck, my left leg is wasted.’ Trent snapped his finger, turning the blades into specks, balanced himself after stumbling four steps forward, and gritted his teeth to force the pain of roar at the tip of his tongue down his throat as he turned to stare at Roy vigilantly..

‘He used the specialty of my awakened weapon against me. The contractor was right. He’s not someone a silver-ranked assassin can deal with alone.’ Trent swallowed nervously.

Then… he noticed a maniacal look in Roy’s eyes.

Under his gaze, Trent took a step back in horror.

‘How can a person look at another in such a chaotic way?’ Trent broke eye contact with Roy.

‘What’s wrong with me? Why am I feeling this way?’ Roy didn’t know why, but when he saw the blades piercing Trent’s flesh followed by blood coming out of his wounds, he smiled like a devil.

The pain of another human made him grin from ear to ear.

Insanely enough, he was unable to suppress his joy at seeing him injured.josei

It was as if he was no longer himself!

At this moment, If he could see his reflection in a mirror, he would see that black wisps of mist were replacing the whiteness in his eyes.

“W-what are you? A mage or a knight?” Trent questioned.

“It’s a wide know fact that Baldwins may be both. If you want to stall for time, at least ask an interesting question.” Roy’s voice was unlike his usual one. It was deep and dark, piercing to the heart.

‘He knows!’ The assassin felt so thunderstruck that his heart almost leaped out of his mouth.

“Do it! Strike him dead!”

An instant after he shouted that command, a black figure shot out of the door-like passage of the unfinished Gray Construct of a building. He was like an arrow as he closed up on Roy; thunder was seen coiling around the surface of the sword he stabbed forward and gathering at its tip.

Just as it looked like it would stab Roy, a huge part of his body melted into mist, and a big wide hole was revealed where his torso should be. From that hole, Trent was revealed. Xavier’s sword passed through it the next instant, and the lightning gathered at its tip was discharged in the shape of a furious bolt, which smashed on Trent, electrifying him so much that his hair became an afro!

Furthermore, As Xavier had charged out from his hiding spot with too much momentum to assassinate Roy, he was unable to stop himself from crashing into him.

But, just as they were centimeters away, Roy’s entire body dissembled into several wisps of black mist.

Xavier passed through them like a stumbling man as they gathered into a 5-meter tall mist behind him.

The upper half of the huge body of mist instantly turned into Roy’s head, neck, chest, and hand, a hand that held a heavy sword called Ghost Chaser.


His eyes narrowed threateningly, and his hand lowered, bringing the purple sword with reddish lines down on Xavier, who was confused as heck and whose head was lowered, but seeing the shadow of Roy’s descending sword on him on the ground, he worried more about his life.

“Fuck, I am not dying here.’ Mustering all the strength he could, he twisted his body as fast as he could to block Roy’s sword.

“Clang!” Their sword clashed, and the impact cracked Xavier’s wrist and hurled him away from Roy and straight into Trent.

Trent still stood paralyzed because of getting struck by the lightning bolt.

Thus, he could do nothing as Xavier smashed and crushed him under his weight.

Xavier felt a shooting pain from his wrist and quickly realized that it was broken, but suppressing his pain, he quickly stood up, held the sword in his off-hand, and looked behind, only to see that a flaming tattoo had emerged on Roy’s right eye at some point in time.

『Power Boost is activated! All your stats have doubled.』

“H-how? How did you know I was there?! What gave me away?” Xavier asked in bewilderment.

Roy chuckled, “The sound of your breathing… it is too loud.”

Trent regained control of his body. “There’s two of us against only one. We have the upper hand. Let’s work together to suppress and kill him.”

“Alone?” Roy scoffed, “Who said I am alone?”

With these words, he instilled a sense of foreboding in the heart of Trent and Xavier.

Xavier cracked his neck to the side and looked at Trent, only to see his eyes widening in shock.

“Is he speaking the truth?”

Trent replied, “I just felt someone passing through my barrier to enter this site.”

Just then, a feminine voice sounded.

“I hope I arrived on time.”

They looked to the right from where it emerged and discovered a beautiful man.

Xavier’s eyes widened at the sight of her, “Swift Death?!”

This was the last person he expected to be here.

“Miss me much, Senior?”

“Why are you here?”

“Of course, to kill you as per my master’s command!”

Immediately after uttering those words, Swift Death, disguised as a man, teleported close to him, immediately thrusting a dagger his way. He dodged it at the cost of skidding 20 meters away from his previous place and gaining a second crack in his sword.

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