Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 102

Chapter 102: The True Path to Wealth (4)

Han-Yeol dragged his shocked father, who was standing at the entrance, into their new house to give him a tour.



Noticing the sound of power tools coming from the garden, Han-Yeol went over to the garden and found a few people working on it.

There was an old man who looked to be in his sixties wearing a necktie on top of a tuxedo. When he spotted Han-Yeol, he walked over and greeted him with an elegant bow. “Hello, are you Lee Han-Yeol Hunter-nim?”

“Yes, I am, but who are you?”

“My name is Albert, and I am a butler hired by Tayarana-nim. If I may provide a brief introduction of myself, my parents are Korean but I was born in the United States. I worked as a butler there before my savior, Tayarana-nim, asked me for a favor, and that favor is the reason why I am here to serve you today, Han-Yeol-nim.”

“I see…” Han-Yeol realized that these people were probably the helpers who Tayarana had promised to send yesterday.

After hearing that they were sent by her, he could finally relax around them.

“Nice to meet you, Albert.”

“It is an honor to serve you, Han-Yeol Hunter-nim.”

Han-Yeol acted quite casually around Albert, but that was not the case for his father, who was still stunned with his mouth agape.

“Father?” Han-Yeol called out.

“Ah, ahem ahem… I am Han-Yeol’s father,” his father introduced himself to Albert.

“It is an honor to serve you as well,” Albert said as he elegantly bowed toward him as well.

Han-Yeol’s father could not believe this whole thing was actually happening even though Han-Yeol had already introduced this as their new home. He knew that his son earned a lot of money after recently awakening as a Hunter, but it had not been a full year since then, which was why he was confused as to how his son was able to buy such a luxurious mansion.

Han-Yeol might be quite well-aware of what was going on around the world as he always watched the news, but his father was the complete opposite of him in this regard. Needless to say, he had no idea how successful his son was. Not to mention, this whole Hunter thing was not something that most elderly people took interest in, so it was only natural that he would be unaware of Han-Yeol’s success.

“What do you think, father? Do you like our new house?” Han-Yeol asked.

“Y-Yeah… This is an awesome house… And what did you say a while ago? I can choose which building I want to live in? Are you sure it’s not a room I should be choosing?”

“Yes, just think of it this way. A single standalone building in this place is a room, so you may freely choose which ‘room’ you would want to use from now on. All of them have excellent soundproofing and insulation so you will be comfortable in them.”

“Hohoho! Then I guess you won’t be scolding me even if I bring over all of my friends and drink all night.”

Han-Yeol shrugged his shoulders and replied, “Well, something like that.”

“Hoho! I love that part the most!”

Han-Yeol’s father was technically not supposed to be smoking or drinking as he had just recovered from a serious illness. However, Han-Yeol was a Hunter who possessed the ‘Restore’ skill, so his father could abuse his body as much as he wanted to. This was provided that he frequently had Restore cast on him.

Of course, Han-Yeol had been diligently using Restore on his father so the man’s body was almost as good as new. Not only that, but he had also been scanning his father’s body with Demon Eyes whenever he got the opportunity, so there was no chance that an illness could make his father fall sick once again.

In short, his father was on the receiving end of an Ultra S Rank medical service right in the comfort of his own house.

“You’re making me see you in a different light again, Han-Yeol. How is it possible that I had no idea what you have been up to while you were becoming so successful?”

“I already told you that you should watch the news sometimes. Did you know that I was on the evening news last time? How is it that other people are more aware of what is going on in my life compared to you, father?”

Yes, Han-Yeol did appear on the evening news last time. He did not only appear once, but he appeared twice on two separate occasions. The first news had been about him being the first Hunter who possessed more abilities than others, and the second news had been about his personal relationship with the goddess, Tayarana.

That was why the Hunters’ Association wanted to…

Oh right… The Hunters’ Association…’?Han-Yeol suddenly remembered what he initially wanted to do, which he had completely forgotten after getting abducted by Tayarana.

Today was almost going to be the second time that he had forgotten what he was supposed to do.

Ah, I shouldn’t delay it before I forget it again. I should go right now.’

After making his decision, Han-Yeol called his butler, “Albert.”

Albert showed how experienced he was as a butler, suddenly appearing out of nowhere when Han-Yeol called for him.

“Yes, Han-Yeol-nim?”

“I will be going out for a bit, so please take care of my father.”

“Please do not be worried about him. I will serve him to my utmost capabilities.”

“Thank you,” Han-Yeol replied before turning to his father to say, “I have to go to the association for a while and sort out some stuff there, father.”

“Alright, go ahead.”

“Okay, I will be back later.”

Han-Yeol resolved to visit the Hunters’ Association today and renew his rank no matter what happened.

Just as he was driving through the city…


Screech… Bam!

The car in front of Han-Yeol turned its blinker on and changed lanes, but it ended up crashing into his van.

Han-Yeol did not even need Sixth Sense as he saw the car incoming, but the problem was that he had nowhere to go to avoid it.

Damn it!’?Han-Yeol cursed inwardly as his spotless driving record was tarnished today. He had always been very proud of the fact that he did not have a single car accident—until now.

He got out of his car to assess the damage.

“Ouch… Ouch…” the other middle-aged man got out of his car while holding onto the back of his neck, a gesture often seen in TV shows or movies.

The middle-aged man was wearing a suit, had a pot belly, and had a receding hairline. In short, he looked like every other middle-aged office worker in South Korea.

Of course, that was the first impression he gave off as Han-Yeol had no idea who the guy really was.

Crazy bastard…’?Han-Yeol scoffed inwardly in disbelief after seeing the assailant pretending to be the victim.

“Hey, you bastard! Do you have a death wish?! Why the hell are you driving so recklessly?!” the middle-aged man screamed in anger.

There was a saying in Korea that the one who threw the first punch already won half the battle, and the other half was won by having a louder voice.

The middle-aged man played by the textbook and started screaming at the top of his lungs before Han-Yeol could react.

“What will you do about this? Do you know how much this car is? Huh?!”

The middle-aged man played the next trick in the book, which was to threaten the other with the cost of his car.

What should I do?’?Han-Yeol wondered.

He wanted nothing more than to punch the guy in the mouth and shut him up, but he knew very well that he should not do that. He might be a Hunter, but that did not mean he was above the law. However, the fact that he was pissed off did not change.

Tsk…”?Han-Yeol clicked his tongue.

He decided to approach the situation in a rational manner as he knew that nothing was going to happen if he raised his voice. And by raising his voice, the whole situation would only escalate further.

Han-Yeol decided to ignore whether the man was screaming his lungs out or not. He called 112 instead.

[112, what is your emergency?]

“Ah, hello. I want to report a traffic accident,” Han-Yeol replied.

The middle-aged man initially expected Han-Yeol to call his insurance company, so he was taken aback when he called the police instead.

If he came out screaming, most people preferred to call their insurance company instead to try to resolve things in an amicable manner. However, this young man had the balls to call the police first.

The middle-aged man decided to teach this arrogant young man a lesson.

“Hey, you fucker! You should apologize if you did something wrong! Who the hell taught you to call the cops first before apologizing? Ha?!”

Han-Yeol furrowed his brow and glared at the middle-aged man.

“W-What?! Wow! Look at this arrogant bastard. Why? Do you want to hit me? Ha! You should be saying ‘I’m sorry, I will call my insurance company to settle it’, you ignorant little fuck!” the middle-aged man screamed. He even threw his necktie to the ground as he put on his best performance.

Clearly, he had only been acting the whole time, but he slowly started to get angry when Han-Yeol did not show any particular reaction.

It was as if the whole situation was going to soon grow out of control and break out into a fight.

However, Han-Yeol could not care less about what the man said. Once he finished filing a report to the police, he called his insurance company next. Then, he was distracted by a sudden thought, ‘Hmm… I technically saved money by not paying for my house and I have a huge garage that’s empty… Should I start collecting cars this time?’?

There was a completely empty garage the size of 1,100 square meters in the mansion, which he thought was perfect to house a car collection.

‘I can’t keep driving a van all the time, right? I mean, this looks so not cool…’?Han-Yeol wondered.

The accident with the pot-bellied middle-aged man was the least of his concern right now as he thought to himself, ‘This is why I buy insurance in the first place, right?’?

Han-Yeol was registered with a premium insurance package for Hunters that cost ten million won a month, and this was a special kind of insurance where the insurance company did all the work in the event of an accident.

“Hey, mister. You can speak to my insurance company, so will you shut it?” Han-Yeol grumbled.

“W-What did you just say?!” the middle-aged man exclaimed in shock.

The middle-aged man then thought, ‘Why is he not budging an inch?!’

Most people would be scared or confused after an accident, and they were bound to be even more flustered if the other car was an expensive luxury car that cost hundreds of millions of won.

“Where the hell are your manners?! Hey, you punk. Do you think you can get away scot-free just because you called the insurance company? You should apologize first! Apologize! How dare you go running to the police and the insurance company when you should be apologizing?! Do you want to die? Ha?! Do you know who I am? I can make one single phone call and get you fired from wherever you are working!”

The middle-aged man used a bunch of cliché phrases that were all too common in Korea. However, the problem was that he was saying these without even analyzing his current situation. He was too worked up right now to even realize that he had caused the accident in the first place.

On the other hand, Han-Yeol was slowly running out of patience but could not directly hit the man or inflict harm on him.

It was then that a small rock the size of a golf ball caught Han-Yeol’s eyes. Then, he saw an empty can of cola around five hundred meters away from him.

“Fuck!” Han-Yeol cussed as he kicked the rock.

Whooosh… Kwachik!

It was a very childish thing to do, but he wanted to at least vent his anger on the rock since he could not hit the man. action

The rock flew in a strange trajectory, avoiding the cars and pedestrians before accurately hitting the empty can. The force behind the rock was so powerful that it ripped the empty can into half before digging itself into the pavement.

Hii…?Hiiik!”?the middle-aged man shrieked in horror.

He was horrified by what the rock did just now, but what truly mortified him was the fact that the young man who he was berating at the top of his lungs just now turned out to be a Hunter. He screamed inwardly, ‘He?is a Hunter?!’?

He never imagined in his wildest dream that a Hunter was going to be driving such a crappy van. After all, Hunters were more accustomed to driving sports cars or super luxury sedans.

It was at this moment that the middle-aged man realized, ‘I’m… I’m fucked…’

When the insurance company arrived, Han-Yeol left the mortified man alone and went to talk to them.

“Hello, my name is Choi Chi-Won, and I am a manager at S Insurance,” said the manager from the insurance company before bowing toward Han-Yeol.

A Hunter was a customer who they would not hesitate to bow their heads to. There were only fifty thousand Hunters in the country, according to the Hunters’ Association’s statistics, but there were a lot of companies after them.

This was the reason that any service or business that dealt with Hunters did its best to maintain top-quality services all the time.

“Yes, hello. I got into an accident just now. Will you go take a look for me?” Han-Yeol asked.

“Certainly, I will handle everything here. Please rest assured, Hunter-nim.”

Then, the police arrived shortly after to start looking into the accident.

Han-Yeol watched them work before deciding that there was not going to be any problems. Then, he took a taxi and went to the Hunters’ Association.

This happened after Han-Yeol had left the scene.

After sensing that he was in deep shit when the police arrived, the middle-aged man hurriedly called his insurance company. The insurance agent soon came and was mortified after seeing the accident.

The insurance agent quoted that the middle-aged man would require around forty million won to replace his front bumper, and the middle-aged man was quite satisfied with the quoted amount.

However, what came next almost gave him a heart attack.

Han-Yeol’s car was a Hunter specification van from Germany, and this model could not be fixed in Korea, so it had to be sent to Germany. The van was going to take a long time to fix and a lot of money as well, and the amount quoted totaled to one hundred twenty million won just for the repair itself.

Not only that, but Han-Yeol was also due to receive compensation for the period he was not able to use the van. For this, the rental fee the middle-aged man had to fork out amounted to ninety million won.

All in all, this accident was going to cost him two hundred ten million won.

The middle-aged man was indeed driving a luxury branded car, but he had bought it off the used market, so his insurance premium only covered up to one hundred million won. This meant that he had to fork out the remaining one hundred ten million won from his own pocket.

The middle-aged man begged for Han-Yeol’s contact details as he desperately tried to find an amicable solution with him. However, the police and S Insurance manager would not budge an inch, because giving out someone’s contact details was illegal.

1. 112 is the 911 of Korea.

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