Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 127

Chapter 127: Being a Celebrity Is Tiring (4)

After finishing up his meeting with the association people, Han-Yeol made his way to his car. Only then did he see someone waiting for him there.

“Hello,” the woman greeted him in English.

“Ah… Uhm…”

Han-Yeol was able to converse freely in Arabic thanks to his ability, but the same could not be said for English. After all, he had never been a studious kid growing up. He had preferred to skip school and act like a delinquent with Sung-Jin and his other friends, and he had also been the type to sleep in class and guess his way through a test.

English was a fearful territory to step into for someone like Han-Yeol.

“As expected, hello there,” the woman greeted Han-Yeol in Korean this time.

Ironically, the Western woman had a better Korean accent compared to Han-Yeol.

“Ah, yes, hello. Your Korean is quite good…” Han-Yeol replied.

“Hoho, thank you very much. I guess working for three years in the United States Forces Korea has helped me with my Korean language.”

The war between North Korea and South Korea had somewhat ended after the Dimensional Gates had appeared, but the United States Forces Korea still remained. There were many reasons why they had chosen to remain in Korea, two of which were most important. The top two reasons were the fact that they wanted to maintain the alliance between South Korea and the United States, and to contest China’s growing influence over the region by using Korea as a base.

Thanks to that, the relationship between South Korea and the United States increasingly improved even after the Dimensional Gates had appeared. The improvement was quite significant as most countries preferred to be independent and not rely on any alliances.

“May I join you in the passenger seat if you are not busy? I have a few things I wish to discuss while we go on a drive, and I am personally interested in you as well.”

“Ah… Huh? W-What?!”

Sensing the woman’s seductive gaze, Han-Yeol instinctively scanned the woman’s body. Aside from exuding great sensuality, the woman was quite voluptuous compared to other women.

The woman had mentioned that she was a soldier, but that was hard to believe with her high level of attractiveness. Then, a thought suddenly flashed across Han-Yeol’s mind. ‘She could be a Hunter.’

He could tell that she was probably here to make a secret offer.

The United States still held great influence over the world, and they were a melting pot of different races thanks to their optimistic attitude toward immigrants. Thanks to that, there were still a lot of Hunters who dreamt of migrating to the United States and settling down there.

A prime example of this was Egypt and other African countries. Egypt was a rising force in Africa that had the potential to stand toe-to-toe or even surpass most developed nations, but most of their strong Hunters had migrated in droves to the United States.

Of course, this migration was not limited to the African continent. There were quite a lot of Hunters from India, China, etc. who had migrated in droves to the United States as well.

Hunters from all over the world still dreamt of the American Dream and hoped to migrate to the United States one day. It was not as prevalent as it used to be, but the United States was still seeing a constant increase in migration applications every day.

Seuk… Ziiing!

The Western woman channeled her mana into her hand and suddenly blocked a stream of mana headed toward them.


Han-Yeol was about to use Demon Eyes after sensing the mana coming toward them, but he decided not to. The Western woman had made quick work of it, after all.

Also, he could sense Lee Chung-Hee and Kim Hee-Ae looking at them from a distance. Each person carried their own unique mana wavelength. Han-Yeol was bound to forget about a person’s wavelength, but it was quite easy for him to recognize theirs as they had just met a few minutes ago.

He was certain that the mana belonged to them as their mana pattern was still fresh in his memories.

Hmm… Shall I tease them a little?’?Han-Yeol smirked after he thought of a mischievous plan.

Beep! Beep!?

He pressed a key and unlocked his supercar’s door.

Han-Yeol celebrated when he found out that the supercar he had bought just for the sake of driving home turned out to be a convertible, which was his dream car.

“Wow! Your car is really nice.”

“Thank you, now get in.”

“Thank you, Mr. Lee~”

“Haha! Don’t mention it!”

The Western woman sat on the passenger seat after Han-Yeol opened the door for her. Then, he immediately drove the car toward the outskirts of Seoul. He continued driving in circles after reaching his destination.

“Oh right, I didn’t get your name. What is your name? Rather, should I be asking you for your codename instead?” Han-Yeol asked with a snicker, finding his own joke to be quite funny.

Most people said that the best way to test if you were a boomer or not was to make a joke and see if you laughed at your own jokes or not. Simply put, a person was going to be deemed a boomer if they ended up laughing at their own jokes.

Fortunately, the Western woman did not seem to be aware of this aspect of Korean culture.

The shows and movies shown on the media were quite important regarding the spread of a country's culture, but most blockbuster series ended up flopping after the emergence of Hunters.

Why would someone watch a show with special effects when they could see something realistic instead?

Of course, Hollywood still had major influence over the world as the films they produced were far better than the skills that the Hunters could use.

Han-Yeol was an avid fan of Western TV shows and movies, and he was a huge fan of the superhero genre. He knew from the movies that most of the agents held a codename while carrying out their tasks, and he found this part about them to be quite cool.

“Oh my, I seem to have gotten so excited that I forgot to introduce myself. I am affiliated with the secret Hunter Organization of the United States, and my codename is ‘Black Swan’. But my real name is Scarlett,” Scarlett introduced herself with both her real name and her codename.

However, Han-Yeol was not foolish enough to believe everything she had just said. He knew that a secret agent would be quite well-trained on how to curry favors from another person, and he could not help but suspect that this was all an act that she was putting up.

If there was one trait that Han-Yeol had drastically improved on after awakening as a Hunter, that trait would be his steadfastness. He used to be easily swayed by other people in the past, but that was no longer the case.

“Hmm… I have no idea if you are lying or telling the truth, but how should I address you from now on?” Han-Yeol asked.

“Just call me Scarlett.”

“Okay, Scarlett. So, what does the United States want from me?”

“Omo! You are out on a drive with a beauty like me, but are you really going straight to the point?”

“Hmm… I admit that you are undoubtedly beautiful and sexy, but I can’t help feeling competitive in such situations.”

Anyone would agree that Scarlett was beautiful enough to pass off as a Hollywood actress. She was in no way behind an actual actress in terms of beauty, and she was way ahead of most models when it came to her beauty.

Well, everyone who awakened found it easier to maintain their figures thanks to their newfound abilities. However, a woman’s breasts and butt were still mostly based on genetics. In other words, Scarlett possessed superior DNA that had helped her become the beauty she was today.

There had been a time when Han-Yeol had wanted to marry a Westerner, and he would probably have followed Scarlett around like a lost puppy if he had met her at that time. After all, it would have been impossible not to follow her around as she could be considered a great beauty even among Western women in general.


“I like your humor as well, so… I am actually considering spending the night with you. What do you think?” Scarlett asked with a seductive smile as she moved her hand up Han-Yeol’s thigh.


It was difficult for Han-Yeol not to react to Scarlett’s touch. After all, he was simply a man. He had to breathe in and out a few times as he tried to compose himself.

He tried his best to calm down by telling himself that he was not going to become a great person in the future if he failed to resist such temptation. Then, he said firmly, “Please stop it with your jokes. I want to hear what you have to say.”

Tsk…?What a boring man… I guess I don’t have a choice. The United States is extremely interested in you, Han-Yeol Hunter-nim, and we have no idea why the Korean Hunters’ Association is looking down on you and taking you for granted.”

“What do you mean by interest, exactly?”

“I apologize beforehand, but we’ve conducted an analysis of your personality and found that you are probably going to refuse any offer to migrate to the United States.”

“Well, I don’t deny that.”

Han-Yeol had no plans to cross over to the United States no matter how attractive the proposal was. He had no reason to contemplate where to go and where to live as he had more than one trillion won under his name.

“That is why we have decided to offer you citizenship instead.”


It was indeed an enticing offer if they were talking about becoming an American citizen instead of a permanent resident. South Korea had abolished its mandatory conscription law and changed it into a volunteer system, allowing Koreans to finally obtain dual citizenship.

The main reason that South Korea hadn’t allowed Koreans to possess dual citizenship had solely been due to its mandatory conscription policy. However, it was now legal for Koreans to possess dual citizenship after they had abolished mandatory conscription.

“What do you think? Do you feel like sleeping with me now?”

“Unfortunately, I have not reached that level yet.”

“Wow… You are quite a resilient man…”

“Haha… Is that what it looks like? You are still a very attractive woman, and I might just give in if we got to know each other better.”


It was now Han-Yeol’s turn to tease Scarlett. He pushed his face extremely close to hers, touching her forehead with his own.

Han-Yeol had no reason to hold himself back when she was already brazenly seducing him.

“Omo… I thought you were not going to get seduced by how you acted… I wonder what made you change your mind?” Scarlett said with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

“To be honest, I tried to resist your seduction, but that’s simply too difficult. So, what do you say? Shall we go on a date?” Han-Yeol asked.

“I have no reason to refuse your offer as my mission is to get closer to you.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Hoho, today is going to be a good day.” action

“Oh? I guess we have something in common.”

Han-Yeol and Scarlett smiled at each other.

He had really tried his best not to get seduced by Scarlett. His sharp instincts were telling him that she was not lying or anything, but he simply could not lower his guard as she was an agent sent from another organization.

However, he decided to play along with her seduction. He felt that she was seducing him without any ulterior motives.

A guy should give in when a woman this beautiful seduces him, right?’?Han-Yeol justified his actions.

Also, he could tell that Scarlett was not stronger than him, so he was confident of not falling into any traps set by her. It was going to be quite regrettable if she was indeed seducing him to entrap him, but he would practically be hitting the jackpot if her feelings were out of pure sincerity.

Han-Yeol drove to Donghae (East Sea), Gangwondo with Scarlett.


A convertible supercar was driving down the peaceful quiet coastal road with its top open and its engine roaring.

The agent sent by the United State’s secret Hunter organization exclaimed while looking at the sea, “Wow! Korea’s seas are really beautiful!”

“You mentioned that you stayed a few years in Korea with the United States Forces Korea, but you haven’t been here yet?” Han-Yeol asked.

The both of them had already gotten quite comfortable with each other on the way here.

“Hmm… I was born in the Central United States, so I didn’t get the chance to see the coast, and most of my younger days were spent training to become an agent. Also, my first mission was to come to Korea and try to poach your Hunters to migrate to the United States. I didn’t have the luxury to go around sightseeing,” Scarlett explained while stretching her arms up toward the sky, making her breasts even more prominent.


Han-Yeol could not help but gulp at the sight of Scarlett’s prominent breasts as he had been feeling quite sexually frustrated these days. Also, the fact that his ideal type of woman was a Westerner did not help.

This was another reason as to why he found it difficult to resist Scarlett’s seduction.

“Oh, does this mean I’m the first person you’re going out on a date within three years?” Han-Yeol asked.

“Hmm… I guess you can put it that way?”

“This is a huge honor then.”

“Indeed, you should feel honored. Where will you find a woman like me?”


Tsk…?Except that woman… She is attractive even to women…” Scarlett pouted.

Even she, who was quite attractive herself, could not help but find Tayarana to be extremely beautiful. It was indeed true that Tayarana’s looks were basically cheating at this point.

“Hahaha!” Han-Yeol could not help but laugh at Scarlett’s cuteness.

They had sashimi for dinner, then booked a room near the coast. They ended their day with a hot and steamy night, which then resumed from the next morning until the afternoon.

Only after satisfying their cravings for each other did they resume their discussion over Han-Yeol’s dual citizenship.

It was already four in the afternoon by the time Han-Yeol returned home.

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