Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 88

Chapter 88: Tayarana, Princess of Egypt (5)

Screams that seemed to condemn the weak to eternal suffering could be heard at the entrance of Paradise Field, where there were no monsters. These screams of agony seemed to point out that this hunting ground was a place where the souls of sinners had been sent to suffer for eternity.

[What a nice place,] Tayarana commented.

[Do you think so?] Mariam asked.

[Yes,] Tayarana said.

Of course, Tayarana did not even blink an eye after witnessing such a terrifying event. According to the hunting ground report submitted to her by Mariam, she knew that the level of this field was not dangerous enough to threaten her. In fact, she viewed this place as the optimal hunting ground to host a warm welcoming party for Han-Yeol.

The Paradise Field had a difficulty level of high intermediate to low advanced, and this could be seen judging by the soldiers who were guarding its entrance. The soldiers guarding the Paradise Field’s entrance were not ordinary conscripted soldiers but F Rank Hunters.

They had to station Hunters instead of ordinary soldiers at this place because of the chilling aura the hunting ground was emitting, which would prove detrimental to normal people if they were exposed to it for a long period of time.

Han-Yeol and Yoo-Bi were busily running around in preparation for the hunt, while Tayarana and Mariam were just relaxing and taking their own sweet time as their attendants carried out all the necessary preparation.

First on Han-Yeol’s list of things to do was to hand out special bracelets to the Mulan film crew.

“Please, wear this,” Han-Yeol said as he extended a bracelet to Su-In.

“W-What is this?” Su-In asked while anxiously fidgeting.

The Mulan film crew members were struggling to maintain their sanity because of the chilling aura being emitted from inside the Paradise Field. It was said that weak people would start hallucinating and becoming hysterical from long exposure to the Paradise Field’s chilling aura. It was fortunate that none of the Mulan film crew members were that weak.

Regardless, Han-Yeol knew that it was only going to be a matter of time before the chilling aura got to them. To safeguard them from it, he had made some necessary preparations.

“This is a special bracelet enchanted with a protection spell. You will not be affected by the chilling aura in the area if you wear this at all times,” Han-Yeol explained.

“Wow, are you giving this to me?” Su-In asked.

“No, I’m only lending it to you,” Han-Yeol replied.

“Eh? Why not just give it to me for free…?” Su-In asked.

“These are not mine to give. The association lent it to me for free because of the chilling aura that the Paradise Field emits. I think you are well aware of what the aura can do to ordinary people who don’t possess mana, and these bracelets were created by the Enchanters. Each of these probably costs around 1.1 billion on the market…? That is… If they can find one…” Han-Yeol explained.

“Wow… Really?” Su-In asked while seemingly surprised at the bracelet’s astronomical price tag.

“Yes,” Han-Yeol replied.

Su-In looked at the bracelet, which had a beautiful blue jewel, she was wearing. She did not think that this piece of jewelry was going to be that expensive. Yes, it looked quite pretty, but it was nowhere near the same quality as the ones being sold in jewelry stores. However, this piece of jewelry had a hefty price tag that made her doubt her ears for a second.

“W-What would happen if it breaks?” Su-In asked nervously.


“Well, I am sure that won’t happen, but if it does break… Then, I will have to pay for it,” Han-Yeol nonchalantly said.

Heok!” Su-In gasped in surprise.

It went without saying that the equipment being lent out by the association for free was uninsured. In truth, there was no insurance company in their right mind that would insure it. The Hunters and Porters would be taking the equipment to the hunting grounds, where they would hunt powerful monsters that were strong enough to destroy these equipment in one hit.

That was why no insurers wanted anything to do with these items; they had no reason to be involved in business practices that were unprofitable to them. They were not philanthropists.

“That is why, please be careful while wearing it,” Han-Yeol said.

“Y-Yes I will,” Su-In stuttered in response.

It was only right for Han-Yeol to pay for the damages. The safety of his film crew was his responsibility, and the only event where the bracelets could get damaged was when they were attacked by monsters. His failure to keep them safe from any monster attacks would result in the bracelets being damaged. Thus, it was only natural that he would have to shoulder the expenses to compensate the association for these kinds of events.

Han-Yeol began distributing the bracelets to the remaining members of the Mulan film crew first. Then, he informed Mariam to make sure that the Porters would be wearing them as well.

[Okay, we are going in.]

‘Huh?”?Han-Yeol looked around in confusion when Mariam’s voice rang inside his head.

[There is no need to panic. Let me introduce myself once again. My name is Mariam, I am a B Rank Hunter, and my ability is telepathy. I am also in charge of the overall coordination of the raid party, and I can mentally attack the monsters when required,] Mariam introduced herself again.


Mariam’s ability was simply amazing.

Han-Yeol already knew about the existence of such an ability. It was a rare ability, so it was well-known that such ability users belonged to big and famous guilds. They were also only active in raid parties that were directly operated by the guilds… The fact that he was not only acquainted with someone with such a rare ability but was also going to be hunting with them made him starstruck.

[From now on, I will be in charge of coordinating everyone’s actions. Han-Yeol Hunter-nim, you may follow my instructions from now on,] Mariam telepathically conveyed.

‘Yes, I got it,’ Han-Yeol said.

[Thank you,] Mariam said.

“W-What?!” The entire Mulan film crew and Yoo-Bi were startled by Mariam using her ability to speak directly into their minds.

‘It would have been less annoying if they had told me in advance,’?Han-Yeol grumbled inwardly.

[I apologize, and also, I can hear that,] Mariam said.

‘Haha, I was only kidding. However, please refrain from reading my thoughts when?we are?not in a combat situation,’?Han-Yeol thought.

[I apologize once again. I do not usually act this way, and I made a grave mistake today. I will not overstep my boundaries ever again,] Mariam frantically apologized.

Han-Yeol did not press the topic once Mariam admitted and apologized for her mistake.

“…”?The group continued moving in silence. Nobody felt like chatting with each other at all because of Paradise Field’s eerie atmosphere and the chilling aura that filled the place.

While the group continued to walk in silence, Mariam’s voice rang inside Han-Yeol’s head.

[Han-Yeol Hunter-nim, Tayarana-nim wishes to see you,] Mariam said.

‘Okay, I am on my way,’?Han-Yeol replied in his mind. He then excused himself from the group and made his way toward the front, where Tayarana was waiting for him.

Han-Yeol was positioned at the rear since he was currently classified as a Healer and Support. Well, there was also his personal reason for wanting to be close to Yoo-Bi and the Mulan film crew just in case anything happened. He also wanted to be surrounded by people who he was familiar with instead of the unfamiliar Egyptian Hunters.

“Ah, Hunter-nim, you have arrived,” Mariam greeted Han-Yeol when he reached the front.

“Yes, but for what reason did you call me?” Han-Yeol asked.

“Ah, the thing is…” Mariam muttered.

She then asked, [Tayarana-nim, Han-Yeol Hunter-nim is asking why you called for him.]

[Tell him what I said earlier,] Tayarana replied.

[Ah, I understand.]

Mariam slightly bowed her head and looked towards Han-Yeol. Then, she proceeded to explain.

“Tayarana-nim wishes to convey that, as a Special Member and Vice Commander of the Horus raid party, Han-Yeol Hunter-nim should walk with her. Even though you are classified as a Healer and Supporter. I might have mentioned this before, but I think it is only right to let you know once again that, Hunter-nim, you also have the freedom to operate in any role you wish, so you can participate in the hunt to your heart's content.”

“Ah, is that so?” Han-Yeol muttered in response.

He did not fully understand the reason why he had to join the front even after listening to Mariam’s explanation. Nevertheless, he accepted it, because Tayarana had told him to do so.

Han-Yeol then radioed Yoo-Bi and the Mulan film crew to move closer to the front, but not too close to the forefront, as there was always the risk of being attacked by monsters. That was why he told them to be at the front, albeit, at a safe distance where he could reach them at a moment’s notice should anything go south.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The monster detector began to beep wildly all of a sudden.

[Mariam-nim, five monsters are rapidly approaching from 1.3 km ahead. We estimate that we are going to make contact in fifty seconds,] one of the porters reported urgently.

[What? It was only detected after it got this close to us?] Mariam asked in shock.

The conversation between Mariam and her subordinate was in Arabic, but she continued to relay the entire conversation in Korean to everybody telepathically.

‘Mariam-nim, the monsters inside Paradise Field are?ghost-type?monsters. They are able to enter a zero-mana state and?hibernate?to avoid detection, and they only become active when they sense an enemy?coming?within their detection range,’?Han-Yeol relayed.

[Understood. Everyone, prepare for battle!] Mariam ordered.

Mariam’s telepathic ability was simply exceptional. She had already given numerous orders with clarity and precision to each and every one of the raid party members simply with her ability. She had no need to raise her voice. It was truly a very convenient ability that allowed the user to communicate without the need for a radio.


[Prepare for battle!] the Hunters from the Horus raid party shouted in unison.

At long last, it was finally the first battle of the hunt. The Hunters under the Horus raid party drew their weapons and the Porters also readied their guns as they waited for their targets to appear.

[It’s about time. I was starting to get bored,] Tayarana said.


Tayarana unsheathed her golden sword from her waist with a bored look on her face.

There was probably nobody crazy enough to forge an entire sword out of pure gold, but the gold-made sword suited her very well. It did look quite bizarre, though.




The monsters that the device had detected finally appeared in front of them. There were five evil spirits, covered in cloth from head to toe and blood dripping from every part of their body, coming at them from the front.

These ghosts were not transparent or anything similar to the portrayals by the mainstream media, but rather, they possessed a physical body and used physical abilities.

Each of these ghosts held a saw called a ‘hacksaw’, and these weapons were much more durable than a regular saw.

[Porters, open fire!] Mariam ordered.

Interestingly, it seemed that Mariam was also in charge of the Horus raid party’s managerial duties.

The Egyptian Porters affiliated with the Horus raid party opened fire at Mariam’s command. Yoo-Bi, who had been demoted to a Porter for this raid since Mariam had taken on the role of manager, started firing at the evil spirits as well.


Bullets rained down upon the evil spirits, but they were not effective at all.

[This is a real-time briefing. The evil spirits up ahead are called Banshees, and their special ability is called ‘Blink’. Their combat style consists of teleporting a short distance every thirty seconds. You will have to pay special attention to your rear while fighting them,] Mariam explained.

‘Yes!’?the raid party replied in unison.

Han-Yeol was already well aware of what monsters inhabited this hunting ground, so his mind was wandering somewhere else. ‘Do these monsters really have something to do with the Angel Shards…?’

The evil spirits resembled demons at a glance, and it was unlikely that they would have anything to do with something that was called an ‘Angel Shard’ judging by their appearances. However, Han-Yeol had scoured for information all over the place, and this was the only place he could find that had the potential to have what he was looking for.


Five Banshees simultaneously used Blink and appeared in front of the Hunters before swinging their hacksaws.

Whoosh! Clang!


[These bastards are fast!] a Hunter from the Horus raid party shouted.

Thus, the clash between the evil spirits and the Egyptian hunters had begun.

[Mariam, take command,] Tayarana ordered.

[Do not worry Tayarana-nim, and I pray for your safety,] Mariam replied.

[Okay,] Tayarana said.


Tayarana handed over the command of the entire operation to her most trusted deputy, Mariam. Then, she spread open the wings of her Horus armor. She gathered her mana and launched herself into the air.


She flew at a ferocious speed toward the Banshees, swinging her sword and maneuvering herself around them.

Clang! Clang! Sukeok!

“Kieeeeek!”?one of the Banshees cried out in agony.

The single Banshee was cut deeply in the chest by Tayarana’s golden sword, but that was not the end of it. Tayarana made a huge turn and dove toward the Banshees once again.

The Banshees seemed to have realized by now that Tayarana was a very dangerous opponent. They started to show signs of being wary of her.

‘I’m here too,’?Han-Yeol grumbled inwardly after feeling ignored by the evil spirits.


Since the Banshees were so busy being wary of Tayarana, Han-Yeol did not let the window of opportunity slip by. He tied up one of the Banshees by materializing and throwing the chain that was sealed inside his tattoo.


Then, Tayarana did not give the Banshee time to react. She immediately swooped down and cut the tied-up Banshee’s neck in one fluid motion.


The Banshee that Han-Yeol had chained up was decapitated in a single blow.

‘As expected, the ability of an S Rank hunter is on a whole different level,’?Han-Yeol thought while being amazed.

To Han-Yeol, Tayarana was a very powerful Hunter who was not only strong but stylish in the way she fought as well. It was not an easy feat to cleanly decapitate a monster in a single blow, no matter how defenseless the monster was.


The Banshee’s decapitated body disappeared with a puff of smoke.


Han-Yeol saw something drop right where the monster's corpse had been. He wanted nothing more than to rush over and check if what the Banshee had dropped was the item that he was looking for, but he had to hold his horses as there were still four Banshees remaining.

Now, the Banshees were not only wary of Tayarana but also of Han-Yeol. It might have been Tayarana who had decapitated the Banshee in a single blow, but they judged that she had been able to do that because of the male Hunter who had restricted its movement.

The Banshees were possibly higher-leveled monsters compared to Han-Yeol, but his Restrain skill reinforced with his new chain proved to be quite effective against them.

Kieeeek!” action


One of the Banshees let out a shriek and used Blink once again after the thirty-second cooldown was up. It appeared right in front of Han-Yeol as it brandished its hacksaw. It seemed to have judged that he was an easier target compared to Tayarana, and it planned to eliminate him first.

‘Not so fast!’?Han-Yeol thought.


Han-Yeol easily blocked the Banshee’s attack as he showcased the swordsmanship skills he had learned and honed under Kajikar’s tutelage.

He might have been using the chain as his primary weapon, but Han-Yeol was a jack of all trades who was able to use most weapons and learn all skills related to them.

Clang! Clang!?

The Banshee tried to kill him as quickly as possible by swinging its hacksaw toward him, but Han-Yeol dodged the quick and powerful attack without much effort.

‘Its attack pattern is quite simple,’?Han-Yeol thought.

The Banshee’s attack was quite fast and powerful, but it was not a threat at all to Han-Yeol, who possessed a cheat skill called Sixth Sense. The skill allowed him to see the Banshee’s attack in slow motion, making it quite easy to avoid. Not only that, but there were also many other Hunters around him who covered for him.

[Die!!] one of the Egyptian Hunter yelled.


The Hunter threw a spear at the side of the Banshee that was aiming for Han-Yeol.



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