Life After Prison

Chapter 1040

Chapter 1040

Chapter 1040

Chapter 1040

“How can you let such an unreliable guy be your boyfriend? Wouldn’t Mister Rico here be a better option?” Audrey asked snarkily.

As good-tempered as Chelsea was, even she could not stand how Audrey kept on picking on Severin. Her face darkened. “Audrey Moore, I know what kind of boyfriend Severin is, so you don’t have to worry about anything. Plus, sticking your nose in other people’s business is really not a good look on you.”

Audrey’s face darkened too. Sensing she had pushed Chelsea to her limit, she softened her tone a little.” Chelsea, we meant you well. We should marry our own kind. We’re also worried you’ll be cheated by a sc* mbag.”

Unexpectedly, the restaurant’s manager came running into the room and said, “I’m sorry, folks. But someone has booked the entire restaurant so all of you will need to eat somewhere else.”

“You must be joking, right? Who’s the arrogant pr*ck that’s kicking us out?” Rico asked unhappily.

“Are you blind? Don’t you know this here is Mister Rico, of the Miller family? How dare you kick us out when we haven’t even finished our food,” uttered Audrey coldly.

“I’m sorry but the person who booked the entire restaurant is the mayor’s son. He said he wants to hold a banquet for an important figure. So we have no choice but to request you all go eat somewhere else.”

After a pause, the manager added, “By the way, Mister Harry said he’ll pay for everyone’s dinner.”

“Oh, it’s Mister Harry. We should just go then. We’re nearly done eating anyway. As for these wines… we can ask the restaurant to keep it for us next time.”

Rico immediately gave in when he heard it was Harry who booked the entire restaurant. He was definitely someone he could not afford to cross. Harry was known as a ruthless guy so everyone knew to stay away from him. The people who had crossed him all died under mysterious circumstances the next day.

“Good call, Rico. I’m actually quite full already so let’s all go,” said Audrey.

Everyone, including Chelsea, stood up. ‘This is so unfair… she thought. ‘But it’s not we can do anything about it.’ novelbin

Audrey scoffed when she noticed Severin had remained seated. “What are you still sitting there for? Get up now. You should count yourself lucky that you didn’t need to foot the bill for this dinner since Mister Harry paid it off already.”

Zayne was crushed that he would not be able to see Severin being humiliated so he scoffed too. “Yeah. You’re really lucky to be getting away with this!”

Severin said nothing; he simply poured some more red wine into his glass. Seeing this, the manager’s expression hardened. “Mister Harry said everyone has to leave within ten minutes. The ones that do not will be punished accordingly so hurry up, Mister. The clock is ticking.”

Severin took a sip of his wine and said to the manager, “Don’t you think what Mister Harry did is a little unfair to all of us? He should’ve booked the restaurant earlier if he so desperately wants to hold a banquet for an important figure. We haven’t even finished eating and yet he’s kicking us out?”


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