Life After Prison

Chapter 1253

Chapter 1253

Chapter 1253

“Snap out of it, Sofia!” she mumbled to herself as she stared at

the mirror. “Women like you should be more reserved! You had

many suitors out there trying to win over your heart, but

you’ve never accepted any of them. How could you bring yourself to lower your standards and go after a married man?” novelbin

From another perspective, she said, “But then again! He’s someone you get along well with. Are you really going to let the opportunity slip by just because you refuse to lower your ego? You should seize the opportunity and give it your all!”

Two opposing views plagued Sofia as she gave up and laid in bed. She tossed and turned, unable to sleep due to her wild thoughts. As if that could not get any worse, she frowned when she heard Sheila’s moans from next door.

Sofia frowned at first, but her heartbeat began to accelerate. when she realized what was going on. After a while, her cheeks

became even redder.

“Is the soundproofing here that terrible? Gah! Why did I have to choose a room next to Sheila?” Sofia facepalmed. She chose this room because she liked the style of the decor. She did not. expect Sheila’s room to be just next door, much less that Sheila would be moaning in ecstasy that night.

Unbeknownst to Sofia, any ordinary person would not have

Chapter 1253

been able to hear those moans. She could do so because her

attainment was very high. Her eyes and ears were

strengthened to a much higher degree compared to most

ordinary people, hence allowing her to hear everything clearly.

Time passed slowly, and Sofia felt as though it was becoming

more and more difficult for her to fall asleep. She could not

help herself from letting her mind think wildly. Ten minutes

passed, and Sofia tried her best not to think about it as she sat

on the bed. She said softly to herself, “It’s fine. They’ll

probably end soon.”

However, another half an hour passed, and Sofia’s patience. was wearing thin. The moans were still going strong even after an hour. She could finally breathe a sigh of relief when the

sounds died down after two whole hours.

She walked into the bathroom and washed her face with cold

water. Then, she returned to the bed and unconsciously fell asleep as the fatigue rushed over her.

The next morning, she washed up after getting out of bed and happened to run into Severin after walking out of the room.

“Hello, Severin!” Sofia glanced at him with a slightly weird expression. In her mind, she was shocked to see how energetic he still looks in the morning even after an entire night’s worth of activities.

Severin smiled, took out a small porcelain bottle, and handed it

Chanter 1253


to her. “Fate brought us together as friends. I have here for you a pill that I just refined. I hope it’ll help you secure a


“I can’t possibly accept this! Then again, it would be rude of me not to accept your gesture, so I’ll gladly accept. If you need my help with anything in the future, please don’t hesitate to let

me know.”

Although Sofia did not think the pill that Severin gave her was valuable, she still took the pill and put it in her spatial ring.

After all, she believed that Severin’s alchemical proficiency was not that high. Even if he was a second–grade high–rank alchemist, it would not derive too huge an effect in her

attainment if she consumed that pill. Nevertheless, having

pills like that would still be beneficial for cultivation, so there was no harm in keeping them.


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