Life After Prison

Chapter 1281

Chapter 1281

Chapter 1281

Chapter 1281


Meldrick gasped. His mouth remained open, looking aghast.

It took him a while to finally gather his thoughts. He

exclaimed, “Sofia! Are you kidding me? Do you just say Severin killed Ronnie? That’s impossible!”

Sofia started to wonder if she had misunderstood Meldrick.

Perhaps Meldrick did not tell Ronnie that Severin had killed.

Brandon. Meldrick did not look like he knew Ronnie had tried

to Kill Severin.

She scoffed, “Why is it impossible? Ronnie tried to kill Severin

because Severin killed his son. Severin was the one who told

1. me. He won’t lie to me about that. Severin is stronger than In the end, Ronnie was the one who got killed instead.”

“Oh! Isn’t Severin almost the same age as us? How did he improve so fast? Ronnie is a level seven warrior emperor! With that said, Severin’s attainment is higher than a level seven warrior emperor.”

Meldrick was shocked. Previously, he convinced himself that

Ronnie must have gotten killed by Ronnie’s enemies on the

way to kill Severin. That was why Ronnie had not returned after so long.


Little did he know that Severin had already killed Ronnie, and Severin was still alive.

“Sofia, I take it that you came out this time to look for Severin.”

Meldrick’s heart hurt knowing Sofia left the sect just to visit Severin. He understood Sofia stopped him from killing Severin because she was grateful that Severin saved us once. However, he knew it was totally different. Her purpose was not as pure as that anymore.

Sofia nodded. “Yes, I passed by South Link City after

completing a mission. I remembered he once told us that he lived in South Link City, so I considered visiting him and taking some time off to relax.”

“You happened to pass by and decided to take some time off?”

Meldrick frowned. Obviously, he did not believe what Sofia said.

Suddenly, Sofia frowned too, “If you weren’t the one who told novelbin

Ronnie, then why would he know Severin was the one who

killed his son?”

Meldrick quickly thought of a reason. “There’s no secret that can be kept forever. Maybe he heard something when he was

out, or he was proud of it and showed it off to his family or

friends. The person he killed was a member of our sect. It’s definitely something to show off, don’t you think?”

Sofia thought about it and realized what Meldrick said was


quite true. She nodded and said, “Maybe. I’ll get going now. You have to train harder because I’m catching up to you now.”

Meldrick smiled, “I know. I don’t dare to waste a second. I’ve been training hard to improve myself.”

“Alright. I’m leaving now. Bye.”

Sofia smiled and flew away.

After Sofia was gone, the smile on Meldrick’s face disappeared immediately. He looked intimidating and angry instead.


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