Life After Prison

Chapter 1385

Chapter 1385

Chapter 1385

Chapter 1385

“This is it! He’s staying there!” Stephanie smiled and exclaimed.

Musa looked around and saw a hotel across from the street. “Let’s go take a rest at the hotel first and have our dinner later. We shall make the move during midnight.”

Stephanie nodded. “I suggest we change our clothes and buy two masks to cover our laces. Then he won’t know it’s us,”

Musa nodded approvingly and left the villa.

“Mister Severin, when are you planning to go back? Our flight is tomorrow morning. Why don’t we grab a few drinks tonight? We have no idea when will the next time we can meet.” Zeke asked when he saw Severin return.

Severin smiled and answered, “We just booked our flight ticket and we’re flying off tomorrow afternoon

He thought for a while and said, “If we’re drinking, why don’t I get more people to join? I can ask my disciples, the Four Great War Gods to join too.”

“Hahah! Of course. I mean why not.” Zeke laughed out loud

Not a lot of people knew that the Four Great War Gods were Severin’s disciples because he hardly told anyone about it. Nevertheless, Zeke was one of the ones who knew it so he was really very impressed with Severin. In fact, he felt extremely lucky to be friends with Severin. He owed it to Severin. Because of Severin, his attainment improved speedily.

Since all of them were quite tired, they decided to take a rest. Later, Severin called Beryl and invited them over to have a few drinks together.

After Beryl and the others got the alchemical pills from Severin, they eagerly started their training for the past two days. Now that they had consumed one alchemical pill, they had successfully broken through and became level two warrior emperors.

When they arrived at the villa, they looked very happy. They knew that Severin was leaving soon, so they brought gifts over to give Diane, Sheila, and the others.

Without a doubt, Felicia could not stop smiling when she received gifts from the Four Great War Gods.

“Alright, let’s take a group photo. It’s not often to see the Four Great War Gods together and Mister Zeke is here too. We need to take a photo to capture this precious moment!” Felicia suggested.

Once Sevrin heard Felicia’s suggestion, he was not surprised because he knew Felicia wanted to use the photo to show off to the other people. That was her real intention. novelbin

Normally, the Four Great War Gods would never entertain this type of request. However, Felicia was Severin’s mother–in–law, so they did not dare to reject it.

Then again, Calum was actually very happy with the suggestion. “Hahaha Good idea. We have never taken a photo together with Master. I mean we did take a photo together during his wedding but it was taken with so many other people. This is a good chance to take the photo because there are not many people.”

“That’s rigia! I can send the photo out later after we take the plisto. Everyone can kasep a copy!” Felicia replied excitedly. Then she quickly asked Lillie and Wendy to help tale the photo. After the photo was taken, the sky was slowly turning dark.


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