Life After Prison

Chapter 1391

Chapter 1391

Chapter 1391

Chapter 1391 novelbin

Musa nodded with a bitter smile. “Yes. He must be a saint.”

“Gosh, I really have a hard time accepting that he’s a saint.”

She regretted why she acted so confident when she left the sect because now she had no way to fulfill the promise she made.

Musa sighed. “Luckily we had our masks on and he couldn’t tell it was us. I’m sure he has the cauldron with him. He even tried to trick us in the beginning. If he didn’t have it, why don’t he dare to let us look into his spatial ring?

Stephanie thought of it and frowned. “But he did suspect if he saw us in the auction center before. Then again, he trusted what we said later. I guess our covers are not blown.”

Musa nodded. “That’s a good thing. Let’s just forget about taking the cauldron back. We’re really unlucky to meet him. I trust that your father won’t blame us if we tell him what happened.”

Stephanie started to guess. “I wonder if he is from another sect. I mean how could a strong person continue to remain mundane world?”


“Maybe. Maybe his sect knew the auction house was auctioning the cauldron from somewhere and sent him here to join the bidding.” Musa replied.

“Argh, forget about it! I feel so embarrassed that we didn’t get the cauldron but we can’t ask the elders to come take it. It’s not easy going against a saint. I guess we have to admit that we are too unlucky.”

Since Severn spared them their lives, Stephanie knew better than to try another attempt. However, she really felt very awful because of the defeat.

“Severin, are you sure those two people are not going to cause us any more trouble?”

When they were back in the villa, Felicia was still a little worried.

Severin smiled bitterly. “I don’t think so. They wore the masks so we can’t tell who they were. I bet they are feeling very embarrassed now. So no, I don’t think they will have the courage to come challenge me again.”

“That’s good. Very good! I’m really afraid that they are going to come to find us again!” Felicia said while patting her chest,

“Haha. Don’t worry. It’s not going to be a problem,” Severin chuckled and assured there would not be any danger.

After that, they continued drinking happily. It was late at night when the others were finally willing to go home. When Severin sent everyone out, he went to his room to take his shower and went to Diane’s room.

Diane had just had her shower too and was lying on the bed when Severin came into the room. Her face blushed and looked shay. “Are you not going to produce any akhemical pills tonight? Why did you come here?”

Severin smiled. “It’s already late so I don’t plan on doing that. We’re going back tomorrow and I can produce more when we

back. Besides, how can I resist letting a beautiful woman like you sleep alone!

Diane rolled her eyes and said, “You dirty–minded person! Why do you keep on thinking about that?”

By then, Severin had climbed up the bed and hugged Diane. He chuckled. “I’m dirty–minded? What’s wrong with sleeping with my wife?

As he said that, be wasted no time and pressed his lip against Diane’s


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