Life After Prison

Chapter 1403

Chapter 1403

Chapter 1403

Chapter 1403

“Ummm… nothing!” Sofia’s had an embarrassed look on her face. She never expected that Severin was talking about a flying sword. The misunderstanding was ridiculous

Fearing that Severin would find out about her wretched thoughts, Sofia immediately jumped onto the flying sword and changed the subject. This flying sword is so charismatic, and it looks very beautiful too. How fast does it go, though?”

Severin smiled and said, “Well, it’s not that fast, but it’s not like we really need to fly that fast anyway. We’re not in that big of

a rush, after all.”

Severin channeled his spiritual energy and a bit of mental power into the flying sword. It began to rise slowly and fly forward In the blink of an eve

“This is still pretty fast! Sofia was awestruck as she stood on the flying sword and looked at the clouds below. The flying sword could fly fast enough without consuming much spiritual energy–demonstrating just how valuable it was

Severin smiled and said, “This speed is probably less than half of its normal speed. This is a ninth– grade spiritual weapon known as the Blood Fiend Sword.”

“Ninth–grade? I expected it to be a spiritual weapon, but I was thinking that it might just be a fourth- or fifth–grade spiritual weapon. I didn’t expect it to be a ninth–grade spiritual weapon.”

Sofia was shocked by that revelation. “Our sect doesn’t even have a weapon like that.”

A sudden thought then occurred to Sofia “Why aren’t you afraid to show me something so valuable? What if I rob you? It would’ve been better for you not to use it.”

Severin smiled nonchalantly. “Rob me? That would depend on whether you’re even strong enough to do that!” novelbin

Sofia was speechless. She originally thought that he only dated to show her such an important treasure because he trusted her character and believed her to be a trustworthy person, but it turned out that he looked down on her attainment.

Then, Severin added, “That aside, I don’t think you’re that kind of person. I’ve given you a third–grade pill to help you make a breakthrough in your attainment, and I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t spum my kindness.”

Sofia’s heart warmed and she said with a smile, “Of course, You are my benefactor, and I ought to repay you for your kindness, rather than spurn it.”

After some thought, Severin asked Sofia curiously, “I understand that you’re an elite disciple, but would the sect just allow you to be away for such a long period without having any tasks assigned to you? I don’t know much about these things, nich less how their way of managing their members. I’m just curious.”

“Don’t worry,” Sofia answered. “It’ll be fine for the sect leader to know. I only came out because I got his consent.”

“Your leader agreed to let you go out and enjoy yourself?” Severin alueid


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