Life After Prison

Chapter 1411

Chapter 1411

Chapter 1411

Chapter 1411

Severin had been chatting away happily with Sofia while they were wallding past a crowded place. He did not have his guard up then, because they could not possibly should have offended anyone when they just arrived at the city several hours ago.

When they arrived at that deserted park, Severin care to realize that someone was following him. “We’re being tailed.”

Sofia frowned and turned around to see an attractive and slightly curvier young woman following them from behind. The strange woman seemed to want to say something but was hesitant to do so. novelbin

As soon as the young woman noticed that Sofia was looking in her direction, she immediately lowered her head and averted her gaze, as if a little scared.

Sofia stayed close to Severin and walked forward slowly. After some time, she turned to Severin and asked him curiously, “Do you know her? Why is she following us?”

Severin smiled wryly. “Why would 1 know her? This is my first time coming here.”

Sofia teased. “But she keeps following us! Is she an old friend of yours?=

Severin was speechless. All he could do was deny it. “Of course not! Wouldn’t Diane and Sheila know about the existence of this ‘old friend’?”

“What if you’ve been keeping this friend a secret from them?” Sofia continued to tease. “Plenty of men have affairs without their wives‘ knowledge because they’re afraid of telling their wives about it. Maybe you’re a cheater?”

Severin felt attacked. He smiled bitterly and said, “That’s ridiculous! I am a man of honesty and virtue. I’m not going to cheat on them! You should know me better than anyone! I’m a county governor and a third–grade alchemist. I could’ve easily hooked up with other women without having to go behind Diane and Sheila’s back. Besides, they both trust me, and they know that I’m not that sort of person. I tell them everything”

Sofia then burst out laughing. “Look at you getting all flustered! I’m just kidding! She then turned around and looked at the woman behind them. “I wonder why this woman has been following us for some time now. Why don’t you ask her? She’s making me uncomfortable.”

Severin nodded. “Okay. I’ll ask her,” he said as he turned around and strode toward Betty.

It was Betty’s first time doing something like that, so she was a little nervous when she saw Severin walking toward her.

“Is something the matter, miss? Why are you following us? Severin asked as soon as he approached her.

Betty looked up at him with a tender gaze and said, “Did you forget me already? We had such an unforgettable night with each other. I want to do it with you again for just another night. Please?”

Severin was speechless. He was sure that it was his first visit to Reputab, so he could not have met that woman below. Moreover, she was a level six warrior king, and he did not know any woman with that level of attainment.

“Hebe, you must’ve mistaken me for someone else. I don’t know you at all!” Severin said before turning to leave.

Severin turned around just as Sofia was coming over, so the woman grabbed Severin’s hand instantly and pressed it onto her breasts before Severin could react


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