Life After Prison

Chapter 1442

Chapter 1442

Chapter 1442

Chapter 1442

Meena replied, “Let’s see… more than twenty days I think.”

Severin gasped, “More than twenty days! Then you must have reached the deepest side of the forest. Isn’t it too dangerous for you to enter that area with your attainment?”

“So I didn’t go there. I have been wandering around the outer part most of the time,” Meena answered.

Sofia joined the conversation. “She’s not too bad. You shouldn’t compare her with yourself. And her telekinesis is not as strong as yours. So she could not travel far in one day. The distance you travel in a day is probably three or four times further than hers.”

Severin thought of what Sofia said and nodded. ‘Sofia is right. Our speed is different so I shouldn’t use my speed to determine how far Meena went, he thought..

Then he asked, “Hey since you have been in the forest for so long, you must have met a lot of people. Did you hear or meet anyone from Capra Hall?”

Meena frowned and said, “Capra Hall? I know my capabilities so I normally avoid people when I see them because I don’t want to create any trouble. I have never heard about anything about Capra Hall”

Severin just realized he had asked a stupid question. Who in the world would want to be a busybody that pried on other people’s business? The foggy forest was a dangerous place. No one would be dumb enough to bring danger to themselves.

Despite that, Severin was not about to give up. “Then have you seen or heard of Billie Moreno and his wife, Lulu?”

Clearly, the answer was expected. Meena shook her head. “No…”

She thought for a while and said, “Oh. I heard there are some forces that live in this forest because they were trying to avoid their enemies. They hardly left the forest, Could the Capra Hall you mentioned face the same situation?”

Severin smiled bitterly and nodded. “Yes. I don’t need to keep it a secret from you. I’m here because I’m looking for them.” novelbin

Meena smiled bitterly. “I’m sorry but I have really never seen or heard of thein before. I’m sure with your attainment and. strong telekinesis, the chances of you finding them are very high.”

“Thanks anyway.” Severin smiled.

“You’re welcome. I didn’t do anything to help you. Oh, I heard there is a force called Devil Gang in the forest. The Gang has many strong members. They would capture people who came in here and force them to work for them. No one can disobey them. Maybe they have captured the people from Capra Hall or the people you are looking for.”

“Devil Gang?” Severin was stunned.

Then he thought, ‘Maybe Meena was right. Maybe the Devil Gang had captured Billie and the others from Capra Hall. That’s why I can’t find any information. I think if they are still alive, there is where they are.‘


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